Thursday, March 29, 2012

Enoch And His Spouses

Comments on the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated 3/28/2012

Same stuff, different day.  The gossip about Enoch's first wife being 'with child' is a rehash of known historical information previously published.  Guess it was better than nothing....but not much.  Actually, nothing would be an improvement.  The rest of the dramatics thrown in for effect make no difference and the conclusion that E J was hard on his wives........unproven.....but the 19th century was hard on women as I've noted previously.

Raising the question of Mary Rutherford's death is more smoke and mirrors.  Rosemary thinks the only water that was consumed was in the where else....just at home.  I little far fetched to say the least. 

After all, Addie contracted diphtheria on a trip to Portage for some sort of meeting.  I guess it's possible to catch a disease away from home.

Looks like Addie was a resident of Chicago.  Not sure about Rosemary's assertion that she owned a house in Lake Mills.  I would like to see the proof of that event.  Pretty sure the Lake Mills house is  unsubstantiated.  The curious part might be exactly what was Addie doing to make ends meet in Chicago....whose dime was she living on....what was her occupation.

The picture Rosemary provides has been discussed ad infinitum in previous blogs.  This is a distortion of a photograph that was not taken professionally and has aged over 110 years.  To draw conclusions from this over exposed document is irresponsible.

Now we are asked to go down the rabbit hole.  It is the*opinion* of Marty Mitchell that Addie was not attended by a funeral director.  He was not there and cannot speak to any practices that were employed when Addie died.  The historical record states that Addie was feeling better and up and around the day before she died.............not realizing how truly ill she was.

If Rosemary is using the boots as evidence Addie didn't die of diphtheria she is grasping for the last straw.  That would be one of those 'you've got to be kidding' moments.  I would like to point out that Rosemary doesn't have any legal right to have those boots in her possession.  The court provided her with the remains, and nothing more.  Somehow she convinced the funeral director or someone to give her the boot parts.  A follow up with the judge confirms Rosemary was not authorized to take possession of any other artifacts in the grave.

Addie was not embalmed and was buried consistent with the practices outlined by the National Institute of Health. 

'Hastily thrown in a grave' is subjective and meant to illicit some sort of dramatic response.  The obituary suggest a very open funeral even if the burial needed to be done quickly because of disease.  Analytically the grave was not shallow although the true original depth will never be known.  The 34" that Rosemary continues to hang on is a clear, and intentional, misrepresentation of the location of the artifacts in the  grave.  Just like her assertion about diphtheria not being the cause of death, and a host of other unfactual information.

Not sure why Martha is referenced.  I guess she had some initial health what?  She lived into the 1960's and, according to her direct descendants, she was a happy person; keeping the house on Mulberry street well after E J had died.

This blog entry seems like a last gasp attempt to salvage some credibility after making up stories about E J and exploiting Addie and E J, I guess, to help increase the sales of her books.  The web site on Sears homes is open to the public.  Anyone can do their own research if they are interested in kit homes.  You don't have to buy a book to get the information.

Arguably, I win the Rosemary Roulette contest. Spousal abuse is the subject of this blog entry. Although I think all the people that follow the E J blog are winners since it looks like Rosemary is getting more desperate to prove something, anything.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Circular Logic - Smoke and Mirrors

Comments on the nex Addie Hoyt Fargo blog post

Since it is spring and the weather has taken a turn toward the uncomfortable maybe now is good time to have an unofficial contest on the content of the next Addie Hoyt Fargo blog post.  In the last three the idea was to generate a foundation that E J had temper control problems.........  Rosemary failed to prove her point even by clouding the issue with competitive newspaper editing and the location of the LM Leader press in the F B Fargo and Co. building.  These two subjects had nothing to do with the civil trial, or any criminal complaint.

Rosemary deleted the blog titled the 'Enoch's swift kick.....' for a couple of reasons I can think of at the moment.  One reason is because (I think) this contained the article that stated witnesses that viewed Ingram's bruises testified the bruises wiped off - shoe polish or something like that.  Ingram claimed it was a new kind of linament.  The paper said black linament was unknown to medical science.  Clearly, Ingram had character flaws and the entire article was damaging to Rosemary's efforts to prove her point.  I would like to interject that excluding historical information to make a point has been Rosemary's approach since the beginning......that's one, of many, reasons I consider everything she writes to be fiction.

