Thursday, January 19, 2012

To Celebrate Addie’s 140th Birthday…

Refutation of the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog for 1/18/12

Well, same old approach, different day.....
Once again Rosemary has taken a very worthwhile organization (PADA) and twisted it into a diatribe about Addie being abused and murdered.  Addie was neither murdered nor abused.  Rosemary continues to repeat the same two things over and over again until, at least some people, think there is factual information for these suppositions.
The upside is that Rosemary, for a change, is using the term "allegedly" when intially speculating that Addie was murdered.  This is certainly a change in approach.  All the rest of the writing about abuse is so much blather....same old stuff, different day.  No proof and never will be any, because it didn't happen.  I'll put together a logical argument why Addie couldn't have been abused when I have time.
Suggesting that Addie may have been leaving her husband is pure nonsense.  Since there is not evidence of abuse, and Addie had everything she wanted, I doubt she was leaving.
And Rosemary can spend the rest of her life obsessing about what happened the night Addie died.  That's her prerogative.  But she should stop making up history to fit her conspiracy theories; that is wrong!  She should commit to the hard work research and when she comes up empty handed she should state that; when she finds something she should state the complete story......not just the part that provides the most drama and speculation.
Addie's grave was not shallow.  It is not possible to determine the exact depth any longer but physical evidence suggests at least 5 feet.   The parts all moved around too much to draw an accurate conclusion....doesn't stop Rosemary, however, from ignoring the facts for dramatic effect.
The death certificate was sloppy work but hardly definitive proof of a cover up.  Any more than Oatway botching the biennial report to the state.
As far as proof Addie didn't die of diphtheria.  I think the reason Rosemary hasn't shared this information is because there is overwhelming proof that she did die of the diphtheria, or at least some disease.  The historical records accurately describe a death from diphtheria and Mattie Fargo's living relatives state their conclusion of diphtheria being the cause of death.
I do find it interesting that Rosemary has finally written that Addie took frequent out of town trips.  This means that Addie was exposed to travelers and residents from other parts of the state that could be disease carriers.  This refutes a previous claim of Rosemary's about Addie not being exposed to disease.....thanks for that.

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