Wednesday, February 29, 2012

“Our Trip to the Black Hills” by Addie Hoyt Fargo (1899)

Comments on Addie Hoyt Fargo  blog dated 2/27/2012

I might have been incorrect in my assumption of Addie's education level.  Looks like Addie may have finished high school. Rosemary has manufactured quite of bit of history and mangled enumerable pieces of factual information.  I'm at the point where I need to see it to believe it.

I do think it's nice that Rosemary printed up the essay that Addie wrote on her trip to the Black Hills.  The points that are of particular note is that she continues to refer to herself as Mrs. Enoch J. Fargo in the byline.  Proud to be the wife of E J, no doubt. 

In this essay, as well as the letters from the trip the Cuba, Addie sounds like a great time was had by all....except for those that were sea sick on the Cuba voyage.  There is not one indication that she is unhappy with her husband or her lot in life.  I recognize that Rosemary hasn't been 'beating the drum' about spousal abuse lately......probably because it was so ridiculous to begin with that it makes her look foolish........  The subsequent letters and essay from Addie refutes those claims that Rosemary leveled

Rosemary continues to claim E J murdered Addie even though she has no evidence to support a crime ever happened.  She continues to manipulate the passage in Mary Wilson's book as if it helps her case....when in reality she shows her desperation to save face.

It's nice that Rosemary has started writing about here if she would stop inserting murder whereever she can and would clean up the rest of the internet  she would, at least, acted in good faith.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Addie Hoyt Fargo - How I know it's' only about money

Over the last 9, or so, months I have been certain that Rosemary's contention that Addie was abused and murdered by E J was initiated by a motive to make money.  Others have also posted comments confirming they see the same motive.  It wasn't hard to figure out.  The sheer enormity of her accusations, twisting of history, invention of characters and events and false claims are abolutely ludicrous.  I could go through the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog cataloging all the errors, missteps and contradictions creating a summary, and will someday, but time doesn't permit me to tackle a task that large right now.   I've read that Rosemary is going back and correctly some of the most egregious tripe.

I'll start this conversation and hope others add in their comments.

According to Rosemary she didn't know she had relatives in Lake Mills until her (insert relative relationship here) died.  Rosemary claims she is 52 years old.  That means that for more than 50 years, more than 30 adult years, she never asked her relative about her past.  Not once in all those years was her ancestry important enough to her to sit down with an aging relative and collect the recollections of the past.  But she did find and preserve the two photo albums......and now Addie is her obsession. 

By the way, it would be interesting to find out where Rosemary's relative spent holidays......alone sounds about right since the interaction with Rosemary doesn't appear to be very often, and I'm certain it was unpleasant. 

The next step was to get to Lake Mills without spending any of her money.  She found a willing ally in the Lake Mills - Aztalan Historical Society.  Not sure what they coughed up to get Rosemary there to speak but it was wasted money.  I hope I'm wrong that any money came from the Society's treasury.

Rosemary knew that it wouldn't be sufficient to talk about the photo albums and show the pictures of Addie and the Fargos.  Since she had practically no knowledge that wasn't already recorded she wouldn't have much to say.  After a few phone calls and some help from a colleague that had some PhotoShop experience Rosemary hatched the spousal abuse angle to sell to the local historical society folks.  And thus it goes.........more than 50 minutes of fiction that was put together from a single over exposed photograph,  a willing helper with PhotoShop and a vivid imagination.  Even Rosemary isn't clamoring about this part of her story very much any longer.......she must recognize how silly the whole thing is.  Unfortunately, the local chapter of the Desperate Housewives of Norfolk ate it up....and are still performing free services to Rosemary.

Next on the list were Tom and Barry.  These two had a marketing interest in anything that might generate more business; the Fargo Mansion Inn has a link to the URL for the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog.  Since they had heard Mary Wilson say a few things it was easy to take those conversations out of context and "guide" her to say what they wanted to hear.  She was at a weaker point in her life, very trusting and may have actually believed some of what she was saying.  Rosemary seized on the passage in Mary's book which she has twisted continuously by leaving out the relevant portions about Addie's demise being a rumor.  That speaks more to Rosemary's (lack of) character and (monetary) intentions.

