Thursday, April 19, 2012

Addie Hoyt Did *Not* Die of Diphtheria

Refutation of the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated April 18, 2012

This, once again, is dragging up supposition that has been refuted previously.

Take a look at Addie's obituary I posted on 2/10/12 titles 'Addie Hoyt Fargo Obituary'.  In this historical document it states that Addie was feeling better that day and was up and around.  From that it is reasonable to assume that she tired and laid down with whatever she had on.....including shoes.   She died with her shoes on for this reason.  Rosemary has failed to confirm anything else and has failed to provide any evidence that there was a rift in the Fargo marriage.  The idea that she was dressed to leave at 2:00 AM is ludicrous.   For what reason?  Addie wasn't going anywhere....she was happy with her lot in life.

See my blog on 2/4/12 'No Funeral Directory was Involved' where I refute a lot of the goofy assertions.  Of course there was a funeral director involved, where did the casket come from?  I think Rosemary finally backed off on a lot of this stuff

See my blog on 2/12/12 and 2/13/12 'Every Funeral Tradition.....' where I comment on Rosemary blogs by the same name.

And see the NIH reports in my blog on 3/2/12 title 'Addie Hoyt Fargo died of Diphtheria - NIH reports' to confirm that the practices of the day were not consisten BUT that Addie was buried consistent with the National Institute of Health guide for diphtheria deaths.  It's really unconscionable to second guess the actions of a rural community in 1901.

The facts are:
Addie was feeling better and was up and around the day prior to death - documented in obit.
There was a funeral director that was involved - evidenced by the casket
The body was not embalmed - in keeping with practices for victims of communicable disease that needed to be buried quickly
The people involved in Addie's burial did the best they could with the current practices as they interpreted them
Rosemary has the boot artifacts in direct violation of the court order for disinterment of Addie.  Same with the nails she pictured in her blog.

I fail to see anywhere in this Addie blog, or any other Addie blog, where Rosemary has proven that Addie did not die of disease......  To assert she was shot in the same blog is ridiculous.  All it shows is that Rosemary has failed in two areas at one time......
1.  Failed to prove Addie was murdered
2.  Failed to prove that Addie did not die of disease.

Now, for the EMT who writes that people cannot speak when they are choking.  This is literally correct.  Once the throat is clogged the person cannot speak.
However,  Addie could feel her throat closing up and could speak a few words before she suffered from complete blockage of her throat.  It would be incorrect to suggest a person choking on a piece of food is the same as a person whose throat is being blocked over a period of time - no matter how short that time period might be.

So nothing new here.  Dredging out the same old dreck to try and make the same old points.  If you repeat it often enough maybe people will believe it eventually.  I wrote a blog on how politicians lie and why they get away with it last month.  Take a look for this blog if you have time and see the comparisons..


  1. One slight correction. The blog entry on why lieing works is dated 1/24/12 and titled 'Why Lieing Works......'.

  2. The type of shoe Addie was buried in means nothing. Funeral custom varied depending on many factors. Common customs seemed to be tossed out the window during epidemics or when someone had a contagious deadly disease.
    Victims that died of contagious diseases were often buried within a days time. If you look on the web you can find these cases over and over. The length of time between death and burial varied but was usually much quicker and with less fanfare than the traditional funerals. If the clothing was contaminated and had to be disposed of then why not bury the victims in thier nice clothes? The type of shoe Addie was buried in means nothing.

    The following examples are found online and are from the same period that Addie died.

    Oconto County Reporter
    Sept. 22, 1899


    Diphtheria made a bad visit in this vicinity. A twelve year old girl of Albert Rockow died of diphtheria on Tuesday night, and was buried the next morning.

    Oconto County Reporter
    Sep. 8, 1899
    The ten year old girl of A. B. Chapman died yesterday morning, of diphtheria. Funeral this afternoon.

    Sorrow was truly multiplied that winter and the next victims of the dreaded diphtheria were two splendid sons of Daniel and Margaret (Morris) Wood. The first taken was David Timothy M. Wood, a fine boy of 12 years; born 26 September 1866 and died 3 November 1878, buried the same day. The next was Hyrum M. Wood, son of Daniel and Margaret. Hyrum was born 29 October 1862 and died 8 November 1878, just 5 days after his brother David Timothy. Hyrum was a promising young man of 16 years and the passing of their two splendid sons was another saw blow to Daniel and Margaret of the Wood family. They were buried side by side west of Aunt Mary's grave and beside little Deseret's grave.

    So much for Mr. Mitchell and his expertise.


  3. I never noticed what shoes people wore at burials.

  4. No "burial slippers" for me. My family has been instructed to bury me in my fishing waders. Burial slippers so - their feet don't get cold??

  5. But Enoch, that's not how they bury their dead in Iowa.

  6. What you guys seem to be missing is that if it didn't appear in the local newspaper it didn't happen. Wait... does this mean that since there was no mention of a murder in the local paper... This has become very confusing.

  7. There were no pennies found in the grave?? That miserly Enoch must have snatched them before the casket was closed! How could he be so ghoulish! Work on that for awhile and give the Lake Mills Leader reader a break for a while.


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