In the past Rosemary has built false information into some sort of support for some other fictional story she dreamed up.   And then she would turn around and use the second piece of false information to support the first piece of false information.....sometimes is was a trilogy of false information. She's deleted enough blog entries now so it's getting more difficult to point out specific examples that can be viewed.  Try looking at the 'eleven signposts...' blog where she "wonders" if Oatway wrote the obituary and in a later point makes a definitive statement that he wrote the obituary.....unlikely he wrote the obit...........more likely Hubbs wrote it...but logic should never cloud the mythology.

At this point I think it would be more fun to guess how her failed attempt to prove E J had anger management will support her failed attempts to prove anything else.  Maybe she'll just make up some new ficitional story for this the 'hired man' story.

Here's a couple of guesses to help get this started.  Rosemary failed miserably to prove spousal abuse.  While it sounded good when she presented it, all a person had to do was wade through the facade and find there wasn't a grain of truth to the assertion.  She could try to resurrect that myth with newly created 'irrefutable evidence' of anger problems.

Perhaps she will now claim that E J got angry at Addie one night and beat her to death.  Since the forensic report is definitive that there was not a shot to the head - at all - and no evidence of gunshot was found with any other recovered artifacts.  Probably assert he beat her to death.

That's a start for the rest of you.  Please feel free to contribute your thoughts and suggestions.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

“A Concern Of Power”

Refutation and comments on the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated March 23, 2012

I spent some time over the last two weekends watching WIAA boys and girls State Basketball Tournaments.  You can't beat high school basketball for drama and raw emotion.  It's amazing  and rewarding to see these young folks give everthing they have for pride in school and love of team.

And it beats the hell out of reading the rubbish Rosemary keeps piling up.

I thought I might offer a few comments on the Addie blogs  'Take me out to the ball game' and 'A concern of power'.  I think the 'Did Enoch's swift kick end baseball in Lake Mills' got deleted.  I guess that one was so far out in the weeds that Rosemary had to do something.  In these blog entries she reports the same information over and over again ad nauseam in an effort to convince her audience she is actually writing something truthful.  Of course, truth and objective reporting are strangers to Rosemary.

As I read through these last few blogs I knew the conclusion that Rosemary was shooting for and was wondering why she just didn't say it.  The Desperate Housewive of Norfolk (Bunco Squad of Oklahoma included) can't be expected to arrive at the conclusion Rosemary wants the to after they've waded through all the muck and mire along the way to the end.

Finally, at the end "Mark" helps her out so she can make a definitive statement.  Rosemary responds as follows:

I respectfully disagree. I think it establishes that Enoch was prone to outbursts of temper, at the very least. He also “used the law” to get back at W. W. Ingram, which is pretty ugly.

In all my reading of 20+ years of newspapers, there were very few instances of grown men being arrested for assault and battery *UNLESS* they were a couple of drunks who’d gotten into an ugly brawl in front of the local saloon.

We can’t use today’s standards to judge yesterday’s history. In 1885, sober, respectful, business-owning men didn’t go around kicking and hitting one another.

This case is important because it establishes that Enoch could not control his temper, and that he was willing to use the law (and the law was apparently willing to be used) to get his desired outcome.

The interesting part of Rosemary response is the part about 'We can't use today's standards.....etc".  Rosemary's been doing this since the beginning and claims that's fair over and over again.  In the same sentence she makes a definitive statement about business men in 1885 and she wasn't there but she is levying a perceived standard for behavior in this sentence.

The last paragraph is where Rosemary sums up her case that E J could not control his temper.  This is the launching pad for more stories and another approach to Addie's death.  Just like Rosemary has failed to prove her case here she will fail to prove any other case that states that Addie died at the hands of her husband.

I would also like to point out again that Rosemary knows a lot about court cases, bringing the full impact of the law, suit and counter suit and out of court settlements as evidenced by this newspaper story.  I'm sure Laurie Flori can tell you more.  This proves that Rosemay has anger management issues and cannot control her temper.

Here is a partial list of some of the facts and suggestions to help the confused understand the last two or three blogs:

First off, the competition and/or animosity between the Jefferson Banner and the LM Leader is not relevant.  Hubbs (LML) was part of the same society as the Fargos, still doesn't make those articles relevant.  And it's one article.  There could have been a long history of the Jeff Banner not playing nicely with the people of Lake Mills

The physical location of the LM Leader press is completeley irrelevant although I find it interesting that Rosemary uses the LM Leader as an accurate source when it helps her (fail) to make a case but discounts it when it doesn't.

