Sunday, April 1, 2012

Videos Corroborate Addies Exhumation

It's April Fools Day and it's been a good day for me.  An alert blog follower sent me a YouTube link that fully corroborates everything I've written about Addie's exhumation and exposes Rosemary's writings as incomplete, overly dramatic and just plain untrue.  How much better could it get today?

The videos show the workers digging deeper than the originally measured 34"; quite a bit deeper.  They show that all the artifacts were found in a relatively small portion of the grave; one corner.  And best of all, you can hear Rosemary's laugh and conversation that refutes the emotional dreck Rosemary wrote about her 'weak knees' and how exhausted she was from the emotional experience.

These videos are the property of Professor Anapol - he's the older man with the bald head.   Here's the link and I have some notes from my watching to share.  If you have questions or can't get to the video please let me know. You may have to cut and paste the link into your browser.

In part 1 the skull is discovered with the post mortem hole.  More on this at the end from the Milwaukee ME site.  But you can see there is deeper digging going on.  There is some conversation about 'things got moved'.  There are other references and speculation to movement of artifacts in the other videos, as well.

In part 2 it's clear to see the grave digger is digging deeper in the hole.  Small fragments of bone and coffin material are found.  Beyond the 34" repeatedly claimed by Rosemary.

In part 3 Dr. peterson talks about the positioning of the body as being bent over since the artifacts are being found in such a small area.  I still contend that everything was pushed into the corner by natural activity since all the coffin parts were found in the same small area of the grave.

In part 4 there is substantially more digging going deeper into the hole.  You can hear Rosemary's voice laughing in the background and some light hearted banter.  Dr. Peterson talks about how stuff has moved in 110 years and the body position - such as finding the jaw with the thighbone.

Part 5 is more joking and laughing with Rosemary's voice in the background.  Clearly not as emotionally distraught as she claimed she was.

Then the same follower sent this link.  It's the Milwaukee County Medical Examiner report.  Under '2011' there is a link to the Journal Sentinel story that I've provided previously.  Click on this to be routed to the story.  There are two video links on the left side under Addie's picture that tell the story of the exhumation and the sebsequent call to Rosemary.

The second video talks explicitly about lack of any evidence of gunshot wounds.  The discussion about the skull is particularly detailed.
Anapol and Peterson donated their time (and their staffs time) to help Rosemary out with her search and the thanks that Peterson got was Rosemary claiming, in a separate phone call, that Peterson had definitively stated that Addie had not died of diphtheria.  Very much not true according to Peterson.  The message to the Rosemary supporters is pretty clear.  Watch over your shoulder at all times....she will stab anyone in the back to further her agenda.
All in all it's been a good day..............


  1. She is so busted! Great detective work. How can she explain this stuff away? You can bet she will. I would hope that any followers of this blog or Rosie's blog can finally see the liar she is. Can anyone imagine someone so low that she would dig up her relative in order to further her career? She was told by her own experts beforehand that the determination of cause of death would be absolutely impossible prior to the exhumation. She judge granting the order of exhumation also told her that it would not be possible to prove that any crime had been committed. Why with the experts telling her all this did she go ahead with digging up her great-great aunt? I think even the dumbest can figure that out. What a low life! Disgusted in Norfolk, Chuck Stokes

    1. All I can say is that it was for the money........Hopes of making more sales on existing books or perhaps writing a new book that would make her money. It's always possible that people with large egos wouldn't care about the money as much as the fame....and there is some of that going on with Rosemary, as well.

    2. The actual video of the exhumation! Can't argue with that!
      The comment in the video - "look at all that glass" - Does anyone actually think that someone would shoot someone, then display them in a glass topped casket?? (Seems to be too much glass for a glass slipper.)
      And the "shallow grave" - You don't have to grow up on a farm to know about frost upheaval - moving rocks up to the surface. To think that doesn't happen to remains in a cemetery is very narrow thnking. And you can actually see tree roots, too.
      Imagine the remains of a much admired beautiful relative being examined a bone fragment at a time, and hastily tossed on a shallow tarp.

