Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Story of Addie Hoyt: A Synopsis

Random thoughts about the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated April 13, 2012

Intesting that Rosemary would choose Friday the 13th to publish this particular blog.

I've responded to most of these already but not sure I care to build a summary to refute the dreck emanating from Norfolk. I might comment over time.

This one is a link to other blog entries pre-selected to avoid the writings that contain the most egregious lies.....  The blog she wrote about Peterson telling her Addie didn't die of diphtheria didn't make this list.  I think that blog was deleted.  I didn't see the baseball game collection of misrepresentations either....but wasn't looking all that hard.

This looks like the outline of a book that might be forthcoming.  Publishing such a book would be a really bad idea. 

I find it intesting that Rosemary has flooded the internet with a lot of the Addie story that conflicts with the blog entries she's written. One might think she would go back and clean up the contradictions.  Guess her ego doesn't require consistency.

Once again Rosemary has created a summary of her writings that include some twisted factual information, omitted relevant information and fiction to create a jaundiced view of her obsession with Addie.

I guess when her complete misrepresentation of the exhumation was exposed by the videos I posted she needed to forge forward with a more aggressive approach to try, I guess, to recover some of her credibility and trashed reputation.  Too late for that....shouldn't have tried to deceive in the first place.

I guess the last 20 years of the LM Leader didn't contain anything Rosemary could misrepresent and exploit.  I'm still curious about that house Addie owned in Chicago and what she was doing for income while she was living there.  Then again, maybe the house part was a big a fib, much like many of the other writings.  The blog entry that mentions the house seems to be left off the list.

Stay tuned........I'll write something more as time permits.....


  1. Wow Wow Wow!!! Thanks for all the hard work refuting Rose's twisted, deceitful, misrepresentations of this bad fairy tale! Now when Google sends people looking for Sears homes her way we might get a few this way when they look deeper and find your blog and figure out what a one sided lie she is perpetrating. You can bet with the skills she has twisting newspaper articles to fit her story that a book will be a best seller when it comes out. Imagine how boring this story could have been if she would have actually been doing some of the research. 800-1,000 people visit her website. That is really funny. She couldn't think many come looking for that Addie crap. We probably give her more hits than her followers do. I know I look there whenever I need a good laugh from her comments section so I guess I am help building those web hits and that monster of an ego of hers. She needs to compile those comments and write a book. I would buy that.
    Itsa Shameshelies

  2. I especially like the link: "To book a room at the Fargo mansion, click here."
    and: "To learn about kit homes, click here." Nothing like being blantant as to what the motives are in digging up the past.
    As for the Youtube video, I especially liked the photo of one of the bones held in the palm of a hand being carefully scrutinized. Somewhere in the flood on the internet was a comment about learning about the disrespectful way Addie was buried. (And one knows that - how???) Yet there is no problem with the disrespectful was she was removed and her bones examined?? I looked at a photo of her recently and thought - wow - part of that lovely head ended up in a pile of soil as her remains were yanked from her resting place.

  3. And the beat goes on
    la da da de
    la da da di

  4. You know nothing, you are able to reason nothing. You are incapable of disproving anything Ms. Thornton alleges, other than to assert, "that's not true." In short, you are an intellectual eunuch. I hope you have a day job. You should stick to it.

    1. I disproved Rosemary's version of the exhumation by posting a link to videos. I disproved Rosemary's lie about Peterson telling her Addie didn't die of diphtheria. I disproved Rosemary's "inclusive" claims about Addie being shot by posting a link to the actual phone call with Peterson and Anapol where Peterson speaks about how the two of them determined Addie wasn't shot in the head......
      I disproved (or at least cast major doubt) on the theory that Addie was abused....even Rosemary cast doubt on that theory with her reporting of vacations to Cuba and the Bad Lands.
      Rosemary actually cleans some of her blog up when she gets caught.

  5. Even a half-man would be able to muster the courage to condemn the abuse of women. A REAL man even would be courageous enough to acknowledge his own ancestor's despicable behavior, then curse the same. You, sir, are spineless on both counts.

    1. To Anonymous who posted at 10:14
      I see you are excercising your freedom to post on this site. You are free to say what you want, even though it is in disagreement with the blog owner. This is more than I can do on the sites which are in disagreement - There you will see the phrase, "Comments are closed." Or comments are screened out. On other internets sites, whole links disappear when there is a dissenting opinion. Is this what a real man or woman does?? A real man or woman presents a case with facts, not fiction and leaving the onus on the accused to disprove the fiction.
      Abuse is a terrible thing, and riding on the coat tails of real victims, using it to further your career by claiming someone is an abuse victim because of shadows on a 100 year old bleached out photo taken in sunlight is dispicable. Sift through all the verbiage and that photo is the only thing used for the abuse claim. It is dispicable, ridiculous and it's unbelievable that anyone would buy into that. A ficticious history has been created for EJ and Addie Fargo and the Fargo family is being vilified - for what?