F B Fargo (not E J Fargo) was in business with W. W. Ingram.  They owned the hotel together.

F B landed the first punches at the baseball game.

E J was hauled to Jefferson to pay a fine and costs for allegedly kicking Ingram.  Perhaps the judge was that *never* happens.

E J was exonerated of all wrong doing by a jury of his peers.  That means after hearing all evidence a jury found him "not guilty".

F B was found guilty (he confessed) and was fined some minimal amount.

Ingram paid the court costs.

F B intitiated legal action against Ingram after Ingram sued him...not before.  Any role that E J had was to be supportive of his brother.

All indications of the outcome of the trial suggest F B bought out Ingram's business interests and, without a future in Lake Mills, Ingram moved back to Chicago....where he came from.  Ingram, contrary to Rosemary's contention, was not a long term Lake Mills resident.  In the 1880 census he is listed as a "boarder".

In summary:
E J was found not guilty of kicking Ingram by a jury of his peers.  Quite the sounds like Ingram had doctored up his body to look like bruises.  (I think this is in the blog that Rosemary removed).

That makes the number of violent acts E J committed equal to zero.  That's right...not a single act of violence.

All the rest of the legal activity was, as I've stated before,  Quid Pro Quo.  Two business men came to a disagreement and one bought out the other......pretty simple.  Those two business men are F B Fargo and W W Ingram.

In one of the blogs Rosemary displays an article asking for cooler heads to determine proper management of the hotel....F B's hotel, not E J's.

So go back to Rosemary's blog entries and insert F B Fargo where it's appropriate and they have a completely different meaning...  and the assertion that either one of the "boys" has temper control problems is not proven by Rosemary and cannot be substantiated by a single act committed by F B.

The trivia question for people that read this blog is:
How many times does Rosemary try to assign responsibility to E J when the person should be F B....or Ingram.........or nobody?
Far too many to count(?)

Mark is right.......these few blogs don't prove anything......

Monday, March 19, 2012

Take Me Out At The Ball Game…

Comments on Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated March 17, 2012

I worked with a man for some time that had a saying I still remember to this day.  He used this to refer to people that lacked imagination when it came to problem solving.  It goes like this:
"If all you have is a hammer then every problem looks like a nail".
With slight paraphrasing it applies to Rosemary:
"If all you have is a conspiracy theory then everything looks like a conspiracy".

This Addie blog entry is a retelling of newspaper accounts.....I'll write more on newspaper and writing style in a separate blog.  Rosemary spins the whole event as some sort of cover up by the LM Leader.  Nothing new here............

Guns and baseball games are irrelevant, have always been irrelevant and always will be irrelevant to Addies death from diphtheria.  While E J may have popped a man at a baseball game it may be entertaining history but not evidence if future wrong doing.  Just because E J got cited for riding his bicycle on the side walk doesn't mean he committed hit and run when he got a car.

It's too bad that the Hawleys and Hoyts didn't do anything interesting that got written up in the local newspapers for Rosemary to read about.  Guess they were simply hard working agrarian type people that didn't attend baseball games or take extravagent trips.........and weren't philanthropic.

The really unforgivable injustice is that Rosemary had all of her adult life to talk to her relative that died last spring to get the history of her familay and totally botched that her own admission.  She might have gotten answers to her questions from the old gentleman and, at worst, she would have accumulated valuable historical information that might benefit real historians.

Anyway, back to the blog....
"Pitts" may not have been a resident of Jefferson County.  The newspapers report there were people at the game from Madison and, probably, Milwaukee.  Last time I checked my map those communities were not in Jefferson County.  Waukesha County is between Jefferson County and Milwaukee County and had residents, as well.  I would think if Pitts were a Jefferson County resident he would have been called to testify.

I found this part of Rosemary's blog an interesting structure:
'Wow, old Enoch had all his specialists there, testifying to all manner of things. Wonder how much that kick cost Enoch?'
................or perhaps Ingram was trying to run a scam since black linament was not known to medical science.  Doesn't really matter since Rosemary lines up her own experts that will say whatever she wants.  She loads the questions so she gets the response she wants. 

Not much here but a retelling of history with a conspiratorial bend.

