Saturday, April 21, 2012

Addie Hoyt Fargo Blog - More Fiction Than Fact

Comments about the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog for April 21, 2012

For some reason I saved a copy of the following response Rosemary provided to Jan Heidemann. 


December 14th, 2011 at 06:49

@Jan Heidemann
Jan, it’s true. These “advocates of Enoch” (there are only three of them that I know of, but they’re loquacious types) proclaim that 34″ is a fine, fine grave. This is despite the fact that the frost line in Wisconsin is at 3-4 feet, and when we started this project, we were told to expect a burial depth of 6-8 feet.

I think Enoch killed Addie the night before (Tuesday night, the 18th) and then waited until the wee hours to bury her body. He probably got his hired man to dig the grave (which also explains the lack of a burial permit), and the hired man just threw Addie’s coffin into the ground and put a little bit of top soil on top of it.

It was nothing short of shameful. Utterly shameful.

                -----------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I recall there was a complete Addie blog on the subject with descriptions of how Addie died the day before the official date of death.  And how the E J and the hired man got a coffin from the undertaker and put Addie in it.  Then hauled it out to the cemetery where the  hired man dug a grave and buried Addie.  I thought there was a sentence or two about E J being older and not able to dig the grave by himself.  Of course it was very dramatically written.  I cannot seem to find the particular blog I’m thinking about.   There is one in the Addie blog that I did find.  ‘No funeral director was involved Part II’  appeared in the Addie blog on 2/7 and I responded with the same title on 2/11.  But…the first part of this blog I could not find in the Addie blog and that would have appeared 2/4 and I wrote a response on 2/6.  It could be there….I simply didn’t find it.  I suspect it might have been deleted…..and that was the blog entry I was thinking about.  Read my blog dated 2/6 for my notes on the content.

In one of the recent ‘diphtheria’ Addie blogs Rosemary, once again, made reference to Addie dying the day before and not at 2:00 AM.  I was thinking she was about to resurface her original fiction about the hired man.

The reason I’m curious about this is because there isn’t any historical reference I can find that states there was a hired man around.  The whole concept was invented by Rosemary.  I assume to divert attention and drag a bunch of people out into the swamp for a while to keep them confused.  Probably so they wouldn’t question her on the finer points of her writings.

Rosemary seemed to have no respect for the facts, as supported by historical documents, when she wrote this response.  And she’s continued to beat this drum over and over again…..along with continually misquoting the passage from Mary Wilson’s book in every blog entry.  It’s just tedious to read the same dreck over and over again.

There is another blog that attempts to support an after dark burial title ‘What the hell happened out here….’  that appeared on 2/15.  My response followed with the same title.  This is pure fiction but is intended to support the notion that E J and the hired man buried Addie under the cover of darkness. 

The interesting observation is that Rosemary’s deceit knows no bounds.  Anything and everything is fair play for her and the more outlandish the better, apparently.  At least she has the Addie followers confused enough to think there is factual information – and that sells out their ability to apply basic logical thought to the entire body of work Rosemary has committed to the blog, the spousal abuse claim and the fiction she, and her minions, have spread all over the internet.


  1. Just the facts IV

    It is claimed that Dr. Oatway was covering up the murder of Addie when he did not report any cases of diphtheria in the Wisconsin state board of health report. If you take the time to read through the entire health report you will find that the other localities fail to report accurately and openly admit to this fact. In reading the report it would appear that the law may have been aimed at citizens reporting that there was reportable diseases in their households and not that it was the responsibility of the health officials to seek out all cases and come up with a number to report. The other localities report different levels of conformity from strictly observed to fairly observed to generally observed and so on. It looks like it was the health officials job to report what was reported to him and if Enoch was trying to hide a murder by claiming Addie died of diphtheria he would have certainly reported that she died from it. So in other words it doesn't look like he was involved in a cover up.

  2. Today I am more observant, or more rested or something.....and someone pointed out I had missed the connection. In the blog 'No Funeral Director.....Part II' Rosemary makes a reference to E J not having the stamina to drive nails or dig a proper grave. All made up fiction, of course. But there is a link to the 'Part I' blog and when I click on it I get a 404's not there anymore. It was probably the Part I blog that had the fantasy of the hired man and E J out in the cemetery digging holes in the middle of the night.....and the reference to Addie actually dying the day before......
    As I've indicated all along....between Rosemary and me there is only one voice for truth and justice for Addie and that isn't Rosemary. Maybe she would like to research her own family and write exclusively about them. To bad she ignored the best opportunity she was going to ever have by ignoring her relative that had the photo albums for all of her adult life.

  3. That woman has interjected so much made up fantasy into her blog that her readers don't know truth from fiction. I love to read the comments there. They are a riot!

  4. Excerpts from the Wisconsin state board of health report.

    MiIwaulkee City: Popuiation 300,000.

    The law requiring fhe report of dangerous contagious diseases is only partly observed, fear of throwing wage earners temporarily or permanently out of work and the general inconvenience caused are the principal reasons for noncompliance. The general result of efforts to, restrict the spread Of contagious, disease is encouraging. The law requiring the report of births; is fairly well observed. The law requiring burial permits is well observed.

    Kewaunee City: Population 1,700.

    The law requiring the report of dangerous contagious diseases is not observed in a number of cases, although the greater number are reported. Reason usually the inmates do, not wish to be confined by quarantine especially those who support their families. Some fail to report because they wish to avoid employing a physician.

    Crivitz: The law requiring the report of births is not observed. The law requiring burial permits is enforced as much as can be.

    Montello: Population 1,100.

    The law requiring the repoort of dangerous contagiouis diseases is not generally complied with; reason, neglect.

  5. One can't help but notice the "boiler-plate" when reading the reports to The State Board of Health. Generally observed leaves alot of wiggle room. Chuck


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