    2. Ahhhh. Now we come to it: the Fargo family. It's sad that the nobler path is not evident to you as it is for onlookers. All the energy you expend to protect your family name, to deny the envitable conclusion of Enoch's maltreatment of at least Addie -- all that energy could be so much better utilized if, for example, you were to advocate for Addie, and to erase the potential for such behavior by refusing to preserve its secrecy. Enoch does not deserve your protection. Addie, however, does. Surely you are not so naive as to believe that the Fargo family is the only affluent family with a history of abuse crammed into the closet.

    3. It's not my family. I am an "onlooker" with no personal stake in this other than concern about what can be done to vilify a person using the internet.
      There is absolutely no roof of abuse. Go to any cemetery and dig up someone who has been buried over 100 years ago. Decide on the conclusion you want, then manipulate the data to reach the conlclsion you want.

    4. Wow. You have completely discredited yourself. You say you are completely removed from the family, yet you are so concerned about the vilification of the family name? You've been spewing all the name-calling at Ms. Thornton to establish...what?? That the internet can be used to present falsehoods? Now, that is a pathetic, weak basis for your mindless rantings. Who in the world with an IQ above 5, who's had the use of the internet since its broad introduction into society a couple of decades ago doesn't already know that? Media has been used since its inception to embellish, to misrepresent, to shape and mold perspectives. It is the job of the interpreter to decide the truth, and the only truth that makes any sense in this entire dialogue is that Eunuch ... er ... Enoch was abusive to his young wife and to others. You need to find a new hobby.

    5. I stand in full support for abused women. I have always stood in support of programs to help abused women. I contibute money to worthy causes that support abused women. If you would look at Rosemary's presentation on the subject, THINK about what she is saying and then read my blog material you will find that Addie never was abused.....and Addie was never murdered. This is all fiction.
      As for the anonymous blog that that starts with 'Wow...........' Do you actually read this stuff? Thornton hasn't proven anything except that she knows the path to more money by exploiting her dead relative. She doesn't care one bit about who she damages along the way. It is a very low path she has taken.....making up fiction along the way to support her outrageous claims. You really need to read more. E J was NOT abusive to his are wrong.

    6. I've discredited myself?? You seem to be assuming that I am the writer of this blog and/or have written other posts. If you had read my post, you will see that my overall concern is not the vilifacation of the Fargo family name, rather that someone can completely fabricate something and post it as truth and do it for financial gain.
      My mindless rantings?? I just made the above 3 posts one right after another and those are mindless rantings - Or are you assuming that I am the blog owner or have written other posts?? And assumptions is what perpetuates lies. As for the use of the Internet having been used to "present falsehoods," it is no reason to sit back and let it continue without speaking up.
      Other posts have presented the Sears blog as a model - whether by the way it is organized or the lack of grammatical/punctuation errors. AIn other words, a blog of lies being used as a model.

    7. Correction to my 11:40 post. I wrote that I had made the 3 previous posts. I didn't. Someone else had commented in between and I hadn't noticed it before I commented. The point, however, is that I have not "spewed" anything in what I wrote and the person who said I did is making assumptions that I am the blog owner and/or the person who made other posts. Before you criticize me for making that error, respect the fact that I corrected it.

  6. I have to ask you, writer of this blog, do you not realize there is a pretty big difference between slandering the living and questioning the actions of someone dead roughly 91 years who may or may not have murdered one or more persons 111 years ago?

    I would love to be able to read both sides of this story but you provide very little to help your side of it. The Sears blog has at least provided enough to back that side of it, all you do is name call and slander. Are you, writer of this blog, related to Enoch? If so, you are not doing much to help your family name or reputation as "good people". I leave this comment as anonymous as you write this blog because I do not want to end up in it.

    1. I am not the writer of this blog. I have followed this from the first time I saw it in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. I have continued to follow it as I have been horrified to see how it unfolds. The whole thing seems to be on the premise that you can't slander the dead, thus EJ Fargo has been fair game. It has, however pushed the envelope with the Fargo family.
      With all respect to you, I know there have been a lot of words out there about this, and may be difficult to follow if you have first jumped aboard with this. You say that you would like to read both sides of the story. I ask you, respectfully, what the other side of the story is - the Fargo's side. Since I have followed this for so long, it is apparent that what the current E J Fargo is doing is not "telling a side of a story", because there is no side to tell. HOw can you tell a side to a story that doesn't exist? Addie and EJ lived over 110 years ago. The things which are being said about and against them are not based on fact.
      I continue to follow this, because, of the effect it has on all of us. If you watch the youtube video, there are countless things said in it that are not based on fact. This should be a great concern to all of us. Because one day, it may be about your family, or mine, and there is nothing that can be done. Rather than dump any more energy in the EJ and Addie saga, we should all be contacting legislators in regard to the misuse of freedom of "not slandering the dead" the internet.