Since then it's been one piece of poor historical research and reporting after another.  The total body of work is a truck load of rubbish

I was able to catch her in a big time lie when she claimed in conversation with Dr. Peterson that he confirmed that Addie had not died of diphtheria, contrary to the forensic report.  I called Dr. Peterson, as did the reporter from the Lake Mills Leader, and he confirmed the call occurred but denied Rosemary's claim; standing  by the forensic report. 

Rosemary also misrepresented the events at  the cemetery when Addie was disinterred.  While there were a number of people there nobody has come forward to refute her "depth of grave" claims and inconsistencies.

From the beginning Rosemary has incorporated the Addie blog into the kit homes blog.  Driving people to that might increase the sales of her books.  And she flooded the internet anywhere she could with false information and her false accusations - all leading back to her blog site.  She even tried to incorporate popular search engine names and phrases in her blog titles to bring in more people.  Maybe it paid off............I hope not.

I could go on for hours but most of the people who read my blog have already seen and read the information I'm referencing.   I'll continue to expose the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog for what it really is.....a marketing tool for kit homes books..............and I'll act to change anything I find on the internet.  Please keep posting the URLs that refer to Enoch and Addie.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Hawleys: One of the First Families of Jefferson County (Wisconsin)

Response to Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated 2/25/2012

Except for a little bit about the Hawley's this is the same dreck that was in Rosemary's previous blog about the Hoyts.   The Captain seemed to be more of a gentleman farmer having made his money earlier in life as a ship captain.

'Prettiest farmland' is subjective whether it appeared in the LM Leader, or not.   There is a lot of very pretty farmland around Milford.

I'll have to see the LM Leader articles that support Rosemary's claims about Addie's characteristics.

Other than that...............same old drum being beaten about the same old manure.

The Hoyts: One of the First Families of Jefferson County (Wisconsin)

Comments for the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog posted 2/24/2012

Taking care of the house cleaning first:
Rosemary continues to refer to E J as a troll.....she's called me, and others that question her findings and credibility trolls, as well.  I don't find this particularly offiensive since I don't live that far from Mt. Horeb, WI.  Rosemary has no idea what E J was like as a person or his personality.  We do know he was very philanthropic and used his resources and forward thinking to move Lake Mills into the 20th century.

In contrast, Rosemary uses terms like 'dear, sweet Addie' and 'shining star' to describe her very distant relative.  Again without any idea what Addie's personality was like, her behaviors or her capabilities.  I guess cold hearted gold digger was being reserved for a later generation.

There isn't any historical indication that Addie had 'great promise and potential' or was ' talented, witty, sophisticated, etc'.  I guess the idea is to convince the Desperate Housewives of Norfolk that Addie actually had some job skill or advanced education....not historically supported.....quite the contrary, once she got off the farm she never worked another day in her life.   All of the characteristics attributed to Addie are subjective and historically unsupported. 

Rosemary continues to misrepresent the depth of Addie's grave.  While it makes little difference since it's impossible to determine the original depth we do know it was deeper than 34 inches.  Accuracy has never been Rosemary's policy.

And the same applies to continually selecting a few words from the passage in Mary's book. The complete passage makes it clear the murder of Addie was a rumor, and nothing more. We called this 'lieing by omission' in the real world. Rosemary clearly has no issue with misrepresenting information and that should bring into question anything she writes or says.

Rosemary continues to claim E J murderd Addie...............this simply is not true and through all of her efforts she has failed to prove the contrary.

I challenge Rosemary to prove there was a 'horrific crime' committed.   She's failed miserably up until now and there really isn't anywhere else to turn.  Every claim of hers, with the exception of the missing burial permit, has been refuted successfully.

This passage from Rosemary's blog is just plain unfounded, not in keeping with historical record, unfactual or made up from thin air. 
'How did this debutante end up in a shallow grave - murdered by her husband and buried illegally - in the dark of night?
Debutante? Really? When did she have her 'coming out' party?  This is just so much manure.

Other than that I'm not sure what Rosemary's purpose in this blog is other than to suggest the Hoyts came to Jefferson County a year before the Fargos.  A lot of people  came to Lake Mills before the Fargos.  Given a week or two Rosemary will have the Hoyts living in a antebellum house with field hands and house servants.  She's already laying the foundation for another unfounded claim...that Addie's family was wealthy - wealth being a relative term more than a century ago - and had great social status on their own.  The social status might be true but more in Milford than Lake Mills.

