Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Presentation to Lake Mills - Aztalan Historical Society

The following URL should get you to the presentation Rosemary provided to the members of the Lake Mills - Aztalan Chapter of the Historical Society.  Anybody that has an open mind will be astounded by the conclusions based on little or no 'evidence' .  Listen to the content and pay less attention to Rosemary's dramatic presentation........abuse didn't happen.   I made my points on this subject in the Spousal Abuse parts 1 and 2 posts earlier.


I've been told by a reliable source that the position for one of the people that was instrumental in bringing Rosemary to Lake Mills for this presentation was not renewed.  Rumor has it part of the reason was the waste put into planning and financing this thinly veiled excuse for historical 'research'.....and I use the term research advisedly since the entire content was made up based on a 110 year old picture.

The take away is that there will always be casualties in the wake of people like Rosemary.  She thought she could get what she wanted by beating up E J and then found out there is a group of us that won't 'go quietly into the night'.  I feel badly for the person who lost her job.....  People like Rosemary simply wrap themselves in the equivalent of the flag and claim loudly that they are only interested in truth and justice........  The reality is they are interested in neither unless it serves their purpose.

Addie Hoyt Fargo Casket Hardware (pictures)

Following are a few pictures of the casket hardware that was found in Addie Hoyt Fargo's grave.  There was enough hardware retrieved to confirm that most of the contents of the grave had been compressed down into the northeast corner of the hole.  There were 12 handle brackets, enough for 6 handles, and 11 handle knobs - one knob short of the requisite for 6 handles.  Quite a bit of glass was retrieved from the grave and that supports the 'viewing window'  conclusion.  No hinges were found but a few nails and a couple of other hardware pieces.  The handles would survive longer than any other parts because they  had to be pretty durable.....the casket manufacturer wouldn't know the weight of the body...and they wouldn't want the handles breaking off while the pallbearers were carrying the body down the church steps. 

This pictues shows the handle brackets and the handle knobs.  There is some small amounts of week still in the handle knobs.  A metal rod ran through the wood handles to add structural strength.  The two handle brackets and knob on the right have been cleaned up and a close up is in another picture.

Not the best picure but it shows the ornate design on the handle brackets and knobs.  I cleaned this up and they came out pretty decently.

This picture shows two of the handle brackets with working hinges.  Originally, the handles hung at the side of the casket and when the pallbearer would pick it up the handle would come out to 90 degrees.  There is a stop in the hinge that to keep the handle from coming up any higher.

When I saw the hardware I thought the casket must have been pretty nice.   The viewing window was a nice feature allowing E J to say good by to his wife without being exposed to disease.  I recall Rosemary makes disparaging remarks about the casket in one of her blogs and I'll refute that when I find time.

“That Photo of Addie’s Open Grave Was Shocking and Sad…”

Refutation of Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated 1/31/2012

Here we go again.  I don't understand why Rosemary cannot get it into her head that when all the materials in a grave are compressed into a 3 X 3 foot area that the original grave depth is impossible to calculate.   I guess that's because it lacks the drama she so strongly relies on to convince people that she writes the truth.........regardless of how far fetched it is in her writing.
Do what I suggested.  Take a probe to your local cemetery and start probing the graves from about 1890 - 1900.  Prove it to yourself. 
In deference to the funeral directors that state the grave could be 6 to 8 feet...... Really?  These graves were hand dug.  Apply some logic for a change.  8 feet in heavy earth is a two day job for two diggers and there isn't room for three diggers.  And did those funeral directors study burial standards from a century (or more) ago?  I doubt it.
I suspect, once again, that Rosemary has twisted the facts to suit her own story.  The idea of digging 6 feet to find a century old grave is prefaced by the notion the grave sank over time.  And if there had been a vault the sinking might have actually happened, in some soil types.  The soil content was very clay, not sand, in this location.
In this particular blog entry Rosemary confirms what I've stated repeatedly.  The first grave artifacts were found at 34 inches.  That should adequately refute Rosemary's claim there was only 18 inches of dirt on top of the coffin.  It really doesn't matter (unless you want to be overly dramatic) since it's clear that nothing was where it was originally placed.  Originally there probably was plenty of soil on top of the coffin.  Again............it's impossible to know the natural forces that moved the grave contents around.
I did notice a couple of the desperate housewives of Norfolk jumped on the grave depth.    That's cute...the real believers.....too bad they are so, so easily led of into the swamp.