    2. Sorry - the last part of the last sentence was cut off. At the end of the sentence, it should read, "and concerns of how the internet is used."

    3. An additional comment to my above post: Anonymous asked who the writer of this blog is. Actually, he identified himself on another site in response to someone's query. In the same post, he refuted a claim which had been made. When I went back to reread it, that whole link disappeared. It is no wonder it is hard to follow something when things are removed.

    4. "I would love to be able to read both sides of this story but you provide very little to help your side of it."

      You and Rosemary as the accusers bear the burden of proof so until that is adequately provided there is nothing to discuss. Nothing has been or ever will be presented on the Sears blog to support your accusation that Enoch committed murder. You couldn't take what you have into court much less argue a case.

    5. I realize there is a big difference between exposing completely misrepresentations written by a living person and defamation of character of a dead person. It's a fine line but I cannot sit back and let Rosemary think she can write and say anything she wants. She should not be able to get away with the unfounded accusations she's made about E J Fargo. I would suggest you speak to Rosemary about her outlandish writings. In the mean time you should read this blog and compare my writings to Rosemary. The two are titled the same.....even if Rosemary has deleted hers. Some of her stuff was so far over the top even she couldn't leave it out on her blog for public consumption.

    6. They have not been deleted you idiot! They are archived by month. If you weren't so damn lazy and stupid you might figure that out. You have no information to prove her wrong. Why don't you do some research and see what you can find?

    7. I have already done that research. There is no smoking gun. It is documented that Addie was sick for a minimum of four days which was common for this type of illness. Read the obituary closely and you will see that she was complaining of symptoms for a minimum of four days. She died of complications brought on by diphtheria. Her burial was handled the way many of these victims were handled at the turn of the century. I personally found most of information that is presented on the Sears blog including the 1901 report that was used to accuse Dr. Oatway of covering up a murder. I disagree with all of the murder theories. I emailed Rose and discussed it and we respectfully agreed to disagree and I think it's time that we all come to that conclusion. I spent countless hours in the beginning trying to prove Enoch murdered Addie and that is why I say what I say now. All of it can be explained away with sufficient knowledge of the time that Addie and Enoch lived in. People can say they have expert knowledge in the handling of these victims or burial customs but you can always find a way to refute what they say by looking at how differently things where handled in different parts of the country. Treatment of these victims varied greatly in areas that did not have a lot of cases and many times these areas were way behind the times in their methods of handling these cases. It's time for us realize that we can throw hurtful comments back and forth but we are not going to all agree. I see no reason to accuse a dead man of an act that can never be proven or disproven. If you were right that Addie was murdered and could prove it then you stand to get satifaction but if you are wrong you have defamed a man that may have been a good man and removed his wife from his side. I wouldn't want to be wrong. Mark

  7. Its okay, everyone can post here and remain anonymous. At least your comments are heard, thats better than you can do at the Sears site. Posting there wouldn't do any good anyway our comments would probably be edited into conformity anyhow.

  8. A couple of comments in response to the blog submissions. Keep them coming...I appreciate the conversation...some could be a bit more constructive, however.
    In response to the missing blog entries......the person who tells me they are archived......
    I looked at the archives for January and February of this year. In January I do not find anything earlier than 1/16 yet there were entries for 1/4 and 1/14 that I responded to at the time. In February there is nothing prior to 2/18. If there is navigation to view the missing blogs it is not intuitive. So tell me how to find the rest of the blogs in any month. Clearly I am overlooking the navigation path to get "more".
    In response to the criticism that I haven't done research.....
    I spent 17 years researching various aspects of Lake Mills history and now I find that a single rumor that was captured in Mary Wilson's book is being exploited by someone with a profit motive. That person, since character is being called into question, has yet to publish the complete passage from the book. The complete passage explains that this is a rumor that Mary first heard circa 1981. Look through the Addie blogs and tell me how honestly this is being portrayed in those writings. At least I published the total passage for all to evaluate.
    Part of the reason there doesn't need to be much research is because the author if the Addie blogs will contradict herself given enough time. Here's a perfect example that you can research looking through the Addie blog writings. Rosemary claims Addie's grave is a cenotaph; that none of her remains are still in the grave. Then she writes the following in a hearsay blog entry she claims is the result of phone call with the forensic investigators:
    'While her lower jaw was found, with several teeth still in place, her upper jaw and teeth were not found. Nor was her face (the skull bones underlying her face). Nor were a few other pieces and parts.'
    In that very same blog Rosemary has a picture of the foot stone and points out that the grave is empty. Well,,,,,which is it? Now she has to make up some story to cover up the quote above.
    And this is but one example of why people question Rosemary's goals and credibility.
    Another example is Rosemary exploiting a service for abused women in Jefferson, Wisconsin (PADA) for no other reason than to drive more hits to her web site. I would guess to make more sales of her existing books. As if that wasn't enough she exploited a murdered child from Florida in order to drive more people to her web site. Hard to believe her goals are not to make money when she commits actions such as these.
    I could go on for hours with one example after another...........or you can go find them yourself. You just have to THINK about what you are reading and whether it makes sense.