Here's what comes from applying  general historical reference and logic.  The Hoyts came to Jefferson County to farm and settled relatively near Milford.  At the time Milford was a pretty busy town with at least one church and a store, likely a blacksmith shop and a cheese factory(?).  Not sure why the Hoyts would go to Lake Mills to transact business when they could do the same thing in their own back yard.  (more on this later or in another blog)

Farming in the 19th century was hard work and very difficult.  There weren't any power tools, tractors, electricity, running water I(indoor plumbing) or central heat.  It would have been very difficult to till and harvest 100 acres with a team of horses and a single bottom plow.....  The only equipment had to be drawn by horses or a mule.  Farmers worked from sun up to sun down and into the night taking care of the stock, buildings and hand milking cows. 

Women often worked with the men in the field especially during the harvest and planting.  And the  children were expected to pitch in when they were old enough.  Additionally, women kept the house, took care of the children, cooked the meals, tended the garden and a host of other responsibilities.  There was little comfort and a short life in store for a farm wife.  Feminine hygiene (products) simply did not exist  and general bathing and cleanliness was intermittent.  After 25 or 30 years of unwanted pregnancys, hard work and lack of decent health care many women simply died from one malady or another.  Menopause was virtually unknown since women frequently didn't live long enough to reach it.

Generally, a farm family would attend church on Sunday and then go home, change clothes and get back to work. Church was the social event of the week.

With hard work and diligence a farmer could take care of the family and have a little bit left over for replacing equipment, buying food that couldn't be raised and pay the bills.

The old timers tell me that men courted women that were 'no further away than you could ride a horse in half an hour'.  That limited the marriage opportunities for Addie since she lived in a rural area.

This is the future that Addie saw for herself and it was not what she wanted.  All around her and in her family she witnessed the effects of a hard scrabble pioneer life.  Addie wanted better and resisted marrying locally in hopes that she would find a benefactor..............and she did, in E J.

E J was without a wife, had plenty of money and could offer Addie the opportunities she craved.  Unlimited funds to travel, buy clothes, entertain and have a social status she could never achieve without E J.   Without doubt Addie set her cap for E J and was successful in her endeavors.

Rosemary tries to claim that, as an early Jefferson County family, the Hoyts had the social status E J provided Addie........which exposes her ignorance of the fiercely independent agrarian life style.  Farmers seldom drew attention to themselves.  Their individual accomplishments were no more note worthy than their neighbors accomplishments. 

And finally (for now),  the reason Rosemary can't find more historical information about the Hoyts is that there wasn't anybody writing their history.  No matter how honorable and important farming was in the 19th century it just didn't get a lot of press unless the barn burned......and even then, someone would have to notice.  The public might not hear about it until there was a barn raising.

That coupled with very little rural educational opportunities accounts for a lack of historical record.  Addie had the benefit of attending some school at some time.  She learned to read and write and probably learned her "3 R's", possible in a one room school house in Milford  (I haven't seen any Lake Mills graduation records mention Addie).   Male members of farming families often did not go to school at all and never learned to read or write.  My neighbor (deceased) was born circa 1915 and never learned to read and write.....he was still a great farmer and very intelligent.

And there you have it.....another meaningless blog from Rosemary where she spends most of the time beating the same old drum while mentioning a little bit about her relatives.

I want to make it clear that nothing I've written here is meant to denegrate the agrarian life style or the contribution of agriculture in the history of the United States.  Quite the contrary,  I have the greatest respect for the farming community.......

Friday, February 24, 2012

Addie's Relatives Died of Disease - Go Figure

In the latest Addie Hoyt Fargo blog entry there is some actual information about Addie's (Rosemary's) relatives.  I thought maybe that would be the trend for a while since there has been little or nothing about Addie's family after hours of combing through the Lake Mills Leader.  But alas, Rosemary couldn't resist creating some tie between the deaths of Addie's relatives and a tie in comment about Addie being murdered. 

Six of Addie's relatives died of disease but it never enters Rosemary's mind that Addie could have died of disease.  The historical accounts and records all indicate Addie died of disease but that isn't sufficient.  Not one shred of physical evidence points to a death other than by disease, but that's not good enough.