Read my blog with the complete text of the passage in 'A History of Lake Mills' which is the only written historical record.  The murder rumor is just that..............a rumor.  The rest of the 'evidence' is circular logic that I will expose as time permits.

Rosemary's claim about a proper burial is unfounded.  The hardware is beautiful and I will post the pictures.  The casket had a viewing window for E J, and others, to see his wife.

It wasn't E J's job to get the burial permit, the grave was adequate considering, at the time, people who died of certain diseases got buried in a hurry.  And the claim that there was not a proper burial is unfounded.  Simply invented for dramatic purposes since there wasn't historical records other than the local newspaper.  I doubt the towns folk rushed out to the grave of someone who died of a dreaded disease.  Now would E J want to put these people at risk....but that's logic for you.....explains a lot of stuff.

Again, prying the jewelry from her cold dead body????  Who is Rosemary trying to fool; besides the desperate housewives of Norfolk.   Wedding jewelry is undefined in this blog.  For all anyone knows the jewelry is still in the grave.  Since Addie was ill and in bed it's unlikely she had much jewelry on.  Again, think about it.  And not all the skeletal remains were found.

There is quite a bit of history about E J Fargo all over Lake Mills in various references.  Mary Wilson tried to pull it together but it was not her goal to write a history of the Fargo's.  Rosemary is correct about one thing....."A History of Lake Mills" is the only historical reference that mentions the rumor that Addie died as a result of violence.............and that was hearsay.
E J was a pillar of the community and committed large amounts of his time and resources to better Lake Mills.  The list of his accomplishments goes on and on, along with the other Lake Mills Fargos.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Burial At Shovel Depth?

Refutation of the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated 1/29/2012

This is a shovel.  Doesn't surprise me one iota that Rosemary doesn't know the difference.  When people state that graves in Rock Lake Cemetery are shovel depth it means about 5 feet.  It's impossible to determine the original depth of Addies grave because the coffin, bones and all remains were compressed into a 3 X 3 foot area, as previously stated.  And to restate, once again, the first of the grave artifacts were discovered at 34".  Anybody who has ever dug a hole knows the depth varies depending on the contour of the land but this seems to be about the "average" depth.  The recovery of other artifacts requied another 12 - 14 inches of hand digging.
I encourage people to take a metal rod out to there local cemetery and probe the graves from the late 1800's to see how deep they are.....try it.
Again, Rosemary states that E J murdered Addie.....and again without any proof.  While she states (somewhat) accurately the forensic report was inconclusive the research states beyond doubt that Addie was not shot in the head.   Nor was there any evidence found to confirm gun shots to any other part of the recovered bones.   Follow this URL:
This issue is that Rosemary would only accept one finding and it's not the finding she wanted.
The two videos on the left are quite enlightening; to most people.  The second one is particularly interesting because it includes the telephone conversation with the very disappointed Rosemary.  Guess there wasn't a gold mine underground in the Rock Lake cemetery as she had hoped.
If the URL doesn't work for you try going to www.jsonline.com and enter 'exhumation lake mills' in the search box.....follow it from there.
The shoes were in the grave because Addie had been feeling better that day - according to historical record - and likely had her shoes on to move around the house.  When tired, she laid down for  a while and didn't bother to take off her shoes.   Far more likely than pursuing the false claim of murder when there isn't any supporting evidence.....and then dressing the corpse for the grave.  Not sure why Rosemary mentions her wedding jewelry.  Probably thought she needed to get something for her effort.  The wedding jewelry may still be in the grave site......if Addie had it on when she died...................along with bones and, possibly, other artifacts.
While Rosemary continues to make Mary Wilson the primary source of information I've already posted the complete text from 'A History of Lake Mills'.  Any other rendition is quite simply ridiculous and self serving........hope Tom and Barry are paying attention.
Any reference to Mary hearing anything from her mother about a murder is malicious and was extracted from her at the point in her life when she was the weakest.   The people who make such   claims should be ashamed of themselves.............unfortunately, it's greed that drives their motives.
The burial permit was not written......or at least not filed..... properly.  The events surrounding Addie's death started at 2:00 AM with a quick burial due to disease.  I think it's irresponsible to expect all the T's to be crossed and I's to be dotted.  There are other graves in the cemetary that do not have a burial permit.  Get over it for pete's sake.
Addie's death certificate was not falsified as Rosemary claims.  It states the cause of death that was the belief of the attending physician and considering the time of the night the rest is sloppy work, probably from being tired. 
And one more thing, since there isn't a record of fumigation of the home doesn't mean it didn't happen.  Simply means there isn't any record.  Expectations for documentation in 2012 are unreasonble to apply to 1901.  Any historian would know that  ---------  Rose.
I've pretty much responded to the rest of the information in this blog entry.  There is so much false information being thrown around it amazes me.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Spousal Abuse of Addie Hoyt Fargo? No way part 2

