Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Story of Addie Hoyt: A Synopsis - Part 2

Comments on Addie Hoyt Fargo blog from April 13, 2012

This is where Rosemary starts misrepresenting the depth of Addie’s grave.  This is the start of the slippery slope that eventually exposed her lack of accuracy and veracity.

See my blog dated 4/1/2012 – Videos Corroborate Addie’s Exhumation and get the links to various videos of what really happened.

I get a web 404 error when I click on this                                                                                                                         

See my blogs dated 2/9, 2/10 and 2/13 for my opinions on this.  I find it interesting that Rosemary gathers all this information with phone calls that cannot be corroborated.  Just makes me wonder since she had previously misrepresented the phone call with Dr. Peterson….and then deleted that part of the blog post.  The single act of not being truthful about the call with Peterson causes skepticism with any other reported information from ‘experts’.  

Again, I think I’ve responded to this bunch of uncorroborated conversation…another phone call…..more information.  However this is where Rosemary had claimed Peterson told her Addie didn’t die of diphtheria…..that claim has since been deleted from the blog post.  The LM Leader reporter called and checked with Peterson who made it clear he didn’t make any such statement about Addie’s death and that he stood by the forensic report.  Another step down the slippery slope….

This is interesting if you can get past the comments that add nothing.  There really isn’t anything here except continued attack of E J’s behaviors.  The guy liked to live and could afford his life style….no crime in that.

See my blogs dated 3/5, 3/7 (2), and 3/19 to get a different perspective.  This is where Rosemary tries to make E J responsible for F B’s behavior.  It’s an interesting attempt at  transference of responsibility, but it fails to pass the sniff test.

See my blog dated 3/25 to see my thoughts on this.  E J loaned or rented the power for the press.  He did not own the press….big difference

Not my concern…….

Lovely home…..been there many times.

Yep, been there, done that

Why not…….likely they need the money

This is the blog where Rosemary says Addie owned a home in Lake Mills and Chicago but doesn’t have any information to support that claim.  Could that be a fib?  The rest of this blog is a further unwarranted and unsupported attacks on E J.

See my blog dated 3/29

I started to respond to the 11 sign posts but only got a few done.  Maybe I’ll  get back to it sometime.  The idea is that there are serious leaps between alleged and fact and some very circular logic.  See my blogs on 2/3 and 2/4 (2) to see the start.    If you navigate to part I of the following web site on Addie you will find some interesting information.  Turns out 3 people were buried between permit 21 and permit 22.  Funny how this got misrepresented in the Addie blog.

This is just a rehash of information.  The idea is the reinforce Rosemary’s conspiracy theory.  Rosemary provides nothing to support the death certificate was falsified.

What did Mary Wilson say about Addie’s murder?
This is a complete nonsense.  I refuted most of this in the State Journal and rest is rubbish.  Read my blog of 1/24 for the entire context of Mary Wilson’s book passage.

Yawn..  Rosemary didn’t ask about her relatives all her life until she found photo albums after her poor neglected relative died.  I still wonder where he spent the holidays….alone at home would be about right.  Then when it looked like a chance to cash in by exploiting Addie there was a whole bunch of interest.

But she couldn’t write her relatives to alert them she needed help even though she was on the road whenever she wanted to be.

Yep…..outlived him by 40+ years.  Got nearly everything when he died….including Addie’s jewelry and some stuffed alligator….

See my blog dated 2/9/12 to see a copy of the letter sent to the paper by Martha’s direct descendent confirming death by diphtheria

That’s nice…………..Can find this in any history book.  Check out ‘A History of Lake Mills’ by Mary Wilson

For the money….. See my blog dated 2/4

And a bonus for all the E J Fargo blog readers.  See my blog entries for 1/19/12 and 1/29/12 where I refute any and all claims of spousal abuse.


  1. Rosemary = Amateur Hour all the way brother.

  2. There is never anything presented that would prove the accusations made. There is nothing that would support a murder theory. No forensic evidence. No documented or historical evidence to prove abuse.
    Whenever accusations of murder are made and you dispute them there is always a diversion to something else. When she tried to prove he shot her and then couldn't find any evidence to support it she just move on to something else. The people that are her "friends" try to support her story and only make themselves look foolish in the process. They never add anything to the conversation. The just blindly agree and prop her up.
    The only thing I have seen in the pictures presented and stories I have read is that Addie had a charmed life. Addie travelled and saw more places than most would have ever had the chance to see. She had conveniences that most could have only imagined at the time. She had servants. She had free time to be involved in community organizations.
    Here are a few documented facts. She died of diphtheria. She was buried in the family plot by her family. She was dug up 110 years and taken away from them for no reason. Ted


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