Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Circular Logic - Smoke and Mirrors

Comments on the nex Addie Hoyt Fargo blog post

Since it is spring and the weather has taken a turn toward the uncomfortable maybe now is good time to have an unofficial contest on the content of the next Addie Hoyt Fargo blog post.  In the last three the idea was to generate a foundation that E J had temper control problems.........  Rosemary failed to prove her point even by clouding the issue with competitive newspaper editing and the location of the LM Leader press in the F B Fargo and Co. building.  These two subjects had nothing to do with the civil trial, or any criminal complaint.

Rosemary deleted the blog titled the 'Enoch's swift kick.....' for a couple of reasons I can think of at the moment.  One reason is because (I think) this contained the article that stated witnesses that viewed Ingram's bruises testified the bruises wiped off - shoe polish or something like that.  Ingram claimed it was a new kind of linament.  The paper said black linament was unknown to medical science.  Clearly, Ingram had character flaws and the entire article was damaging to Rosemary's efforts to prove her point.  I would like to interject that excluding historical information to make a point has been Rosemary's approach since the beginning......that's one, of many, reasons I consider everything she writes to be fiction.

In the past Rosemary has built false information into some sort of support for some other fictional story she dreamed up.   And then she would turn around and use the second piece of false information to support the first piece of false information.....sometimes is was a trilogy of false information. She's deleted enough blog entries now so it's getting more difficult to point out specific examples that can be viewed.  Try looking at the 'eleven signposts...' blog where she "wonders" if Oatway wrote the obituary and in a later point makes a definitive statement that he wrote the obituary.....unlikely he wrote the obit...........more likely Hubbs wrote it...but logic should never cloud the mythology.

At this point I think it would be more fun to guess how her failed attempt to prove E J had anger management will support her failed attempts to prove anything else.  Maybe she'll just make up some new ficitional story for this the 'hired man' story.

Here's a couple of guesses to help get this started.  Rosemary failed miserably to prove spousal abuse.  While it sounded good when she presented it, all a person had to do was wade through the facade and find there wasn't a grain of truth to the assertion.  She could try to resurrect that myth with newly created 'irrefutable evidence' of anger problems.

Perhaps she will now claim that E J got angry at Addie one night and beat her to death.  Since the forensic report is definitive that there was not a shot to the head - at all - and no evidence of gunshot was found with any other recovered artifacts.  Probably assert he beat her to death.

That's a start for the rest of you.  Please feel free to contribute your thoughts and suggestions.


  1. My contest entry: Maddie will be next to be put under the microscope. She will be the nextchapter in this work of fiction. It will be said that EJ married her for money, to present him with an heir and who knows what all. These things have been mentioned, but the Lake Mills Leader will provide a few words that can be used as "proof." Thus, it can be elaborated on. It will be said that she helped him by disposing of the gun. She was actually the "hired hand" who dug the grave with a garden shovel.

    1. Congratulations!!!!! You are the first to enter the Rosemary Roulette contest. True a previous blog Rosemary had suggested the third wife had a hand in the death of the second wife. In between complaining about Addie's missing jewelry. I'm guessing that blog entry got deleted.

    2. Anything mentioned in the past will be brought up again.. and again. . and again. Because there is no proof, there is nothing new. Too bad that those who lived over 100 years ago can't rest in pease.

    3. I wrote Maddie - it should have been Martha. Any ideas on what will be the next chapter??

  2. Im totally disappointed. The lattest proof is the same crap just rewritten using the same bad 1901 photograph as evidence. Same as before just written up differently. I was hoping for something fresh. I think I may be in danger of being murdered too. It looks like gaining weight and getting homely as you age is also proof of murder now???


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