Time to continue with exposing the spousal abuse theory put forth by Rosemary for the local Historical Society.  I've played around a bit with PhotoShop and have given up trying to do very much.  If you choose to download the photos from this blog you can probably make magic happen if you are skilled with PhotoShop.  Then please repost them for my benefit.
To start off......here is the photo from Rosemary's blog followed by the photo that I used to replicate the results her "friend" got from PhotoShop.
I'll add notes as I go......

This is the picture Rosemary uses to falsely determine Addie was either poisoned or abused, or both.  Rosemary states, in her presentation, that this was so bleached out the figures could hardly be determined and only by the use of Photoshop could the images be brought out.  Further, Rosemary states the paper was much thinner than the rest of the photos in the photo album.  She also claims the photo was in the center of the album to send a message back to the relatives to come and help her because she was in trouble.  Totally forgetting, I guess, that Addie traveled as she pleased, was educated and could have contacted her family just about any time with specific concerns.  I suggest the reason the picture was in the center of the album was for ease in display.  And the bleached out appearance supports that notion.  If the album were open to the middle the light would have been able to expose the picture over time.  This was a snapshot, not a professional picture.  The developing and printing chemicals are and process are questionable.  It appears many of the other pictures were 'contact' prints - the negative was the same size as the print - providing for infinitely more detail and clarity.  More care would have been taken with a professionally taken photograph.  This looks like a picture of a couple posed in a reasonable affectionate manner for the point in time.  Addie is leaning in to her husband.....for some reason there are very few pictures of people smiling....
The sun is coming from right to left as you view this photo (from the south or southwest).  The right side of both faces are in shadow.  The background is the house.  I think the message Addie is delivering to her relatives is that she has "arrived".  A loving husband with few demands on her time, socially upper crust in Lake Mills, unlimited funds and nice house.  Think of it as her showing off.

This is the photo from the the Addie blog I think shows the same characteristics of Addie that the first picture shows.  Addie is the one on the lower left.  Notice nobody is smiling?

This is the blown up part of the photo the following are Rosmary's claims.....
The hairline has receded a couple of inches (or something like that).
The right side of her lip is swollen (and in the shadows, of course)
Her nose is off center (her head was tilted to the right)
I'm sure there is more derived from the bleached out photograph that needed photoshop help to make the figures visible.

This is the head shot of Addie sitting on the porch, when she was younger, of course.  The sun is still coming from the viewers right to left. The lip looks pretty much the same.....and if you look at any Addie portraits you can see she has a curl in the right corner of her mouth.  The hairline is similar and so is the nose.  The difference is that this was a professionally taken and printed photograph.

So here is the hairline from the steps picture enlarged.  Unfortunately with my limited skills I cannot seem to get the clarity I want.  But it pretty much shows the details of the photograph with E J.

..........And here's her nose and mouth......pretty much the same except younger.

