Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Addie Hoyt Fargo Forensic Report

Posting the official forensic report for current and future reference.


  1. this doesnt have a signature, and doesn't look at all professional, what's wrong with it?

    1. This is the document of record on file at the Coroner's Office in Jefferson County. I scanned it in from hard copy. The document is public record.....feel free to head on over to the court house and take a look or get your own copy.

    2. Forgot to mention that Peterson and Anapol committed their time at no cost. I don't think they are too interested in spending tons of time on documentation.....since there is so little to document, anyway.

    3. Um, but if it's supposed to be an official form, whether or not they did this "at no cost", wouldn't they take a little more pride in their work? and actually sign and possibly notorize it? I've not really been involved with this stuff, but logic says there shoudl be something to "say" that it's a legal doc.
      If I am ever in Jefferson county courthouse area, I might take a trip inside. Looks like it may be an interesting read.

    4. If you something different I would sure like to know. I even spoke with Dr. Peterson and Professor Anapol and they both confirmed that this is the official report. I tend to agree there should be more formality.....not a notary public.............because these guys are the professional experts. I can tell you that the Jefferson County Coroner got the report as an email attachment and printed it off to send to me. There may be a more comprehensive document but I am unaware of it existing.

  2. sorry, didn't say anything before, but I love a mystery and stumbled across this sight by using google keywords.... it says that enoch is dead, if so, then who is this using his name as if he were alive? seems kind of weird to see a dead man being used as a blog....... just saying

    1. This happens all the time. There is a matching Addie Hoyt Fargo blog and a facebook page. Not unusual

    2. ok, I checked online for the Attie blogs, and it looks like a Rosemary Thornton is heading up both? Did I read that right? But it doesn't say who Enoch's benefactor is. That may not be the correct term, but whatever. Are you a relative of Enoch's, as Rosemary claims to be? I would want the whole world to know that I am sticking up for my relative, as Rosemary seems to be for hers.
      I don't mean to be uppish, but this whole thing(meaning this blog as a dead man and not using a real person behind it) seems weird, for lack of a better word.
      Anyway, enough of that.
      Do you have anymore evidence for either "side". As it seems that there are 2 sides to this. Both sides seem to be refutting the evidense or the lack of etc. Is this a wrong thing to be doing for their families?

    3. I'm a direct descendent of Enoch's. One of few left. The selection of Enoch's name for this blog was to insure web search engine hits for people that want to find out more.
      My contention is that Rosemary has been making broad, untruthful statements about Enoch and has not provided any evidence that there was spousal abuse or murder. Her logic is almost always circular - she makes up one "fact" uses that to develop another "fact" and then uses the second "fact" to support the first "fact". Some of the stories, I listed a few in another post, are simply not true, some stories are full of omissions and the others lack supporting historical reference or evidence. I'll be provided more examples over time. The reason I'm pursueing this is because I've already asked Rosemary to be an objective and truthful historian - focusing on her relative, not mine - and she has refused. I've taken on the duty of exposing her for the charlatan she is.

  3. Just wanted to add, that I am not the same person responding on the other pages, this was the first time I've responded here, and the first time (today) that /I actually went on reading the other entries. very thought provoking I must say


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