    3. Not only can you hear Rosie laughing throughout the exhumation, watch all the clips and you will see her laughing as well. Reverential and weeping, holding the bones in her hands and laughing her ass off. I thought that Sears might be interested in how Rosie has been combining these two blogs and using entry titles for maximum hits, all the while defaming Enoch J. Fargo. Maybe all should email Sears to let them know how highly you think of their brand being associated with a witch hunt. McCarthyism at its evil best. A veteran for truth, Dave.

  2. Around and around we go. And we are back to that owning a gun and hunting means you are most likely a murderer diversion. Poor thing. Can't you please find something, anything, convincing? At least give us something that has not been beat to death. Her story has gotten so old that even her paid help won't comment. Ted

    1. I think the NRA would be interested in all the gun conclusions. Anyone who buys into all this crap must be as dumb as a rock. As to Mandie Brewer; remember when she claimed to have taken tatting lessons in one of the Fargo houses? She had them wrong, leading me to believe she is either an alter ego or just plain stupid or probably both. Douglas

    2. My wife is not dumb, stupid, or fake. She is real and has never once claimed to take any kind of lessons at a Fargo house. Where are you getting your information? Stop slandering my wife for having an opinion about a dead guy, and stop putting her name in this crappy blog. She has done enough reading on her own about this story that I trust her to form a intelligent opinion. I have read some of this blog because she showed me this comment and there are enough errors made by "Enoch" that shows he is not the brightest person out there. Spell check, and a basic grade school punctuation lessons might help you. Leave my wife alone please. I am asking nicely. Mr. Brewer

  3. Open not to Mr. Brewer,
    I would like to point out to you that while Mrs. Brewer continues to support the bogus writings of Rosemary she appears to have a missing logic circuit. Her open communication leaves her in a position to be criticized when she bindly supports the Addie blog - and she has yet to question anything that was written on that blog. When she doesn't express an opinion consistent with her independent study of the information she appears to be a pawn for Rosemary. Further, I am pointing out that E J Fargo was living his life and like any human being he made some poor decisions. I'm sure if your life were put under a microscope you would be embarrassed with some of your actions. Particularly if the investigator was not being objective and has monetary motives.
    Perhaps someone owes your wife an apology for a direct attack perhaps Mrs. Brewer would like to apologize for supporting the direct attacks launched at E J. Think of it as tit for tat.

    1. I will not get into a sparring match. It would be hard to have a decent "conversation" with someone who does not proofread or spell check his writing. Everyone is entitled to their opinion if you do not like hers then stop stalking her.

    2. You should aim your comments at the unreasonable person on the other blog responsible for this discussion. Everyone is entitled to an opinion but intelligent opinions should be based on facts not innuendo. It's obvious that forming opinions based on facts don't happen on the other blog.

      The E.J Fargo blog was created to defend a man and his family name from being falsely accused of murder all because someone wants to draw attention to herself. Now when someone she's dragged into the discussion gets their feelings hurt she goes quiet. She knows she is wrong for what she is doing and saying.
      The comments stated on this blog are made in defense. If you don't want to be offended then don't get involved in defaming someone when you couldn't possibly prove your story. It's obvious when someone can't prove a point and they have to resort to a discussion about a fight at a sporting event that they really don't have anything intelligent to add.
      I would be willing to bet if the exhumation had not been opposed then this story would have been dead long ago.

    3. Mr Brewer,
      I would hope you would pay less attention to proofreading and punctuation and more attention to factually supported information. I cannot stop Rosemary or your wife, or you from exercising your first amendment rights anymore than you can stop me or the people that contribute to this blog. I've read your wife's comments over time and she is consistent........consistent that she fawns all over anything Rosemary writes without thought or question. Apparently some people find her behavior degrading.......... I suggest you continue the conversation and perhaps you will learn the strategies Rosemary is using to attempt to provide credibility her blog entries.....punctuation notwithstanding.

    4. Attn: Mr. John Wilson;

      He who does not proofread his own entries, must not take the time to thoroughly research the subject. I will not argue with stupid, it goes nowhere. This is my last entry, I have wasted enough time on this pointless drivel.

      Mr. Brewer

  4. You know nothing, you are able to reason nothing. You are incapable of disproving anything Ms. Thornton alleges, other than to assert, "that's not true." In short, you are an intellectual eunuch. I hope you have a day job. You should stick to it.


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