Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Addie Hoyt Fargo - Internet Tentacles All Over

Comments for May 1, 2012

Happy Mayday!!

The Sears Homes blog now looks like a Sear Homes blog.  Not sure what the impetus was for deletion of the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog information but it's gone, for the most part.

Unfortunately, the Addie dreck has spread to other parts of the internet.   It's all the same theme.... E J is a bad guy and Addie was taken advantage of and eventually murdered.  None of it is based in fact as has been stated on this blog time and time again.  I started to contact various web sites to 'encourage' them to remove the erroneous content with limited success.

Simply searching for all the nooks and crannies where information has been posted is quite a long and tedious effort.  Some folks have helped by sending me links they discover.  And that's appreciated.

Wikipedia finally deleted the content for E J Fargo....originally posted by Rosemary and sprinkled with her agenda.

Rosemary posted a review of Mary Wilson's book on Amazon with follow up comments...click on the (1) on the right side.  Rosemary does have her picture and the review that should be removed.  Amazon seems reluctant to remove reviews even when there is a report of abuse.  Perhaps is everyone that reads this blog were to report it as abuse then Amazon might get the message.

Not sure how this URL picked up the 11 sign posts blog but it got printed.  Not sure if Rosemary had a role in getting that message out, or not.
The spousal abuse video of Rosemary's fictional story about Addie is still out there.  Might be the property of the Lake Mills cable channel.
...as is the last gasp YouTube video that was posted two weeks ago..
The interesting aspect of the following URL is that it points at a large number of related links.  Some are newspaper articles....some written by Rosemary. 
Then there's this blog with all the unrelated Addie stuff posted by Rosemary.
Not sure but this looks like another Rosemary blog.....  This looks like it links to a bunch of the Sears Homes blogs. Some are still there. Maybe this is the blog Rosemary claimed she couldn't afford in one of her previous comments. Looks like continuation of , and linked to, the same stuff.
I now control this grave memorial but still cannot delete the picture of E J or the caption underneath the picture.  I'm still working on that part.

The bottom line is that while Rosemary has removed the Addie content from the Sear Homes blog she seems to want to continue her vendetta against E J.  After talking to Laurie Flori it's not surprising that she would continue since she still can't seem to behave after a court order was issued against her.
Anyone know an enterprising attorney that would like to engage in this mess?  I don't have a lot of money but can cough up $1000 retainer to get the ball moving.  The attorney can then keep 50% of anything collected in a law suit.
 If you know of someone please send them along.  A Dane County attorney would be preferable.....



  1. Am so happy to disappoint you with the first comment on this particular blog, Eunuch. You always said to "follow the money." Well, this call for a class action suit exposes your cowardly and despicable motive. You are looking for money. As far as I'm concerned, any possible rational argument or refutation has just been negated. This is what you were shooting at all along, isn't it? You are too arrogant to understand that those who might entertain Ms. Thornton's point of view are an intelligent, thinking lot. The only person who's constantly been slandered, defamed, and defiled in this debate is Ms. Thornton. Your chance of winning a suit against her amounts to a snowball's chance of survival in hell. Your foolishness is far too obvious.

    1. Rational thinking people would not accuse someone of killing their wife and then dig her up to boot with the shameful accusations you throw around and then eventually call evidence. I don't remember this blog being in existence until those accusations were made. So I guess once again you've been proven wrong just like before. I'm happy you posted first too. Ted

    2. The money is secondary and only meant to pay attorney,court costs and to provide a penalty for Rosemary's behaviors. The idea is to stop her from searching out another victim and starting all over again. Laurie discovered that RIfosemary did not respect the court ruling when there wasn't money involved.
      If you have some other suggestion on how to stop Rosemary, make sure she adheres to a court ruling and doesn't attack other people I'm open to listening.
      Cost is generally a very strong deterrent to repeating poor behavior. Perhaps a life timeout would be more appropriate?
      As for those that entertain Ms. Thornton's point of view all I can say is:
      1. Supporting Ms. Thornton's point of view
      2. Intelligent , thinking lot
      Are oxymnorons.............

    3. Something I have noticed in my long life is that people who claim to be intelligent are not. Alan R.

    4. That was an awesome comment “Am so happy”. I must be arrogant as hell as I can’t see that intelligent side what so ever and your comments prove my point. Eunuch Jr.

  2. If a lawsuit to force Rosemary Thornton to retract and apologize on each and every web site that she publihed articles about Enoch Fargo along with an admission that this whole attack was an attempt to bring more hits to her Sears website, I will turn over to an attorney all of my work refuting Rosemary's whole premise. I will supply, in court, published historical documents that will make her an absolute huckleberry. Any student of the history of Lake Mills hasen't paid much attention to any of this but I did simply because I knew Mary and her family and spoke to her about the way she worded the reference to the rumor of murder that surfaced, long after her mothers death. With every false statement, I used an historical reference for refutation complete with bibliography. Rosemary is no stranger to the court system and knows that statements like "this couldn't have happened because it wasn't in the Leader", or publishing a piece of the newspaper and then writing a fictional story will stand up in court as fact. Chuck

  3. I came across this story on the City data forums under the Madison Wisconsin forum. In doing follow up research I found the Sears Homes website, the Ugly woman website, Johnnie Hoyt website, and the Wiki entries. I was also able to find the Laurie Florini lawsuit.

    The only conclusion I can draw is that she wants to profit from a book or movie deal. The way she twisted the autopsy report was repulsive.

    She needs to be stopped and the family deserves an appology, IMO.

    Notice how I said, IMO, something I've never seen in any of her blogs. She states everything as fact.


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