Rosemary has painted herself into a corner, of course.  She can't back down without losing credibility and as she continues down the path she is going with Enoch she loses credibility.   A logical and rational person would back off - would have backed off last November - but not Rosemary.  Still needs to make money out of this some how.

Since the whole Rosemary concept is fiction I continue to suggest she should write a novel changing the names, dates and location.  Maybe she can sell that...................but I doubt it.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Where is Addie Hoyt Fargo?

Where is Addie Hoyt Fargo today?   It's been four months since Rosemary pulled her remains out of the ground and away from her friends, relatives and caring husband; under false pretenses.  The remains were (supposed to be) cremated and taken to Virginia to be reburied where the ashes didn't belong.  Since then.......What?!?!?!

Maybe I missed a blog entry but I'm pretty sure Rosemary wouldn't miss an opportunity to write, daily, about her experience putting the ashes in the ground.  I'm sure she would be so emotionally exhaused that only the Desperate Housewives of Norfolk would be able to provide solace.

Rosemary got all the mileage she could out of the digging up her distant relative and I guess that was about as far as she could go because she had to turn her attention to, once again, vilifying E J. 

Possibly the glycerin tears are on back order for all the Desperate Housewives to display their feelings. They should check with the local thespian groups.

Like I said, I may have missed those blog entries since there is so much dreck that's been published on the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog it's challenging to sort it out.

Here is Rosemary's pound of flesh......I mean bones.  "Alas poor Addie, I knew her Horatio".....with apologies to Shakespeare.

Cremation is a pretty basic process according to this website:
The body is place in an oven and burned - that would remove just about everything by skeletal structure.  Since all that was left of Addie was skeletal structure this step might not have been needed.

Then the metal is removed  from the remaining parts and the rest is ground up into powder and put in an urn, plastic box or some other container.  Based on the quantity I saw at grave side I doubt there is much weight left - maybe a pound.

However, Addie has one gold tooth and I don't know what might have happened to that.  Maybe Rosemary sold it to defer her expenses.

The summary of the results of Rosemary's work over the last nine months is a missing burial permit.....which might have existed but cannot be found.   Certainly not a unique event for Rock Lake Cemetery for that point in history (supported by historical records).

I am offering to pay for the re-interment of Addie's remains in her original grave in Rock Lake Cemetery thus keeping Rosemary from incurring more expense.  I'm hopeful she will take me up on this offer.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

In 1893, Lake Mills Was Closed Due to Diphtheria

Comment and refutation of Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated 2/18/2012

After 50 hours of reading the Lake Mills Leader I expected better.  Guess it would have been less time if Spriggs and Rosemary had not been spending as much time working on their conspiracy theory and more time working on facts and logical thought processes.  I would guess the time would be cut in half.....but they probably had to move their lips while reading.  Spriggs likely did all the work.  He's the guy that mocked up the Addie pictures in PhotoShop for the presentation to the LM chapter of the State Historical Society.  Now that was a scam, spousal abuse and all......

What has 50 hours of time provided:
  • Houses were built on Reed Street.
  • The cemetery sexton stated the state laws and guidelines would be followed
  • There was a diphtheria epidemic in 1893
  • F. B. Fargo's kid come down with smallpox
Somehow I think this isn't the end since this isn't anywhere close to meeting the drama consumption needs of the Desperate Housewives of Norfolk.

I'll spend a little time on each of the points. 

There were houses built on Reed Street, go figure.  Reed Street ran closely to the Creamery Package.  That might not be coincidence unless it doesn't fit your conspiracy theory premise.

Rosemary wrote a little fictitious Rober Frost type moment for Robert Fargo.  Cute but nothing factual in this account other than the commitment to adhere to stated laws and guidelines.  Not that everyone chose to follow those laws and guidelines.  Since Addie's death of super ninja diphtheria (or whatever) caused alarm the paper work didn't get done.    The paper work didn't get done for other deaths about the same time.

Yep, there was a diphtheria epidemic in 1893.   The community reacted to that event based on knowledge and experience at the time with the advice of the local doctor.  Just like they did when Addie died.

F. B. Fargo's kid got smallpox and since the community was sensitized by the recent death he was proactive with handling that situation.  Rosemary actually got close to the truth on this one.   Better to publish a comprehensive report of the event than have the natives charge the house with torches, pitchforks and scyths.

