Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Did Enoch’s Swift Kick End Baseball in Lake Mills?

Comments about the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated 3/7/2012

Rosemary is always up for drawing unfounded conclusion and this blog entry is no different.  Right at the beginning she states Ingram was a long time resident.....yet offers no proof to support that statement.

Also, at the beginning F B is referred to as H B.  I'm certain I could come up with a conspiracy theory about this typing error if I wanted to spend the time.

While Rosemary continues to focus on E J's role in the baseball melee it was F B that through the first punch.  E J was exonerated in the civil trial by a number of witnesses.   

And again, Rosemary is merely repeating the notion that E J would know something about the liquor business at the hotel when F B was the business partner.  Transference of responsibility must be the reason for this type of writing.

"Or something like that. Probably"  Or not something like that, probably.  Assumption based on unknown information in an effort to assign responsibility incorrectly.  And again, F B was Ingram's business partner, not E J.

Then Rosemary launches into a whole bunch of unfounded conspiracy.  Without all the proper dates who knows why the courts conducted business on the schedule they did. That doesn't stop Rosemary from being the Monday morning quarterback, always seeing something negative  and some conspiracy about E J when nothing exists.

Ingram dropped his that would be a settlement out of court, not a conspiracy.  In the end it turns out Ingram left Lake Mills and moved to Chicago.....

Rosemary got out of a lawsuit simply by writing a nice apology to the person she falsely accused.  I hope there were expenses involved that Rosemary had to pay.  Goes to show, she didn't learn much from the experience.

E B went about the business of managing his land as he saw fit.  The altercation at the park may have entered into his decision making...........maybe not......nothing supports either conclusion.  We do know that E B was very civic minded and contributed great energy and resources to the betterment of the community.  Depending on the Lake Stree location of the ball field it could be the land was needed to advance the communities best interests.  There is a reference that E B expanded his business at about this time and may have needed the land for his dairy business.

Rosemary really goes overboard at the end suggesting E J had more interest in the paper than to provide the community with power to run the press.  The paper could have continued to do whatever they had previously......there wasn't any obligation.

And finally, if Rosemary knew anything about manufacturing she would know the printing press could not be housed in a separate building.  I could explain this to her but she would cough up some other false conspiracy based on no facts at all.

The rest of this blog is Rosemary drawing the wrong conclusions in an effort to bolster the false accusations she's made against E J.

1 comment:

  1. No doubt EJ is the reason there was no baseball in Lake Mills (if that was the case.) He's also the reason the Braves left Boston, the Giants left New York and the Dodgers left Brooklyn. No more comments on Cuba, Rosemary?? Nothing about EJ and Castro?? Please, my sides hurt so from laughter I can't stand it. I'll let you know if I see anyone walking down the street with a 4 foot alligator under their arm. It probably packed it's alligator bag and left. Oh wait!! There is someone now! Oops, not an alligator; it's someone with a box labeled "Addie's Things." Wonder what that's all about...


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