Thursday, March 29, 2012

Enoch And His Spouses

Comments on the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated 3/28/2012

Same stuff, different day.  The gossip about Enoch's first wife being 'with child' is a rehash of known historical information previously published.  Guess it was better than nothing....but not much.  Actually, nothing would be an improvement.  The rest of the dramatics thrown in for effect make no difference and the conclusion that E J was hard on his wives........unproven.....but the 19th century was hard on women as I've noted previously.

Raising the question of Mary Rutherford's death is more smoke and mirrors.  Rosemary thinks the only water that was consumed was in the where else....just at home.  I little far fetched to say the least. 

After all, Addie contracted diphtheria on a trip to Portage for some sort of meeting.  I guess it's possible to catch a disease away from home.

Looks like Addie was a resident of Chicago.  Not sure about Rosemary's assertion that she owned a house in Lake Mills.  I would like to see the proof of that event.  Pretty sure the Lake Mills house is  unsubstantiated.  The curious part might be exactly what was Addie doing to make ends meet in Chicago....whose dime was she living on....what was her occupation.

The picture Rosemary provides has been discussed ad infinitum in previous blogs.  This is a distortion of a photograph that was not taken professionally and has aged over 110 years.  To draw conclusions from this over exposed document is irresponsible.

Now we are asked to go down the rabbit hole.  It is the*opinion* of Marty Mitchell that Addie was not attended by a funeral director.  He was not there and cannot speak to any practices that were employed when Addie died.  The historical record states that Addie was feeling better and up and around the day before she died.............not realizing how truly ill she was.

If Rosemary is using the boots as evidence Addie didn't die of diphtheria she is grasping for the last straw.  That would be one of those 'you've got to be kidding' moments.  I would like to point out that Rosemary doesn't have any legal right to have those boots in her possession.  The court provided her with the remains, and nothing more.  Somehow she convinced the funeral director or someone to give her the boot parts.  A follow up with the judge confirms Rosemary was not authorized to take possession of any other artifacts in the grave.

Addie was not embalmed and was buried consistent with the practices outlined by the National Institute of Health. 

'Hastily thrown in a grave' is subjective and meant to illicit some sort of dramatic response.  The obituary suggest a very open funeral even if the burial needed to be done quickly because of disease.  Analytically the grave was not shallow although the true original depth will never be known.  The 34" that Rosemary continues to hang on is a clear, and intentional, misrepresentation of the location of the artifacts in the  grave.  Just like her assertion about diphtheria not being the cause of death, and a host of other unfactual information.

Not sure why Martha is referenced.  I guess she had some initial health what?  She lived into the 1960's and, according to her direct descendants, she was a happy person; keeping the house on Mulberry street well after E J had died.

This blog entry seems like a last gasp attempt to salvage some credibility after making up stories about E J and exploiting Addie and E J, I guess, to help increase the sales of her books.  The web site on Sears homes is open to the public.  Anyone can do their own research if they are interested in kit homes.  You don't have to buy a book to get the information.

Arguably, I win the Rosemary Roulette contest. Spousal abuse is the subject of this blog entry. Although I think all the people that follow the E J blog are winners since it looks like Rosemary is getting more desperate to prove something, anything.


  1. in re: "got to be kidding moment." They are all "got to be kidding moments." As for the photo of Mary Rutherford, people age. To say that it is hard to believe they are the same woman is absolutely ridiculous. They very much look like the same woman. The photos are taken at 2 different times in her life. And it doesn't look, necessarily, that she'd had a hard life. Her mouth looks different in the second - that she may have false teeth. She also has a different hairstyle. These same photos were posted on the gardenweb website, saying the poster was looking for evidence that living with EJ was hard on his wives. People pointed out to the poster that the photos were not evidence of it, but those posts were obviously ignored. And may have been removed. If a person must analyze the crap out of every little thing in order to wiprove their point, they must not have anything solid to go on. And the point was not proven.

  2. In this blog Rosemary states that Addie had a house in Lake Mills and Chicago but offers no proof of either. She may have confused herself - want to see my look of surprise? In a blog she wrote on 2/12 title something like 'Addie's house' she displays some newspaper information - maybe two sentences - about Addie's house on Reed Street being finished before winter.....or something along those lines. This was well after she was married to E J. As for the house in Chicago......I would really like to see the information on location where it was. And I'm still curious what Addie was doing in Chicago.....who was her benefactor then?
    Seems like the sears homes archives have a space problem. All the early posts in the month are not there. Maybe it's a constraint on the blog....maybe they are deleted....maybe it's operator problems.

  3. It's amazing what the Sears blog readers can get from a 116 year old photo. They really should lend their expert abilities to fighting present day problems. I am astounded by their detective work and everyone is so agreeable there, never a comment from anyone to question or debate a lack of real "facts".

    I guess that's why I can't understand how they weren't able to notice a key point in the comparison pictures of Addie from 1896 and 1901. It states "Addie's right eye and right lip and nose show unmistakable signs of swelling" but doesn't seem to notice all her features are fuller even her ears.
    Oh no he boxed her ears too!

    Looks like to me she just flat gained some weight. This must have been caused by that abusive life of travel and leisure taking its toll. Damn that Enoch!

    I used to think that the people that left comments on Rosemary's blog where just blind to the truth because of how badly the facts and newspaper clippings she posted are twisted and misrepresented but evidently from what I read lately the replies are probably just edited into conformance.


  4. Maybe her benefactor was WW Ingram.


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