Here's the food for thought:
  • Why would E J let his wife be photographed with a beaten face?
  • Why is Addie leaning in affectionately to E J?
  • Very likely E J was right handed.  All of his descendents that I've known are right handed.  That would include his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.......and 90% of the citizens of the US are right handed.  If you are right handed and going to strike someone in anger would you use your left hand or your right hand?   Rosemary claims the abuse happened to the right side of Addie's face.  It simply didn't happen.
  • Rosemary claims the picture was to send a message of distress to her family.  The only picture in the whole album to signal distress.   Addie had free travel...........as I stated earlier.  The premise makes no sense.  All the remaining pictures (apparently) were professionally done.
  • Rosemary states that Addie not only traveled prior to her death but developed the local chapter of the DAR.  Why would Addie be out in public with a bruised face?  Seems like that would be embarassing and hard to explain.
None of the abuse argument survives the logical analysis of the facts as put forth by Rosemary.

I may post a part 3 on this once I get a chance to examine more of the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog.

The Exhumation of Addie Hoyt

The Addie Hoyt Fargo blog for 1/28 actually, for a change, has some factual information.
The fictional part is that Rosemary was not there as much as she claims.  The passage is dramatically written but the timeline isn't intact....unless she went to breakfast for a couple of hours...and that's possible.  She could have been there at 6:30, or whatever, but she wasn't there at 9:00 and didn't show up until just before 10:00AM with Randy. 
I was there when the backhoe had just stopped digging, and that was about 9:00 AM.  There were very few people there at the time.  Seems like Heather might have been there earlier based on the copyright pictures in Rosemary's blog.......but Rosemary and Randy were not there.  The grave digger, his assistance and the sexton were present....and that was about all.  So.....while it's possible that Rosemary was at the cemetery earlier it's factual that she was not there at 9:00. 
When I arrived the access to the cordoned off area was limited since the grave digger didn't know if the dirt would have to be dumped from the truck and the digging, with the back hoe, would continue.
Still no Rosemary and Randy at this point.
I watched the grave digger poke around at a few items in the dirt and he showed me some coffin parts and a couple of bones.  He thought one was the elbow bone.  The hole was 34" at this point and that's where the hand digging began.  As I've stated previously; it would be impossible to know how deep the grave was originally because the coffin parts and bones were all crushed together into a 3 foot by 3 foot area in the northeast corner of the hole.  Obviously everything had moved over time from unknown natural forces..........trees roots, ground water, frost (eventually) or a host of other factors.
When Rosemary writes "We had ladders and ropes............." and passages like this I would like to know who "we" are....there wasn't any "we" that included Rosemary even though she writes like she had direct involvement.  Guess she brought all this stuff on the plane from Norfolk.
All the business about weak legs and Randy holding up Rosemary sounds like it came directly from a "grocery store novel" except the scenes depicted in those books generally dealt with passion of the moment.  Still, the phrasing, etc. are reminiscient of the material one might find at the checkout counter of a supermarket.
I'll deal with the burial permit issue when I take the 11 sign posts blog apart at a later time.
Also will deal with the ficiton of the falsified death certificate at the same time.
Peterson and Anapol showed up about 10:00 AM as scheduled....they were a few minutes late.  McBride showed up shortly after that and povided a service........not sure why that was needed....must have been for the weak kneed.  All recovery was completed by noon.
Rosemary reports that McBride showed up and the service occurred at 7:30 AM.  Maybe, but he also showed up at 10:00 for the service as described.
In summary, there may actually be some truth imbedded in this dramatic rendition of the exhumation of Addie but there is also lots of "not quite so factual" information in Rosemary's personal account of the events

This is the grave digger standing in the hole.......34 inches deep by his estimate.  The backhoe digging was done by this time and the first artifacts were found.  This is about 9:30 AM and no Rosemary presence yet.

The grave digger is showing me some of the first artifacts.  These are hardware parts from the coffin.

McBride performing his service.....this is after 10:00 AM.  Anapol is standing in the hole.  On the left and partially cut off is Randy and Rosemary.

Peterson, Anapol and the grave digger are hand digging the artifacts at this point starting at 34 inches and going down another 12 to 14 inches.  This picture shows the men working in the northeast corner of the grave site where all the artifacts were found.
This is near the end of the exhumation.  The coffin parts are in a bucket, some of the bones have been segregated into bags and this is the remainder.  I helped Olsen (the funeral director) get his gurney from grave side to solid ground.  A few more pieces were found on the back of the truck............but not all of Addies remains were taken from the grave...........as Rosemary is fond of falsely claiming.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Mary Wilson 'A History of Lake Mills'

Following is the exact passage from Mary Wilson's 'A History of Lake Mills' regarding the Addie Hoyt Fargo rumor.

