Monday, March 5, 2012

Mary Wilson Never Mentioned *THIS* In Her Book!

Comments on post to the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated 3/4/2012

I have no idea why Rosemary thinks this is relevant to anything other than a couple of men who should know better than to get into a scuffle.  I've seen this happen at Brewers and Badger games repeatedly and those guys don't murder their wives.....and neither did E J.  Anybody who has been at a sporting events must have seen some level of confrontation.  In this case the cause may not have been a comment about the team...same at other sporting events....sometimes it's about nothing. 

The title of this blog entry also makes no sense.  Mary's intent was to create a record of a history of Lake Mills.  If she included everything about the Fargo's the book would be multiple volumes.  It was 828 pages in the book's completed form....a hefty volume.

Mary Wilson aside........what might be the purpose.  Surely to create the notion that E J had a temper?  Maybe F B had a temper?  Maybe Ingram was an idiot?  Not sure because after I read the blog entry it seems somewhat disjointed and one part doesn't connect well to other parts.

What I got out of this is that F B either pushed or punched Ingram and then E J was accused of kicking him.  E J was hauled off to the slammer and there's nothing about F B.  I guess that implies that it's O.K. to punch the guy but not kick him........  Like so many of Rosemary's "discoveries" there is edited content.  I would like to see the complete articles but I'm not going to rush over to the library to get a copy of the paper.

Stepping away from the blog for a moment...
Couple of thoughts I want to put here........This was not in the 10 years of the LM Leader that Rosemary spent many arduous hours scanning for details..  And I would like to know who actually did the research on this for Rosemary since it is highly unlikely she did the work herself.  Maybe one of the Desperate Housewives of Norfolk, Lake Mills Chapter did the work.  Wish they would come forward and take credit for their work.
Back to the blog. 

It appears F B and Ingram were in business together and F B provided the first punch in the melee.  Yet, for some inexplicable reason, Rosemary contends through out her  blog that E J has more responsibility than is described in the newspaper articles.

In the civil case F B paid 6 cents as I read it and  E J was acquitted.  Not sure what else to say about what is in the paper.  It says the jury didn't take too long.

I'll have to re-read this a few more times and provide an update at a later time.  Besides the amount of the  fine it seems Rosemary has the timing off on when the hotel opened and the other events occurred.  Her version doesn't seem to knit together correctly.  Right now I don't want to take the time to put this on a timeline........or go hunt down the articles to see what parts Rosemary left out or misinterpreted.

As for the liquor violations and Ingram's legal problems......quid pro quo.  Ingram went after F B and there is no reason for F B not to return the favor.   Seems like E J was more F B's relative than an active participant.

Seems like E J went to jail to calm everything down but that didn't work as well as he wanted since Ingram wouldn't let it go.  In the end, Ingram got his just due.....Rosemary should take note of that.

If there was bribery to affect the outcome of the civil case then prove it.....  There is no historical record. 

I have some material to review and track and will have a follow up post when I get through the "stuff".  Hopefully tomorrow......or Wednesday.  My initial impression is that Rosemary running out of gas.......she desperately grasping at anything she can to try and keep the myth of Addie's death alive.  

I offered an olive branch to Rosemary by separate email suggesting if she would drop her blog and correct the false information she spread on the internet I would pay to have Addie's ashes buried in her grave in Lake Mills.  I think this is more than fair since she has failed to prove E J did anything other than love and care for Addie.


  1. When I read that post "Mary Wilson Never Mentioned *THIS* In Her Book!" along with the comments after I laughed out loud and woke the baby up. Why would she put this in her book? Maybe because Enoch was innocent and was acquitted? How silly it looks writing this garbage and then watching the comments from her readers come rolling in like they could possibly think anyone outside of their circle believes it. It's always the same few people commenting. Ted

  2. That Enoch was such a scofflaw! In 1898 he was fined for failing to dismount from his bicycle when encountering a pedestrian on the sidewalk. See the pattern here? Rosemary claims that he got away with murder because of his money and position in the community and yet history says that he answered to the law like everybody else.
    Something she doesn't tell you is the Fargo's let the baseball team use their land for the ball diamond. Or that the Fargo's were offered very attractive incentives to move their manufacturing facilities elsewhere, taking away a hundred plus jobs and all the support people, shop keepers, plumbers, electricians, carpenters, lawyers; the whole community would have suffered immensely but the Fargo's felt a deep sense of community and an obligation to the men that made their business a success. When readers are only given bits and pieces of history the writer is thinking that her readers aren't intelligent or sophisticated enough to see her campaign for what it is. Guess what Rosie, you may think that we are hicks and will swallow anything you write, but the truth is that we respect honesty and integrity above all else. Give us the credit we deserve and tell the whole story. Researching history from a small town news paper is ridiculous. You owe this whole community an apology! We even wear shoes, well, in the winter anyway. Hick from the sticks.


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