Monday, March 19, 2012

Take Me Out At The Ball Game…

Comments on Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated March 17, 2012

I worked with a man for some time that had a saying I still remember to this day.  He used this to refer to people that lacked imagination when it came to problem solving.  It goes like this:
"If all you have is a hammer then every problem looks like a nail".
With slight paraphrasing it applies to Rosemary:
"If all you have is a conspiracy theory then everything looks like a conspiracy".

This Addie blog entry is a retelling of newspaper accounts.....I'll write more on newspaper and writing style in a separate blog.  Rosemary spins the whole event as some sort of cover up by the LM Leader.  Nothing new here............

Guns and baseball games are irrelevant, have always been irrelevant and always will be irrelevant to Addies death from diphtheria.  While E J may have popped a man at a baseball game it may be entertaining history but not evidence if future wrong doing.  Just because E J got cited for riding his bicycle on the side walk doesn't mean he committed hit and run when he got a car.

It's too bad that the Hawleys and Hoyts didn't do anything interesting that got written up in the local newspapers for Rosemary to read about.  Guess they were simply hard working agrarian type people that didn't attend baseball games or take extravagent trips.........and weren't philanthropic.

The really unforgivable injustice is that Rosemary had all of her adult life to talk to her relative that died last spring to get the history of her familay and totally botched that her own admission.  She might have gotten answers to her questions from the old gentleman and, at worst, she would have accumulated valuable historical information that might benefit real historians.

Anyway, back to the blog....
"Pitts" may not have been a resident of Jefferson County.  The newspapers report there were people at the game from Madison and, probably, Milwaukee.  Last time I checked my map those communities were not in Jefferson County.  Waukesha County is between Jefferson County and Milwaukee County and had residents, as well.  I would think if Pitts were a Jefferson County resident he would have been called to testify.

I found this part of Rosemary's blog an interesting structure:
'Wow, old Enoch had all his specialists there, testifying to all manner of things. Wonder how much that kick cost Enoch?'
................or perhaps Ingram was trying to run a scam since black linament was not known to medical science.  Doesn't really matter since Rosemary lines up her own experts that will say whatever she wants.  She loads the questions so she gets the response she wants. 

Not much here but a retelling of history with a conspiratorial bend.

As an aside - a personal not to Rachel Shoemaker......
Rosemary has spent some time cleaning up the most egregious lies in the Addie blog.  One example is that in December 2011 Rosemary stated in the blog that in a conversation with Dr. Peterson he confirmed that Addie did not die of diphtheria.  That was an absolute lie.  I spoke directly with Dr. Peterson and so did Rachel Primer (reporter for LM Leader).  Peterson confirmed the conversation but stuck by his forensic report.  You should read the article in the LM Leader dated Dec. 8.
Now I can't seem to find that blog entry and a number of other entries from early December and late November that were similarly egregious.
This, and other writings, are why you should question Rosemary's findings.  She really doesn't have any respect for reporting the truth, has little credibility and cares nothing for the reputations of professionals such as Petereson and Bowles.
And why aren't you registered to vote in Oklahoma?


  1. Quote from Sears blog:
    The "Jefferson Banner" didn't have a high opinion of the "Lake Mills Leader."
    Of course not! they were a competitor!!! If a competing publication could portray something negative to the readership, they seem to have jumped at the chance! Good god, talk about naive - or is it simply taking ones blog audience as fools... Such as interspersing comments
    in the cut and paste articles - assuming that the blog readers can't read, including,
    "Enoch's problems weren't over. There was still a civil trial, brought by Ingram for damages to his 'mind, body and reputation.'"
    Really... and what was the outcome of the civil suit- which was by the way, by a jury of his peers, rather than the assault case - that was by a judge, right? One person? Were there factors that affected his opinion? One would be making assumptions if one named any - and no one - No one - in 2012 was there and knows the details - of that or anything in this silliness that's dragged on - and is only making judgments as to what happened back then
    Another Sears blog quote:
    "My favorite quote, 'A large number of witnesses were sworn, who told a number of flatly contradictory stories.'"
    Hey wait - you don't realize that speaks against you?

  2. You wrote: "It's too bad that the Hawleys and Hoyts didn't do anything interesting that got written up in the local newspapers for Rosemary to read about."
    There was at least one thing - a blurb was put on the Sears blog that "Addie's baby brother" was shot - hit twice. Yet it was completely ignored by the person who posted it - not a single editorial comment on that one. Apparently that was supposed to prove that EJ shot his wife, though I'm failing to make the connection.
    Maybe he ran over to the Hoyts in the middle of the night, "exclaiming" hey - quick! Can I borrow your gun?? When I went hunting out of state all those years ago, the guide furnished the weapons and all I have is a licorce whip."

  3. I would be willing to bet that EJ didn't "hit" Ingram in the back. He more than likely kicked him in the ass. Ingram was a pompous dick from Chicago. Chuck

  4. Quoting from the article, Rosemary wrote, "The jury...acted under the misapprehension that their verdict would carry costs with it." Nice job of putting the elipses in the quote to show she left something out. Then why wasn't that done at the beginning of the sentence as she quoted it?? The sentence actually began, "It is rumored..." Raed the sentence as it was written and without "creative editing, and it changes the meaning, doesn't it.

    1. Rosemary has consistently re-worded and edited articles to support her conspiracy theory. She milked Addie's obituary for weeks until I printed the entire article in this blog. When I look at the materials she collects and how she presents them it's amazing how much effort is put into twisting and turning the facts around.

  5. Why are we even talking about this? First she said Enoch was a murderer. Next he ran the baseball team out of town. Next he is a hunter but he didn't have a gun, then he did have a gun but he threw it away, then he stole a four foot alligator???
    This has to be the silliest crap I have ever heard. By the time this book comes out it will probably be on the shelf beside the Cheech and Chong stuff!
    Sorry Cheech!

    1. Near I can tell she is attempting a character assassination in a public forum. The idea is to convince the narrow minded that this is "overwhelming and absolute" evidence that Enoch committed murder. Since she has nothing else of substance it's the only thing she can do. And she is putting a lot of effort into this goal. Rosemary needs to think hard and long about whether to publish a book on this subject because there is bound to be retaliation for the lies she has put together. The book would have to be fiction because factual information doesn't support her story. I think it's interesting that the LM Leader is "accurate" when it supports her but corrupted by E J's influence when it doesn't.......guess ROsemary can have it both ways.

    2. How could a fiction book even be published?? With all this rubbish posted all over the internet, it would be easily recognized as being based on real characters and places.

  6. Check your email.


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