"After some time Enoch married Adelaide Hoyt, known as Addie, who lived only about 5 years. She had been very ill for several days, but seemed to have passed the critical point in her recovery, and stepped out of her bed at two o’clock one morning. But for only a moment because she screamed and collapsed and was gone!
 Dr. Oatway was called, the funeral was held at ten o’clock the same morning. There was no visitation because of the danger of contracting the disease – the service was private and held at the graveside.
 It was only within the last two years that the only remaining descendent of E. J. Fargo was informed by those who that she should or could be protected from that part of history decided to contribute the information and let it fall wherever.
 A number of persons who knew Mr. Fargo will tell the same story – he shot Addie!"

In the books passage Mary makes it clear that she first heard the rumor of Addie being shot about two years before the book was published in 1983. Long after her mother died -1959.
Of particular note is that Mary refers to herself as 'that the only remaining descendent of E. J. Fargo'. Which of course was not factual since Mary had four children. This passage referencing the rumor of Addies cause of death was added in after the book was completed and ready to go to press. It clearly shows Mary's mind was slipping as early as the 1980's, unfortunately. I can attest to her mental state, as can any of her children.
Mary and I had a rather heated argument about whether to include this reference in the book - since the book was completed and ready for press anyway. I stood firmly against including an idle rumor heard from a, possibly, unreliable source. There were three of us in the room - Mary, her assistant (who prefers anonymity) and me. Mary and her assistant argued no one would pay attention or care while I stood firm that it was irrelevant and could be inflammatory. I thought we compromised on qualifying this as a rumor and that is what Mary is saying.....even if the language could have been stronger. .
The major point is that Rosemary has inappropriately exploited this passage by picking selective words and phrases.  That practice subverts her claims that all she wants is truth and justice.

Addie Hoyt Fargo Forensic Report

Posting the official forensic report for current and future reference.

Interesting case in Carlinville

I came across this a while back in my web searching on Rosemary Thornton and thought I would share it for reasons I will explain....

I read this several times and have read the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog, as well.  The issue, I believe, is not the accusation of plagiarism but the possible appearance of the other author on the Oprah Winfrey Show.
After reading the blog I continue to be amused by the amount of drama Rosemary brings to her writings.  Writing how emotionally exhausted she was after the disinterment of Addie's remains is a good example.  She leaves out the part about her companion trading one line jokes with the forensic people and she was laughing, as well.  I was standing grave side and saw/heard the events. 
Then she went back to where she was staying and wrote about her physical and emotional exhaustion.  The Desperate Housewives of Norfolk offered her comfort.
It's easy to conclude, from this particular blog entry, the web story and other writings, that Rosemay is quite needy and demands to be the center of attention.  Fortunately she has quite a large number of (probably also needy) people to provide her support,

Why lying works. From a newspaper article

A couple of days ago I read an article in the newspaper on the subject of why politicians lie.  I don't want to get into specific political examples because I want to focus on how this relates to the author of the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog.
I do want to share the following excerpt from this article because it clarifies my point:

"Wendell Potter, the public relations man for the health insurance industry who turned around and blew the whistle on its deceitful practices, likens the ability to turn lies into perceived truths to the tobacco industry’s successful campaign to convince Americans that smoking was good for them. Just round up a few“experts” to cast doubt on what otherwise is a fact — smoking causes cancer, for example — hammer that doubt home repeatedly, and you’re likely to succeed."

This helps to drive home the reason I'm am making the effort to refute the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog.  There is, quite simply, not that much truth in the writings.   Then there are the 'inaccuracies by omission'.  I'm sure I'll get to that sometime.........and misrepresentation of factual information to create a more dramatic writing.
Here is a list of a handful of untruthful writings in the blogs.  At least there isn't any supporting historical references.
  • Addie was abused by her husband
  • There is confirming evidence Addie did not die of diphtheria
  • Dr. Peterson confirmed Addie's death was not diphtheria
  • Addie died on June 18, not June 19
  • The hired man dug the grave
  • The grave was only 34 inches deep - synonymous with being thrown in a shallow grave
  • All of Addie's remains have been removed from the grave
I could go on and on...and will when time is available.