As an aside - a personal not to Rachel Shoemaker......
Rosemary has spent some time cleaning up the most egregious lies in the Addie blog.  One example is that in December 2011 Rosemary stated in the blog that in a conversation with Dr. Peterson he confirmed that Addie did not die of diphtheria.  That was an absolute lie.  I spoke directly with Dr. Peterson and so did Rachel Primer (reporter for LM Leader).  Peterson confirmed the conversation but stuck by his forensic report.  You should read the article in the LM Leader dated Dec. 8.
Now I can't seem to find that blog entry and a number of other entries from early December and late November that were similarly egregious.
This, and other writings, are why you should question Rosemary's findings.  She really doesn't have any respect for reporting the truth, has little credibility and cares nothing for the reputations of professionals such as Petereson and Bowles.
And why aren't you registered to vote in Oklahoma?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

So, Enoch DID Have Firearms, But Where Did They Go?

Comments and refutation of Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated 3/12/2012

Can any rational person believe that Rosemary is writing this dreck?  Apparently Mandie Brewer, the lead blog contributor, will believe anything.  Then again, Rosemary is probably writing her comments for her to post or is posting them herself under another persona.  Either way, Mandie's contention on "evidence" mirrors Rosemary's conspiracy theory to closely to be coincidence.

The bottom line is that is doesn't matter whether E J owned guns, or not.  And it doesn't matter where they are today, if he did own any.  Going on a hunting trip doesn't verify ownership of any guns.  Many people go hunting and the guide provides everything including guns and ammunition. 
Going hunting and actually shooting something are two separate events.  Unless Rosemary has another piece of the paper she's hiding she has yet to produce the list of animals shot and brought back.
Rosemary concludes, without any supporting evidence, that E J owned guns in 1891.  Maybe he did, but Rosemary fails to prove her point.  I could assert that Addie made E J get rid of his guns and that has as much validity as her statements since there is not an article every year that E J went hunting.

The main point is that gun ownership does not consitute murder......  In this case it's just another red herring thrown into the mix so Mandie has something to write about that makes equally no sense.  Owning a gun does not put it in E J's hand murdering Addie.  Rosemary's assertion that E J shot Addie is not supported by any piece of history or physical evidence.....nothing.......more on this later.

I posted the complete passage about the rumor from Mary Wilson's book on January 24th.  The context is significantly different in these several paragraphs than the 3 words Rosemary keeps repeating.   Rosemary stating the passage says 'Enoch shot Addie' is incorrect.  She had to change it because she is only using 3 words and an exact quote makes no sense..............much like Rosemary's writing make no sense.  If Rosemary thinks this is conclusive evidence she is pretty much dragging people out into the swamp.

Rosemary's other unproven, unsupported and untrue statements include (but are not limited to):
Shallow grave - depth cannot be determined but Rosemary is untruthful about the actual depth where the artifacts were found and recovered.
Did not die of diphtheria - Rosemary has failed to produce anthing the supports this even though she tried to compromise the integrity of Dr. Peterson.
Falsified death certificate - Other than wild assumption Rosemary has nothing to historical or physical to support this notion.  I personally think Rosemary rewrote the grave site number so she would have something to talk about.....this assertion is as valid and any I've read on the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog.
Again, not one shred of evidence that any of this is true......  Assumption and assertion abound.

Continuing on to Federal Rules of Evidence 803 (16).
I'm not an attorney but I'm pretty sure once the complete passage in Mary's book was presented to a judge Rosemary would be asked by the judge why she is wasting the court's time.
But there is evidence that would be acceptable and that includes:
The death certificate - no other historical evidence has been found to refute this document.
Possibly the obituary - describes a reasonable funeral based on the fear of spreading disease
The National Institute of Health documents I posted and the wealth of information on diphtheria in the NIH archives.
The LM Leader article on the Fargo girls missing from the HS Alumni activities
The forensic report on Addies remains - I'll add some to this in a minute
And a bunch of other documentation.......feel free to post your thoughts on evidence to this blog's comments section.

I posted the complete forensic report to this blog in January.  Page one clearly states 'no extraneous metallic fragments were identified'.  Additionally, the skull was reconstructed and 'examination following reconstruction reveals  no evidence of gunshot injury'.  The video tape of the phone call with Rosemary that was on the Journal Sentinel site is very explicit about how that determination was made.  The conclusion section states in point one that 'No evidence of gunshot injury of head'.  Point two says 'No evidence of gunshot injury to torso'.  Just face it.....Addie was not shot.  I can tell  you that any large caliber weapon or shotgun would leave substantial evidence of gunshot that would have been found after 110 years.

