Sunday, January 29, 2012

Spousal Abuse of Addie Hoyt Fargo? No way part 2

Time to continue with exposing the spousal abuse theory put forth by Rosemary for the local Historical Society.  I've played around a bit with PhotoShop and have given up trying to do very much.  If you choose to download the photos from this blog you can probably make magic happen if you are skilled with PhotoShop.  Then please repost them for my benefit.
To start is the photo from Rosemary's blog followed by the photo that I used to replicate the results her "friend" got from PhotoShop.
I'll add notes as I go......

This is the picture Rosemary uses to falsely determine Addie was either poisoned or abused, or both.  Rosemary states, in her presentation, that this was so bleached out the figures could hardly be determined and only by the use of Photoshop could the images be brought out.  Further, Rosemary states the paper was much thinner than the rest of the photos in the photo album.  She also claims the photo was in the center of the album to send a message back to the relatives to come and help her because she was in trouble.  Totally forgetting, I guess, that Addie traveled as she pleased, was educated and could have contacted her family just about any time with specific concerns.  I suggest the reason the picture was in the center of the album was for ease in display.  And the bleached out appearance supports that notion.  If the album were open to the middle the light would have been able to expose the picture over time.  This was a snapshot, not a professional picture.  The developing and printing chemicals are and process are questionable.  It appears many of the other pictures were 'contact' prints - the negative was the same size as the print - providing for infinitely more detail and clarity.  More care would have been taken with a professionally taken photograph.  This looks like a picture of a couple posed in a reasonable affectionate manner for the point in time.  Addie is leaning in to her husband.....for some reason there are very few pictures of people smiling....
The sun is coming from right to left as you view this photo (from the south or southwest).  The right side of both faces are in shadow.  The background is the house.  I think the message Addie is delivering to her relatives is that she has "arrived".  A loving husband with few demands on her time, socially upper crust in Lake Mills, unlimited funds and nice house.  Think of it as her showing off.

This is the photo from the the Addie blog I think shows the same characteristics of Addie that the first picture shows.  Addie is the one on the lower left.  Notice nobody is smiling?

This is the blown up part of the photo the following are Rosmary's claims.....
The hairline has receded a couple of inches (or something like that).
The right side of her lip is swollen (and in the shadows, of course)
Her nose is off center (her head was tilted to the right)
I'm sure there is more derived from the bleached out photograph that needed photoshop help to make the figures visible.

This is the head shot of Addie sitting on the porch, when she was younger, of course.  The sun is still coming from the viewers right to left. The lip looks pretty much the same.....and if you look at any Addie portraits you can see she has a curl in the right corner of her mouth.  The hairline is similar and so is the nose.  The difference is that this was a professionally taken and printed photograph.

So here is the hairline from the steps picture enlarged.  Unfortunately with my limited skills I cannot seem to get the clarity I want.  But it pretty much shows the details of the photograph with E J.

..........And here's her nose and mouth......pretty much the same except younger.

Here's the food for thought:
  • Why would E J let his wife be photographed with a beaten face?
  • Why is Addie leaning in affectionately to E J?
  • Very likely E J was right handed.  All of his descendents that I've known are right handed.  That would include his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.......and 90% of the citizens of the US are right handed.  If you are right handed and going to strike someone in anger would you use your left hand or your right hand?   Rosemary claims the abuse happened to the right side of Addie's face.  It simply didn't happen.
  • Rosemary claims the picture was to send a message of distress to her family.  The only picture in the whole album to signal distress.   Addie had free I stated earlier.  The premise makes no sense.  All the remaining pictures (apparently) were professionally done.
  • Rosemary states that Addie not only traveled prior to her death but developed the local chapter of the DAR.  Why would Addie be out in public with a bruised face?  Seems like that would be embarassing and hard to explain.
None of the abuse argument survives the logical analysis of the facts as put forth by Rosemary.

I may post a part 3 on this once I get a chance to examine more of the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog.

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