The group of people I euphemistically refer to as the 'Desperate Housewives of Norfolk' drink the Kool Aid and continue to encourage the author of the blog to keep writin the highly questionable stories related to Addie's death.  One might have to make up stories quickly and often to hold their interest.........and they are not disappointed.

The final statement in the article I've referenced here explains why people behave this way:
"Plus, like I said, it often works"
But it doesn't make it right........

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Spousal abuse of Addie Hoyt Fargo? No way part 1

This is the beginning of a series of blog entries to refute the idea that Addie was abused by her husband.
The following picture is the favorite of the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog for trying to convince readers that Addie was abused.  The photo on the left was professionally taken when Addie was newly married.  The photo on the right is five years later and not professionally taken.

This photo is the basis basis for the face picture above.  The quality is lacking and Rosemary told the local historical societ that it was on different paper......like a snapshot.  Futher, she states the picture was so bleached out she could hardly make out the images.  After her friend (Spriggs?) digitized the photo and photoshopped it Rosemary could plainly see spousal abuse - are you kidding?  This is a picture of a wife standing affectionately with her husband and posing for a picture....nothing more.  It's pretty obvious Addie ate pretty well based on the additional bulk.  Maybe eating well and living high was abuse in Rosemary's mind.  In a future blog post I'll talk about shadows, the angle of the sun and other characteristics about this photo.

This is a photograph that was professionally taken (likely) in the late 1890's.  Using the face of Addie (lower left figure) as a basis for comparison makes quite a difference in Rosemary's conclusions.  In this picture the hairline, mouth, nose, etc. look more like the face image from the spontaneous photograph with E J.

Following is the isolated facial picture of Addie from the above photo.  Looks much different that the comparison that is used to support the abuse theory. 

In future blog posts I'll continue to add details to refute the abuse theory.

What Do Caylee Anthony and Addie Hoyt Have in Common?

Refutation and exposure of the Addie Hoyt Fargo post 12/30/11

This is interesting.  This was the first blog entry that was committed to a marketing ploy rather than ongoing propogation of false information.  The idea is to include anything in the blog that will show up in search engines.  Since Caylee Anthony is getting a lot of search engine activity, the inclusion of that character string in Rosemary's blog may drive some additional people to her web site.
Further, the use of Caylee Anthony in this manner is much like the approach of the National Enquirer and just as bad.   Many people are very emotional about the Caylee Anthony case and playing on these emotions are just plain wrong.
Rosemary posted a blog on 1/18 that included PADA in order to draw in people that have an interest or may have been abused.   Abused women are very vulnerable and stooping to this suggests a low level of integrity by the author.
Now that Rosemary has entered the marketing phase of her project it might mean the draft of her book has been completed.  If she prints the book with the same lack of substantiated information she has in her blog she may find some legal action waiting for her and a garage full of books to discard.
The upside of these two blog entries is that I am fully vindicated when I stated Rosemary's goal was making money and not 'giving Addie a voice'.   I hope the names, dates and location have been changed since the blog, and any subsequent book, would be fiction.

To Celebrate Addie’s 140th Birthday…

Refutation of the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog for 1/18/12