At the end of her blog Rosemary states definitively that Addie was shot by her husband.  Obviously that is not true based on all the historical and physical evidence.

Rosemary has claimed, at various times, that she has enough evidence to win a civil case of murder.  Well, get at it......come to Wisconsin to do that since that's where E J and Addie lived.  That would give me the opportunity to serve her with a temporary restraining order.....and there is plenty of evidence to support that legal action......wouldn't mean much but would be fun to do.  So if you know when/if Rosemary is coming for a visit let me know and if there is time I'll get this done and serve it myself.

Monday, March 12, 2012

What, No Guns?

Coments about Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated 3/9/2012

Seems like this blog entry turns from the ignorant to the stupid.  First there was some conspiracy that the LM Leader printing press didn't have a building of it's own on the factory grounds.  This statement merely confirms ignorance of the manufacturing process and the setup of factories.  Now there is a conspiracy about NOT having any guns.  Someone that does not have a vendetta might think the reason there aren't any guns is because, well..................there aren't any guns.....maybe never were any guns.  Others in Lake Mills may have been avid hunters but that doesn't mean E J was, or ever cared about hunting.
Then there's the transition between hunting and a hand gun disposal or something equally obscure conspiracy.  This blog quite simply is stupid.  There are a rare few people that hunt with a hand gun or even have a reason to own a hand gun.
Unless there is some inventory or historical information to support ownership of firearms a rational person would assume there weren't any in the house.
It's nice to know Rosemary has confirmed the lack of firearms in the house.  Kind of 'shoots holes' in the whole Addie being shot conspiracy.  And, of course, Rosemary continues to tell people there is some sort of documentation that Addie was murdered when none exists.
I guess Rosemary has given up on protecting her reputation and credibility.   But keep on reading the Leaders......there's more than 100 years to go.
The point I want to make at this point is obvious and this Addie blog is an excellent example of where Rosemary is at in her vendetta.  If there had been guns listed on the inventory then Rosemary would hvae claimed conclusive proof of a guns were found and it's still evidence of a crime.......just a slightly different twist on her poorly thought out conclusion.  This may play well with the Desperate Housewives of Norfolk but it's simply ridiculous to people that can apply logical thought to the Addie blogs.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Did Enoch’s Swift Kick End Baseball in Lake Mills?

Comments about the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated 3/7/2012

Rosemary is always up for drawing unfounded conclusion and this blog entry is no different.  Right at the beginning she states Ingram was a long time resident.....yet offers no proof to support that statement.

Also, at the beginning F B is referred to as H B.  I'm certain I could come up with a conspiracy theory about this typing error if I wanted to spend the time.

While Rosemary continues to focus on E J's role in the baseball melee it was F B that through the first punch.  E J was exonerated in the civil trial by a number of witnesses.   

And again, Rosemary is merely repeating the notion that E J would know something about the liquor business at the hotel when F B was the business partner.  Transference of responsibility must be the reason for this type of writing.

"Or something like that. Probably"  Or not something like that, probably.  Assumption based on unknown information in an effort to assign responsibility incorrectly.  And again, F B was Ingram's business partner, not E J.

Then Rosemary launches into a whole bunch of unfounded conspiracy.  Without all the proper dates who knows why the courts conducted business on the schedule they did. That doesn't stop Rosemary from being the Monday morning quarterback, always seeing something negative  and some conspiracy about E J when nothing exists.

Ingram dropped his that would be a settlement out of court, not a conspiracy.  In the end it turns out Ingram left Lake Mills and moved to Chicago.....

Rosemary got out of a lawsuit simply by writing a nice apology to the person she falsely accused.  I hope there were expenses involved that Rosemary had to pay.  Goes to show, she didn't learn much from the experience.

E B went about the business of managing his land as he saw fit.  The altercation at the park may have entered into his decision making...........maybe not......nothing supports either conclusion.  We do know that E B was very civic minded and contributed great energy and resources to the betterment of the community.  Depending on the Lake Stree location of the ball field it could be the land was needed to advance the communities best interests.  There is a reference that E B expanded his business at about this time and may have needed the land for his dairy business.

Rosemary really goes overboard at the end suggesting E J had more interest in the paper than to provide the community with power to run the press.  The paper could have continued to do whatever they had previously......there wasn't any obligation.

And finally, if Rosemary knew anything about manufacturing she would know the printing press could not be housed in a separate building.  I could explain this to her but she would cough up some other false conspiracy based on no facts at all.