    1. Check your email

    2. Diphtheria victims remains were often treated with corrosive sublimate as a disinfectant. This could add to the total decomposition of the remains and account for missing skeletal parts.

    3. Yes, that was frequently the practice. I was hoping someone would posit animal intrusion which would contradict the 'experts' on victorian burial practices. Not sure how that could happen with the coffin being nailed shut and all the parts of the coffin being found in close proximity to Addie's remains. Then again, contradiction is the theme of the Addie blog.....

  9. Mark, I couldn't agree with you more. The truly injured parties are both Enoch and Addie Fargo who may have had a wonderful marriage. The fact that it can't be proven or disproven is reason enough to leave their memories and reputations intact. Who gains from slandering the dead?

    1. Follow the money...............I have no profit motive..........I'm not combining the Addie fiction into a web site dedicated to selling already written books. Always an excuse why a different blog site couldn't have been developed for the Addie purpose. Seems the RED color stands out on the Sear Homes site.....intentional? I think so.

  10. Rosemary is so full of shit, it's not even good fan fiction people.

  11. E J (or, the fantasy persona of E J)... you know nothing of the dynamics of abuse. Victims of domestic violence of every socio-economic status typically attempt to leave at least NINE times until they are successful -- or, until their abusers manage to kill them. In the meantime, they tend to carry on as usual, attempting to survive, trying to save face, and hoping the nightmare will end. And, yes, I read your drivel. I also read Rosemary's factual evidence. I have examined carefully the photographs of Addie. You have disproved nothing, and, from this point forward, I will not waste space in my head trying to understand a man who is deeply entrenched in denial, who would go to such great lengths to perpetuate and justify domestic violence rather than having the courage to stand against it. The most poignant act of courage in these circumstances is to acknowledge the evidence of the abuse, and then to break the cycle of secrecy. There is only one villian in this story. His name is Enoch.

    1. You can't really be saying that those pitiful overexposed pictures she posted are proof of abuse. I guess you think those bigfoot picures are real too?

    2. I have read quite a bit on domestic abuse and nothing Rosemary has put together from the very faded photograph supports her premise that Addie was beaten. You need to read more because Rosemary 'wonders' if this picture was a message to her family. Addie traveled where she wanted and when she wanted....she could have left anytime and chose to stay.....because she was happy. Addie could have contacted her family any time if she needed help. She didn't because she was happy....that and I think she didn't want them around. Addie was active socially and in the public eye frequently without any signs of physical or mental abuse....according to the LM Leader she was 'witty and charming' - or whatever. Point being she was not sullen or depressed. Rosemary states that all the other pictures in the album were professional quality. This one was a photograph on poor quality paper. That, coupled with the picture being in the middle of the album, is why this picture is over exposed. If the album were displayed opened it would most likely be open to the middle. Even with my limited skill in PhotoShop I took the picture of Addie sitting on the steps with E J and his daughters and displayed the same shadows, curled lip and hair line. If you think she was abused tell me why but don't tell me I don't know anyting about abuse....that would be wrong.

  12. WTF kind of crack are you smoking, sounds like a bunch of bs. Telling people they don't know abuse. Right buddy.


  14. I followed this story since I first heard about an exhumation occurring in Lake Mills. I was believing all of Rosmary's "findings", "research" and "lies". After coming across this blog I feel deceived and stupid. I only hope that others will read your blog and have their eyes opened like mine have been. The difference in professionalism between what you write and what Rosmary writes is astounding. Most of what she writes makes me think of an immature child throwing a temper tantrum. I think you are doing great work by opening others eyes. I'm amazed at how easily and quickly I believed what Rosmary was writing and got caught up in her drama and lies. It's really sad that she is so caught up in ruining someone's name who is no longer around to defend himself. Keep up the good work and good for you for your professionalism and maturity in your writings. I am one person that you reached and I thank you for that!


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