Monday, January 30, 2012

Burial At Shovel Depth?

Refutation of the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated 1/29/2012

This is a shovel.  Doesn't surprise me one iota that Rosemary doesn't know the difference.  When people state that graves in Rock Lake Cemetery are shovel depth it means about 5 feet.  It's impossible to determine the original depth of Addies grave because the coffin, bones and all remains were compressed into a 3 X 3 foot area, as previously stated.  And to restate, once again, the first of the grave artifacts were discovered at 34".  Anybody who has ever dug a hole knows the depth varies depending on the contour of the land but this seems to be about the "average" depth.  The recovery of other artifacts requied another 12 - 14 inches of hand digging.
I encourage people to take a metal rod out to there local cemetery and probe the graves from the late 1800's to see how deep they are.....try it.
Again, Rosemary states that E J murdered Addie.....and again without any proof.  While she states (somewhat) accurately the forensic report was inconclusive the research states beyond doubt that Addie was not shot in the head.   Nor was there any evidence found to confirm gun shots to any other part of the recovered bones.   Follow this URL:
This issue is that Rosemary would only accept one finding and it's not the finding she wanted.
The two videos on the left are quite enlightening; to most people.  The second one is particularly interesting because it includes the telephone conversation with the very disappointed Rosemary.  Guess there wasn't a gold mine underground in the Rock Lake cemetery as she had hoped.
If the URL doesn't work for you try going to and enter 'exhumation lake mills' in the search box.....follow it from there.
The shoes were in the grave because Addie had been feeling better that day - according to historical record - and likely had her shoes on to move around the house.  When tired, she laid down for  a while and didn't bother to take off her shoes.   Far more likely than pursuing the false claim of murder when there isn't any supporting evidence.....and then dressing the corpse for the grave.  Not sure why Rosemary mentions her wedding jewelry.  Probably thought she needed to get something for her effort.  The wedding jewelry may still be in the grave site......if Addie had it on when she died...................along with bones and, possibly, other artifacts.
While Rosemary continues to make Mary Wilson the primary source of information I've already posted the complete text from 'A History of Lake Mills'.  Any other rendition is quite simply ridiculous and self serving........hope Tom and Barry are paying attention.
Any reference to Mary hearing anything from her mother about a murder is malicious and was extracted from her at the point in her life when she was the weakest.   The people who make such   claims should be ashamed of themselves.............unfortunately, it's greed that drives their motives.
The burial permit was not written......or at least not filed..... properly.  The events surrounding Addie's death started at 2:00 AM with a quick burial due to disease.  I think it's irresponsible to expect all the T's to be crossed and I's to be dotted.  There are other graves in the cemetary that do not have a burial permit.  Get over it for pete's sake.
Addie's death certificate was not falsified as Rosemary claims.  It states the cause of death that was the belief of the attending physician and considering the time of the night the rest is sloppy work, probably from being tired. 
And one more thing, since there isn't a record of fumigation of the home doesn't mean it didn't happen.  Simply means there isn't any record.  Expectations for documentation in 2012 are unreasonble to apply to 1901.  Any historian would know that  ---------  Rose.
I've pretty much responded to the rest of the information in this blog entry.  There is so much false information being thrown around it amazes me.

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