The rest of this blog is Rosemary drawing the wrong conclusions in an effort to bolster the false accusations she's made against E J.

There’s a Four-Foot Alligator - Lost in Lake Mills!

Not much to say about the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated 3/6/2012

I take offense at the unfounded conclusion Rosemary makes about E J not sending Addie's belongings to her relatives.  First off, she doesn't know that..........she has no clue what transpired.  She only wants to assume the worst when it probably wasn't true.  And why didn't Addie's relatives show up and ask for Addie's belongings.  I'm guessing E J wouldn't care and was vulnerable after losing his wife.

I think it would be nice to have the complete inventory of the household that was compiled by E J's third wife after his death.  Might be all kinds of interesting historical information in that list that would mean nothing to Rosemary since she has no background or history with the family.  Let me know if you know where it is.

And, of course, at the end Rosemary has to make some comment about Addie being murdered even though that's not true....  Rosemary is still beating the drum about the passage in Mary's book even though it's been qualified as a rumor over and over again.

I doubt Rosemary did any of the research in this blog entry.  There is someone in the Lake Mills Chapter of the Desperate Housewives of Norfolk that's doing this work for her.......I'm pretty sure.

Mary Wilson Never Mentioned *THIS* In Her Book! - Followup

Follow up comments on the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated 3/4/2012

Would have been nice if the exact dates of the newpaper articles were revealed.  Up front I'm stating that Rosemary doesn't do her own research and unless she has a copy of the micro-film she didn't do this research.  I still question her statement about spending 50 hours reading 10 years of LM Leaders since the film is in Wisconsin and not digitized.  Seriously doubt she was actually here to do the work.  But if Rosemary would like to come forward to refute my statement I'm interested in knowing if there are other copies available.

After reading this a little bit it seems like Rosemary should have put the complete newspaper articles in the's not like it would cost her anything.  Nearly everytime she truncates the information like this and I can find the complete article the story is much different.
One example might be the inclusion of the part about E J being hauled off to jail and, even though Rosemary says F B was found guilty, the part about F B is left out - if it even exists.  I think that would be interesting to read about.

Then follows the leap of faith that E J not only brought the charges of illegal alcohol sales but  knew about the illegal sales all along.  Except, the newspaper article says F B was the Fargo engaged with Ingraham in the hotel endeavor.  Simply doesn't connect up according to the articles.......again, it would be nice to see the complete information.  Nor is it clear that Ingraham had E J arrested.......maybe he swore out a complaint when he got around to it.  Not enough information to make a decent time line. without more research.

Note that Rosemary says she is 'still hunting for the outcome of those trials'.  I seriously doubt she is doing any of the work herself.

Rosemary conveniently leaves F B out of the caption under the newspaper article on the hoteland writes highly of Ingraham.  The article gives both men equal credit.  This is typical and wrong.

Rosemary writes more about the legal cases in another blog where I will commment.  She still tries to get murder in when she can even though there was not a murder.  It's too bad she is so willing to cash in her credibility this easily......

Monday, March 5, 2012

Mary Wilson Never Mentioned *THIS* In Her Book!

Comments on post to the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated 3/4/2012

I have no idea why Rosemary thinks this is relevant to anything other than a couple of men who should know better than to get into a scuffle.  I've seen this happen at Brewers and Badger games repeatedly and those guys don't murder their wives.....and neither did E J.  Anybody who has been at a sporting events must have seen some level of confrontation.  In this case the cause may not have been a comment about the team...same at other sporting events....sometimes it's about nothing. 

The title of this blog entry also makes no sense.  Mary's intent was to create a record of a history of Lake Mills.  If she included everything about the Fargo's the book would be multiple volumes.  It was 828 pages in the book's completed form....a hefty volume.

Mary Wilson aside........what might be the purpose.  Surely to create the notion that E J had a temper?  Maybe F B had a temper?  Maybe Ingram was an idiot?  Not sure because after I read the blog entry it seems somewhat disjointed and one part doesn't connect well to other parts.

What I got out of this is that F B either pushed or punched Ingram and then E J was accused of kicking him.  E J was hauled off to the slammer and there's nothing about F B.  I guess that implies that it's O.K. to punch the guy but not kick him........  Like so many of Rosemary's "discoveries" there is edited content.  I would like to see the complete articles but I'm not going to rush over to the library to get a copy of the paper.