Well, same old approach, different day.....
Once again Rosemary has taken a very worthwhile organization (PADA) and twisted it into a diatribe about Addie being abused and murdered.  Addie was neither murdered nor abused.  Rosemary continues to repeat the same two things over and over again until, at least some people, think there is factual information for these suppositions.
The upside is that Rosemary, for a change, is using the term "allegedly" when intially speculating that Addie was murdered.  This is certainly a change in approach.  All the rest of the writing about abuse is so much blather....same old stuff, different day.  No proof and never will be any, because it didn't happen.  I'll put together a logical argument why Addie couldn't have been abused when I have time.
Suggesting that Addie may have been leaving her husband is pure nonsense.  Since there is not evidence of abuse, and Addie had everything she wanted, I doubt she was leaving.
And Rosemary can spend the rest of her life obsessing about what happened the night Addie died.  That's her prerogative.  But she should stop making up history to fit her conspiracy theories; that is wrong!  She should commit to the hard work research and when she comes up empty handed she should state that; when she finds something she should state the complete story......not just the part that provides the most drama and speculation.
Addie's grave was not shallow.  It is not possible to determine the exact depth any longer but physical evidence suggests at least 5 feet.   The parts all moved around too much to draw an accurate conclusion....doesn't stop Rosemary, however, from ignoring the facts for dramatic effect.
The death certificate was sloppy work but hardly definitive proof of a cover up.  Any more than Oatway botching the biennial report to the state.
As far as proof Addie didn't die of diphtheria.  I think the reason Rosemary hasn't shared this information is because there is overwhelming proof that she did die of the diphtheria, or at least some disease.  The historical records accurately describe a death from diphtheria and Mattie Fargo's living relatives state their conclusion of diphtheria being the cause of death.
I do find it interesting that Rosemary has finally written that Addie took frequent out of town trips.  This means that Addie was exposed to travelers and residents from other parts of the state that could be disease carriers.  This refutes a previous claim of Rosemary's about Addie not being exposed to disease.....thanks for that.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Lake Mills: Mansions, Murder Mysteries and Kit Homes!

 Response and refutation of the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated 1/14/2012

This particular post is interesting because the primary content is kit homes in Lake Mills and surrounding communities.  There is still the accusation that Addie was murdered in the first paragraph...and of course links to "read more" information.  The linked information is a collection of rumors, conjecture and fiction.  Rosemary practices omitting the complete information to make many of her historical points.  I've exposed a great deal of the false information in other forums, as well as the "false by omission" information.
I've been tied up with other things recently but still plan to take the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog to task and expose all the lack of historical accuracy that has flourished without being contested.
One of the primary accustions I've been working on as time permits is the false notion that Addie was abused by her husband.  That is simply not true.......and no proof has been offered up to the contrary.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Curiouser and Curiouser: Martha and Enoch


Response and refutation to the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog information for 1/4/2012

An unidentified older gentleman from Lake Mills that was involved in law enforcement reached out to Rosemary out of the blue to encourage her to pursue a quest to develop a conspiracy theory about the death of her great, great aunt.  Go figure.

Considering all the information Rosemary has twisted, ignored and made up from scratch I have to question the veracity and true content of this conversation.  Rosemary made up the content of a conversation with Dr. Peterson where she claims he told her Addie didn’t die of diphtheria.  That was simply untrue.  I spoke with Dr. Peterson (as did the reporter from the Lake Mills Leader) and he stuck by the forensic report and discounted, entirely, Rosemary’s ‘statement without fact’.  He stated that Rosemary would not be content with any other finding than death by gun shot. ….or at least foul play of some sort.  This is one example. Over the coming weeks I will continue to expose  other examples. 

The vilification of E J Fargo cascades to living relatives whether Rosemary and her night watchman (or whatever his role really was in law enforcement) care to think.  I’m pretty sure I could substantiate a case of defamation of character without too awfully much trouble.

The bothersome part of Rosemary’s blog entry is the assertion by the night watchman that a murder actually occurred and that E J committed that murder.  Any responsible law enforcement officer would look at the “evidence” Rosemary constructed in conjunction with the real, hard evidence and come to the conclusion there's not even a semblance of a case against E J.  But so it goes….

And at the end Rosemary adds in, once again, that Addie didn’t die of diphtheria.  She doesn’t know whether this is true.  Mattie’s (wife #3) living relatives have stated publicly they believe she died of black diphtheria and the historical record supports that statement.

Rosemary continues to take the statement in Mary Wilson’s book out of context to exploit it for her less than honorable purposes.  If E J killed Addie then produce some evidence that makes sense.  The forensic examination didn’t confirm that supposition.

When I read the material Rosemary has constructed in relation to Addie Hoyt Fargo I really have to wonder about the accuracy and veracity of the work she’s done on Sears kit homes.