Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Why lying works. From a newspaper article

A couple of days ago I read an article in the newspaper on the subject of why politicians lie.  I don't want to get into specific political examples because I want to focus on how this relates to the author of the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog.
I do want to share the following excerpt from this article because it clarifies my point:

"Wendell Potter, the public relations man for the health insurance industry who turned around and blew the whistle on its deceitful practices, likens the ability to turn lies into perceived truths to the tobacco industry’s successful campaign to convince Americans that smoking was good for them. Just round up a few“experts” to cast doubt on what otherwise is a fact — smoking causes cancer, for example — hammer that doubt home repeatedly, and you’re likely to succeed."

This helps to drive home the reason I'm am making the effort to refute the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog.  There is, quite simply, not that much truth in the writings.   Then there are the 'inaccuracies by omission'.  I'm sure I'll get to that sometime.........and misrepresentation of factual information to create a more dramatic writing.
Here is a list of a handful of untruthful writings in the blogs.  At least there isn't any supporting historical references.
  • Addie was abused by her husband
  • There is confirming evidence Addie did not die of diphtheria
  • Dr. Peterson confirmed Addie's death was not diphtheria
  • Addie died on June 18, not June 19
  • The hired man dug the grave
  • The grave was only 34 inches deep - synonymous with being thrown in a shallow grave
  • All of Addie's remains have been removed from the grave
I could go on and on...and will when time is available.

The group of people I euphemistically refer to as the 'Desperate Housewives of Norfolk' drink the Kool Aid and continue to encourage the author of the blog to keep writin the highly questionable stories related to Addie's death.  One might have to make up stories quickly and often to hold their interest.........and they are not disappointed.

The final statement in the article I've referenced here explains why people behave this way:
"Plus, like I said, it often works"
But it doesn't make it right........

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