Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Inaccuracies, Unsupported Claims and Incomplete Research

Comments for May 22, 2012

I've spent a bit of time navigating to various web sites to find out where Rosemary has continued to falsely accuse E J Fargo of nefarious conduct regarding Addie Hoyt Fargo.  The theme is always the same, as is the message.

The is a ongoing practice by Rosemary stating that any source, document, conclusion or opinion that doesn't agree with her conspiracy theory is a lie....or the reason the opinion is wrong is that she can't show all the evidence she has.  A good example of how this works is Rosemary's comparison between Addie's obituary as printed in the Jefferson Union (Banner) and the Lake Mills Leader.    The obituaries are essentially identical with a few words changed or omitted.  The Jefferson Union obit doesn't shine any additional light or raise any additional questions.  But Rosemary, in all her wisdom, determined that the few differences indicated the LM Leader obituary was not the truth.  When I read this I thought it was quite a leap to get to that conclusion but that has been Rosemary's methodology for twisting the factual evidence.  Instead of making her case it merely exposed Rosemary's strong need to have only one voice at the table.....hers. 

In some of the other internet postings she is called out be other readers and people that know her.  Then these postings disappear.....  In at least one case, that I know of, the IP address for a reader has been blocked.  There are probably more examples that others can contribute.

The point I want to make is that the wheels keep falling off the Rosemary murder conspiracy wagon and, rather than drop the subject, she doubles down with less accuracy, more false information and wildly outrageous claims.  I could go into more detail but most of her mythology has been exposed and discussed in the E J Fargo blog....and other internet sites....if it hasn't been deleted.

Rosemary doesn't seem to care about anything or anybody other than herself and her image. In addition to the vicious and inaccurate attack on E J Fargo she attacked another Sears Homes researcher mercilessly.  The summary of Laurie Flori's experience is in a blog on this site.  The account of this case demonstrates the lengths Rosemary is willing to go to feed her needs.

Now this was brought to my attention by an alert reader.  The author of this dissertation makes the following statement regarding one of Rosemary's books:

".....is a poorly written, privately published work with many factual errors."

Others that read this blog have posted similar concerns.  As these readers comment on the inaccuracy of Rosemary's body of work related to Addie they question the accuracy of her Sears Kit Homes work.  Based on this comment there may be good reason to raise those questions.  I would rather go to the Sears Archive site to gather information thinking the information there had already been vetted by knowledgeable researchers.

Here is the URL for the entire comment.....

Might have to copy and past into a browser window.
Here's the link to the Sears Archives home page and there is a link for information on kit homes.  A very good source of information without the added overhead.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Addie Hoyt Fargo Grave Artifacts

Comments for May 4, 2012

Wednesday I drove to Lake Mills to meet with the cemetery sexton and an E J supporter to re-bury the artifacts I have from Addie's grave.  It was the right thing to do and it's too bad Rosemary couldn't find a way to send the cremains of Addie along to be included.  Rosemary has gotten all the mileage she should ever get by carrying on about the false allegations invented against E J.  Since each and every allegation has been shown to be unfounded I thougt it might be time to 'do the right thing' and place Addie's ashes in the grave where she was originally buried along with all the rest of Addie's remains that were not dug up.  That was not to be......

As a side note:
I took a bit more time to look at the piece of shoe that Rosemary didn't get her hands on.  This piece included the lace and the eyelets.  There were 4 eyelets on each side for a total of eight.  The laces was neatly tied.  This piece was the entire front of the shoe Addie had on when she died. The picture in the Addie blog of calf high boots falsely portrays the actual facts, as usual.  This was a far more casual shoe that could easily be slipped on without extensive lacing.

Turned out to be a warm and sunny day after some pretty substantial storms the night before.  I think Lake Mills was hit with damaging storms again later that had 1 inch hail. 

This is a picture of the sexton using a clam shell digger to dig the hole.  The placement was approximately in the grave site where all the artifacts were originally found.  The location is in the northeast corner by the foot stone. 

Another picture of the sexton.  The hole was dug sufficiently deep enough to make sure the artifacts would stay in the ground.

Another angle showing the proximity to Addie's foot stone.

The glass from the coffin viewing window, the pictured hardware (see previous blog), and a small amount of dirt were buried, in addition to the show lace.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Addie Hoyt Fargo - Internet Tentacles All Over

Comments for May 1, 2012

Happy Mayday!!

The Sears Homes blog now looks like a Sear Homes blog.  Not sure what the impetus was for deletion of the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog information but it's gone, for the most part.

Unfortunately, the Addie dreck has spread to other parts of the internet.   It's all the same theme.... E J is a bad guy and Addie was taken advantage of and eventually murdered.  None of it is based in fact as has been stated on this blog time and time again.  I started to contact various web sites to 'encourage' them to remove the erroneous content with limited success.

Simply searching for all the nooks and crannies where information has been posted is quite a long and tedious effort.  Some folks have helped by sending me links they discover.  And that's appreciated.

Wikipedia finally deleted the content for E J Fargo....originally posted by Rosemary and sprinkled with her agenda.

Rosemary posted a review of Mary Wilson's book on Amazon with follow up comments...click on the (1) on the right side.  Rosemary does have her picture and the review that should be removed.  Amazon seems reluctant to remove reviews even when there is a report of abuse.  Perhaps is everyone that reads this blog were to report it as abuse then Amazon might get the message.

Not sure how this URL picked up the 11 sign posts blog but it got printed.  Not sure if Rosemary had a role in getting that message out, or not.
The spousal abuse video of Rosemary's fictional story about Addie is still out there.  Might be the property of the Lake Mills cable channel.
...as is the last gasp YouTube video that was posted two weeks ago..
The interesting aspect of the following URL is that it points at a large number of related links.  Some are newspaper articles....some written by Rosemary. 
Then there's this blog with all the unrelated Addie stuff posted by Rosemary.
Not sure but this looks like another Rosemary blog.....  This looks like it links to a bunch of the Sears Homes blogs. Some are still there. Maybe this is the blog Rosemary claimed she couldn't afford in one of her previous comments. Looks like continuation of , and linked to, the same stuff.
I now control this grave memorial but still cannot delete the picture of E J or the caption underneath the picture.  I'm still working on that part.

The bottom line is that while Rosemary has removed the Addie content from the Sear Homes blog she seems to want to continue her vendetta against E J.  After talking to Laurie Flori it's not surprising that she would continue since she still can't seem to behave after a court order was issued against her.
Anyone know an enterprising attorney that would like to engage in this mess?  I don't have a lot of money but can cough up $1000 retainer to get the ball moving.  The attorney can then keep 50% of anything collected in a law suit.
 If you know of someone please send them along.  A Dane County attorney would be preferable.....