Stepping away from the blog for a moment...
Couple of thoughts I want to put here........This was not in the 10 years of the LM Leader that Rosemary spent many arduous hours scanning for details..  And I would like to know who actually did the research on this for Rosemary since it is highly unlikely she did the work herself.  Maybe one of the Desperate Housewives of Norfolk, Lake Mills Chapter did the work.  Wish they would come forward and take credit for their work.
Back to the blog. 

It appears F B and Ingram were in business together and F B provided the first punch in the melee.  Yet, for some inexplicable reason, Rosemary contends through out her  blog that E J has more responsibility than is described in the newspaper articles.

In the civil case F B paid 6 cents as I read it and  E J was acquitted.  Not sure what else to say about what is in the paper.  It says the jury didn't take too long.

I'll have to re-read this a few more times and provide an update at a later time.  Besides the amount of the  fine it seems Rosemary has the timing off on when the hotel opened and the other events occurred.  Her version doesn't seem to knit together correctly.  Right now I don't want to take the time to put this on a timeline........or go hunt down the articles to see what parts Rosemary left out or misinterpreted.

As for the liquor violations and Ingram's legal problems......quid pro quo.  Ingram went after F B and there is no reason for F B not to return the favor.   Seems like E J was more F B's relative than an active participant.

Seems like E J went to jail to calm everything down but that didn't work as well as he wanted since Ingram wouldn't let it go.  In the end, Ingram got his just due.....Rosemary should take note of that.

If there was bribery to affect the outcome of the civil case then prove it.....  There is no historical record. 

I have some material to review and track and will have a follow up post when I get through the "stuff".  Hopefully tomorrow......or Wednesday.  My initial impression is that Rosemary running out of gas.......she desperately grasping at anything she can to try and keep the myth of Addie's death alive.  

I offered an olive branch to Rosemary by separate email suggesting if she would drop her blog and correct the false information she spread on the internet I would pay to have Addie's ashes buried in her grave in Lake Mills.  I think this is more than fair since she has failed to prove E J did anything other than love and care for Addie.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Addie Hoyt Fargo died of Diphtheria - NIH Articles

I'm posting these NIH articles based on the research of an alert reader of the E J Fargo blog.  I had a little trouble navigating to the actual articles so I can try to paste them if someone wants me is .PDF and not all that easy to manipulate.

 The first  article is from the National Institute of Health from 1896.  This article clearly describes two types of diphtheria and one matches very closely with the symptoms described in the Addie Hoyt Fargo obituary. Another part of the article states that burial should occur within four to five hours of death. There is a section on care and cleaning to keep the disease from spreading. Since we know that E J's daughters could not attend the Lake Mills HS alumni activities it's a safe bet the house was being quarantined and the cleaning process had been completed.

The article is located at:

The second article is from 1898.  It also describes a type of diphtheria that matches the Addie obituary.  The main difference is the change in thought that immediate burial may not be necessary.  Still, Oatway's knowledge base is unknown and he may have subscribed to the quick burial philosophy.  The implication from this article is that the quick burial practice was still being used broadly.

The article is located at:

The point is that is is impossible to know which set of criteria Oatway applied.  In some of Rosemary's blogs Oatway is a neophyte....if that satisfies her needs at the time.  In others he's the "expert" that supports her arguments.......  We do know he became an eye, ear, nose and throat specialist by 1913.  Could be the Addie death provided the incentive for him to specialize.
From what I have read I think the basis for the murder suspicion over the years has comes from the fact that Addie became ill and passed and was buried in such a quick manner. It would not seem so far fetched if you were dealing with deadly communicable disease such as diphtheria. If according to the newspaper account "Sudden Death of Mrs. E.J. Fargo" Addie had complained of a sore throat that she had for "a day or two without apprehension of anything serious". So she could have had the onset of diphtheria for a couple days (Saturday) before the doctor was called on Monday.  Later the paper states that a doctor checked her in the afternoon and he found nothing serious. He was called back later that evening and that's when he found that she had diphtheria and started treatment. The next day she said she felt better but her throat grew worse until she sprang up in the bed and then expired a few moments later. So two days of feeling bad before the doctor checked her on Monday and she made it through Tuesday and the patient was cheerful and hopeful but continues to get worse, then she passes away at 2:00 am on Wednesday. To me that means she had symptoms Saturday and died at least four days later on Wednesday. The sudden death really took four days. What was sudden was the final passing which may have been from cardiac arrest from the toxins rather than from suffocation.