Friday, May 4, 2012

Addie Hoyt Fargo Grave Artifacts

Comments for May 4, 2012

Wednesday I drove to Lake Mills to meet with the cemetery sexton and an E J supporter to re-bury the artifacts I have from Addie's grave.  It was the right thing to do and it's too bad Rosemary couldn't find a way to send the cremains of Addie along to be included.  Rosemary has gotten all the mileage she should ever get by carrying on about the false allegations invented against E J.  Since each and every allegation has been shown to be unfounded I thougt it might be time to 'do the right thing' and place Addie's ashes in the grave where she was originally buried along with all the rest of Addie's remains that were not dug up.  That was not to be......

As a side note:
I took a bit more time to look at the piece of shoe that Rosemary didn't get her hands on.  This piece included the lace and the eyelets.  There were 4 eyelets on each side for a total of eight.  The laces was neatly tied.  This piece was the entire front of the shoe Addie had on when she died. The picture in the Addie blog of calf high boots falsely portrays the actual facts, as usual.  This was a far more casual shoe that could easily be slipped on without extensive lacing.

Turned out to be a warm and sunny day after some pretty substantial storms the night before.  I think Lake Mills was hit with damaging storms again later that had 1 inch hail. 

This is a picture of the sexton using a clam shell digger to dig the hole.  The placement was approximately in the grave site where all the artifacts were originally found.  The location is in the northeast corner by the foot stone. 

Another picture of the sexton.  The hole was dug sufficiently deep enough to make sure the artifacts would stay in the ground.

Another angle showing the proximity to Addie's foot stone.

The glass from the coffin viewing window, the pictured hardware (see previous blog), and a small amount of dirt were buried, in addition to the show lace.


  1. How ironic is it that someone would post a blog about mudita and then go on a crusade to make the public believe that Enoch killed his wife without taking time to read the document she claims was evidence. The part about mudita should have been omitted and the focus should have been on the Schadenfreude.

    Why go and complain to your own bucket of crabs about someone using mean and ugly language and names about you when you are the one spreading rumors about someone’s dead relatives? And to have the gall to dig the man’s wife up and take her away.

    A rational thinking person would gather information and be able to undeniably prove the theories and engage in some unbiased questioning with professionals before going into a public forum and saying your family killed my family. If you go tell a mid west funeral director / historian that you’re a world famous author and Enoch killed Addie and this is how I know then most likely he is not going to say you’re wrong.
    There are evidently lots of people that love the old houses that come to the blog. What a waste it is for a person to have the tools and influence to bring joy into the world but prefer to bring misery and stress instead. Don’t write about mudita and not be willing to practice what you preach.

    It is time to do the right thing and take down all the negative information that’s been spread out there on the internet. All of the theories have been easily dismissed as fairytales.
    You’ve made a big mistake and even if you don’t apologize you can still do the right thing. Put Addie back where she belongs. You don’t have to tell the world, just do it.

  2. Too bad the Garden Web site about Addie comes up "missing file." It was just getting interesting.

    1. "The Garden Web site about Addie comes up "missing file." ***MISSION ACCOMPLISHED***

      There are other post on Garden Web that promote the Addie tale. Be warned that if you try to post something that disputes the Addie story it gets deleted even though most there agree with you.

  3. I commented on the Garden Web Site and when I tried to visit again, it is gone. Rosemary is once again without the courage of her convictions to enter into a two sided debate. Each and every time she is contested, she runs and hides. There are some very bright people on Garden Spot and many of them see the holes in her stories without even hearing the historical evidence. Rosemary Thornton is such a trivial writer one can't help but see through her. Think about it, there are hundreds of graves in Rock Lake Cemetery without burial permits. She couldn't find one for Addie. The burial permit gives the location of the plot where a person is buried. How did you find out where Addie was buried so you could dig her up? You got the location from a map of the gravesites in Rock Lake Cemetery. Addie's grave was clearly marked, both EJ Fargo and I have seen the map. Nothing was hidden, you just couldn't find a permit. Who's the nitwit? And where was the town constable during all this? Is anyone gullible enough to believe that you could kill someone and bury them in a town of 1500 without law enforcement being involved. Oh, he must have been bribed too. Half the people in Lake Mills must have been involved in this mass cover up. The truth is Addie was a pampered wife with servants, coaches, horses, tennis court, the ability to travel anytime she wanted to, sleighs, the latest fashions, a mansion, money, and the prestige of being married to a wealthy man. The shame of it is that she died of diptheria at a very young age. Let her rest in peace. Richard

    1. Just how is it that you looked at a site map with a EJ Fargo, dude died like 91 years ago. And I am guessing you have seen the huge marker with Fargo on it right? And the foot stone with the name Addie on it? That is how she found the grave to dig it up. The markers were placed there by the Fargo family, and you don't forget where you bury a person legally or not. Not hard to figure out.

      And where was the town constable? Probably in bed, was someone supposed to call him or 911 with a smart phone or something? A rich guy with lots of pull in town said she died if diphtheria, why would they question that? Have you seen how many people are dead and missing under mysterious conditions lately, it happens all the time and people get away with it.

      And come on, government is corrupt. It didn't take much for it to happen then, and it doesn't take much now. People like money, and all it takes is finding the right person to cover something up.

    2. In regard to the first paragraph of 5/19/2012, 6:46 AM: As to why a site map is needed. Gravestones and huge memorials are not necessarily accurate. I have worked in abandoned cemetery restoration which involved marking plots and locating empty plots so they could be sold. Before a plot is marked, it must be determined where the bodies are buried. Often gravestones were not accurate. Often, there was an empty grave where a marker or headstone was.
      I didn't know any of the people involved in this when I began following it with the article in the Milw Journal Sentinel. It's not a matter of "taking sides." Look at the facts without all the additions. One will never know what happened over 100 years ago. Any body in any cemetery could be dug up and things about that person wouldn't make sense to the person who dug them up.
      As to: Someone who is rich having "lots of pull,I don't dispute that. I would add there is also the desire to trash the rich.
      As to facts, go back and look at the link from the county medical examiner's office, which is posted on this blog.
      Someone on gardenweb stated there are 3 sides to a story: his, hers, and the truth. It is suspect when links disappear once opposing views begin. And it has happened continually. It's also suspect when comments are not allowed on a site.
      The last paragraph of the above posting stated that people like money and all it takes is the right person to cover something up is true and that could be applied to this whole thing.

    3. 100% agree that a site map is needed and that was not in question, the question was how is it that one was looked at with someone who has been dead and buried for 91 years cause the guy said "both EJ Fargo and I have seen the map" and we all know that can't be true. That is what I was pointing out, if you are gonna try to make a point make it a good one with real people.

      And it doesn't hurt when trying to look at a site map to have a big ass marker like they have. That makes it easier.

      Don't know anything about a gardening website, wasn't talking bout that either.

      There is enough from both sides of this to call it a draw. Can say this tho, the rich don't get trashed without pissing someone off first. Sounds like Fargo pissed people off a lot.

      And reading this blog I would erase crap too if there was talk of lawsuits bout me. just sayin.

    4. To clarify, the EJ Fargo I was referring to is the writer of this blog. He is an heir of EJ Fargo.Richard

    5. If he is an heir then why don't he tell his real name is he embarrassed or something? Bob

    6. Bob,
      I think everyone who follows this closely knows who I am. Part of the reason the blog is under E J Fargo is to get internet search engine hits......
      The other idea is to remain one step removed.......
      However, E J has a name sake....only a last name has been added. Think about what that means when you read Rosemary's dreck. The modern day Enoch James Fargo reads his name being dragged through the mud without any factual reason.


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