Wednesday, March 14, 2012

So, Enoch DID Have Firearms, But Where Did They Go?

Comments and refutation of Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated 3/12/2012

Can any rational person believe that Rosemary is writing this dreck?  Apparently Mandie Brewer, the lead blog contributor, will believe anything.  Then again, Rosemary is probably writing her comments for her to post or is posting them herself under another persona.  Either way, Mandie's contention on "evidence" mirrors Rosemary's conspiracy theory to closely to be coincidence.

The bottom line is that is doesn't matter whether E J owned guns, or not.  And it doesn't matter where they are today, if he did own any.  Going on a hunting trip doesn't verify ownership of any guns.  Many people go hunting and the guide provides everything including guns and ammunition. 
Going hunting and actually shooting something are two separate events.  Unless Rosemary has another piece of the paper she's hiding she has yet to produce the list of animals shot and brought back.
Rosemary concludes, without any supporting evidence, that E J owned guns in 1891.  Maybe he did, but Rosemary fails to prove her point.  I could assert that Addie made E J get rid of his guns and that has as much validity as her statements since there is not an article every year that E J went hunting.

The main point is that gun ownership does not consitute murder......  In this case it's just another red herring thrown into the mix so Mandie has something to write about that makes equally no sense.  Owning a gun does not put it in E J's hand murdering Addie.  Rosemary's assertion that E J shot Addie is not supported by any piece of history or physical evidence.....nothing.......more on this later.

I posted the complete passage about the rumor from Mary Wilson's book on January 24th.  The context is significantly different in these several paragraphs than the 3 words Rosemary keeps repeating.   Rosemary stating the passage says 'Enoch shot Addie' is incorrect.  She had to change it because she is only using 3 words and an exact quote makes no sense..............much like Rosemary's writing make no sense.  If Rosemary thinks this is conclusive evidence she is pretty much dragging people out into the swamp.

Rosemary's other unproven, unsupported and untrue statements include (but are not limited to):
Shallow grave - depth cannot be determined but Rosemary is untruthful about the actual depth where the artifacts were found and recovered.
Did not die of diphtheria - Rosemary has failed to produce anthing the supports this even though she tried to compromise the integrity of Dr. Peterson.
Falsified death certificate - Other than wild assumption Rosemary has nothing to historical or physical to support this notion.  I personally think Rosemary rewrote the grave site number so she would have something to talk about.....this assertion is as valid and any I've read on the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog.
Again, not one shred of evidence that any of this is true......  Assumption and assertion abound.

Continuing on to Federal Rules of Evidence 803 (16).
I'm not an attorney but I'm pretty sure once the complete passage in Mary's book was presented to a judge Rosemary would be asked by the judge why she is wasting the court's time.
But there is evidence that would be acceptable and that includes:
The death certificate - no other historical evidence has been found to refute this document.
Possibly the obituary - describes a reasonable funeral based on the fear of spreading disease
The National Institute of Health documents I posted and the wealth of information on diphtheria in the NIH archives.
The LM Leader article on the Fargo girls missing from the HS Alumni activities
The forensic report on Addies remains - I'll add some to this in a minute
And a bunch of other documentation.......feel free to post your thoughts on evidence to this blog's comments section.

I posted the complete forensic report to this blog in January.  Page one clearly states 'no extraneous metallic fragments were identified'.  Additionally, the skull was reconstructed and 'examination following reconstruction reveals  no evidence of gunshot injury'.  The video tape of the phone call with Rosemary that was on the Journal Sentinel site is very explicit about how that determination was made.  The conclusion section states in point one that 'No evidence of gunshot injury of head'.  Point two says 'No evidence of gunshot injury to torso'.  Just face it.....Addie was not shot.  I can tell  you that any large caliber weapon or shotgun would leave substantial evidence of gunshot that would have been found after 110 years.

At the end of her blog Rosemary states definitively that Addie was shot by her husband.  Obviously that is not true based on all the historical and physical evidence.

Rosemary has claimed, at various times, that she has enough evidence to win a civil case of murder.  Well, get at it......come to Wisconsin to do that since that's where E J and Addie lived.  That would give me the opportunity to serve her with a temporary restraining order.....and there is plenty of evidence to support that legal action......wouldn't mean much but would be fun to do.  So if you know when/if Rosemary is coming for a visit let me know and if there is time I'll get this done and serve it myself.


  1. Why the insistence that this person was shot and killed when there isn't even evidence as such?

  2. .......feel free to post your thoughts on evidence to this blog's comments section.

    No comments because there is no evidence. :(

  3. Do you all know that you don't have to cry out to "exclaim"?

  4. Looks like Rachel Shoemaker has access to all of the 'real factual evidence' that Rosemary has conveniently kept from public view.....and this includes the fact that Addie didn't die of disease.
    Please show me the facts......I've seen nothing factual outside of the forensic report, the death certificate and the obituary. All other circumstantial information points to death by disease. I can hardly wait to see all this secretly held information......

  5. Why is the information being shown to her privately?? Why not post it upfront to the public? If it has facts that show she didn't die of disease what is the advantage of withholding it?? More and more it is evident that this is all about money - increasing hits to the Sears blog, and building an audience. Or won't it be posted to the blog rather one has to buy the book to find out. Ohhh, I know. It's something that was printed in the Lake Mills Leader. Yes, it was published in a newspaper, so it's admissible in Federal court. "I shall laugh myself to death... " A


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