Monday, March 12, 2012

What, No Guns?

Coments about Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated 3/9/2012

Seems like this blog entry turns from the ignorant to the stupid.  First there was some conspiracy that the LM Leader printing press didn't have a building of it's own on the factory grounds.  This statement merely confirms ignorance of the manufacturing process and the setup of factories.  Now there is a conspiracy about NOT having any guns.  Someone that does not have a vendetta might think the reason there aren't any guns is because, well..................there aren't any guns.....maybe never were any guns.  Others in Lake Mills may have been avid hunters but that doesn't mean E J was, or ever cared about hunting.
Then there's the transition between hunting and a hand gun disposal or something equally obscure conspiracy.  This blog quite simply is stupid.  There are a rare few people that hunt with a hand gun or even have a reason to own a hand gun.
Unless there is some inventory or historical information to support ownership of firearms a rational person would assume there weren't any in the house.
It's nice to know Rosemary has confirmed the lack of firearms in the house.  Kind of 'shoots holes' in the whole Addie being shot conspiracy.  And, of course, Rosemary continues to tell people there is some sort of documentation that Addie was murdered when none exists.
I guess Rosemary has given up on protecting her reputation and credibility.   But keep on reading the Leaders......there's more than 100 years to go.
The point I want to make at this point is obvious and this Addie blog is an excellent example of where Rosemary is at in her vendetta.  If there had been guns listed on the inventory then Rosemary would hvae claimed conclusive proof of a guns were found and it's still evidence of a crime.......just a slightly different twist on her poorly thought out conclusion.  This may play well with the Desperate Housewives of Norfolk but it's simply ridiculous to people that can apply logical thought to the Addie blogs.


  1. In her post, What No Guns, she gives states that Eugene Hoyt was shot while hunting. She states that he is Addie's baby brother. Yet, in her post on the Hoyts, the dates she gives for him makes him 3 years older than Addie. And about 19 - hardly a baby brother. The word "baby" seems to be a word to appeal to the emotions.
    As for ducks being frozen in the lake, Will Dewey getting shot while hunting, and Eugene Hoyt getting shot while hunting - they have nothing to do with Addie's death. And this merits getting a metal detector for the Fargo mansion?? Al

  2. Finding no evidence for an instance of nothing happening.

  3. My father had an extensive collection of firearms but he gave them all away a year before he died. To my knowledge he didn't kill anyone before he gave them away...and how many times do we need to remind her that Mary Wilson was stating her opinion not a known fact.

    1. Another addition to the incredible comedy ala Rosie. She once again asserts that Enoch shot Addie by showing, indisputably, and according to the historical record, the Lake Mills Leader, that without a doubt whatsoever, Enoch didn't own a gun. This is, of course, quite similar to proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that there was no quarantine at the Fargo home subsequent to Addie's death of diphtheria because it wasn't in the paper. I think it quite reasonable to assume that Enoch strangled Addie because there was no rope in Martha's inventory. After all, anyone who would ride his bicycle on the sidewalk or get into a scuffle at a ball game when backing his brother, is capable of anything.
      It is comforting to know that McCarthyism is alive in well in Norfolk. Chuck S.

    2. Here's what I think happened: Addie accidentally fell down the stairs and died. Oatway lied to protect EJ's reputation because EJ hadn't repaired that step that Addie had been nagging him to repair. Or, he stabbed her with a shard of glass and then threw it in the grave. There was, after all, glass in the grave. See how easy this is with a 100+ year old death? You can spin the dial and anything can come up. And that is all it is - making things up. Saying the cause of death was a lie and making things up. But I like the rope theory. That makes sense because there was no rope in the inventory and don't forget - an alligator is missing. There must have been a well on the property. Time to start digging up the grounds and ripping into the walls and floors. A.

    3. For those of us who don't hunt, would someone please enlighten as to what a hunting party headed from Wisconsin to Iowa would hunt - and with a handgun at that? A

    4. Likely birds. Quail comes to mind since I know people that still head off to S. Dakota. At least I think it's quail they are after. Maybe someone else can be more definitive. Seems unlikely to hunt deer or elk since processing and transport would be problematic.
      Or it could be something like this....

  4. No conspiracy about the Hoyts and which one of them shot the baby?


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