As for Rosemary's statement that quarantine and fumigation did not occur......nothing is documented that suggests this is true.  Quite the contrary, the two daughters had a "forced" absence from high school graduation exercises.   Logically that would be due to quarantine.

 I can hardly wait for the next chapter of the conspiracy theory.  It's not that entertaing but fictional approach is interesting. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

“What The Hell Happened Out Here Last Night?”

Comments and refutation of the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated 2/15/2012

Same information, different day.  The discussion on the burial permit missing has been ongoing for some time.  I guess Rosemary thinks this means something........other than it's missing. 

In this particular blog post Rosemary tells a short story based on................well, nothing.  The whole notion of Robert Fargo taking a trip out to the cemetery the next day and noticing a new grave is, once again, fiction unsupported by any factual information.   The idea that Robert is hearing of Addie's death for the first time is also a work of fiction unsupported by any historical reference.

I guess the idea of this blog is to try and support Rosemary's erroneous accusations; the burial was done at night and the burial was illegal because the burial permit is not on file.

The only other two take aways from this blog is the posting in the Leader that the policy at the cemetery matches the state law and that Rosemary can read, or Spriggs read it to her.  Not like Rosemary to do any real work.

 The interesting part of the Leader article is that it specifies WHO will issue the burial permit, the process is obscure.  And it isn't the doctor......   Oatway is off the hook for writing in the burial number.

It's a nice little fictional story about Robert..............adds drama to a non-event.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Following Enoch’s Money…

Comments about Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated 2/15/2012

Another start to another conspiracy theory based on scant information....or none at all.  Watch the phrasing and the keys are in the text where this is going.

The whole first paragraph is probably hear say from the Fargo Mansion boys, or Rosemary made it up as foundation for more outrageous claims later.  The point I'm making is there isn't any historical support for the claim that there was anything 'highly competitive' between the senior members of the family and E J.  Each family member had interests all their own.  L D built the library, E J built the electric plant.  It was a very philanthropic group that contributed large sums for the betterment of all Lake Mills residents.  Very commendable, I would think.    The idea of jealous competition is a figment of Rosemary's imagination.  The boys had large houses because they could......E J remodeled his home after he purchased it to suit his own style and activities, and he probably had some help from his wife.  Not a competitive effort at all.

The purchase of live stock was consistent with E J's interest in farming.  He manufactured dairy equipment and when life got comfortable he wanted to be a gentleman farmer....and he had the money to purchase whatever he wanted.   Wegeman was his busines's not unusual for partners to collaborate in areas outside of their core business.  Farming was more a recreation for E J than an income generating effort.  I guess he could have bought ceramic lawn ornaments of horses, cattle and pigs and set out in his yard with his herd.

Purchasing from siblings was pretty common since family members would often help each other.  Buying land, equipment or livestock from a sibling, or with a sibling, is a common practice.....even today. There might be some contributing factors that caused in interest in selling the age, health or changing priorities.

Building homes on Reed Street.....without doing more research I cannot be certain but I have a pretty good idea what was going on at the time.  The theory that Rosemary is trying to conjure up to make some erroneous point doesn't add up......but that's never stopped her before.  It's clear Rosemary has her teeth in the house story and will follow the very predictable course I laid out in a previous blog. 

Then in the spring of 1900 E J took Addie to Cuba for a vacation.  This is the wife he beat regularly according to Rosemary.  He must have taken her on vacation so he could beat her up in other states and countries......   And Addie writes a travelogue that never once mentions getting beaten up by her husband.  How could this be?  Rule of thumb and all that garbage.

It would have been more convenient if E J had thrown Addie off the boat on the return trip from Cuba.  That way there wouldn't be any discussion on the depth of the grave or the jewelry.

I've seen some interesting documents and heard some anecdotes from the Cuba trip that were fun. Someday I might provide those to the LM Historical Society.  The point is that E J mixed business with pleasure on this trip and made more expenditures....hardly the sign of a man short on cash.

The Rosemary suggests E J was spreading his finances pretty thin with the expenditures he made in the spring of 1900.  This is unfounded and contrary to Rosemary's previous claim that he was the richest man in town......or one of the richest......or something along those lines.  He had made quite pile of money already.......and he still was collecting income from his dairy equipment company.  Rosemary has no idea how much money E J had and is about to make some irresponsible statement about what she doesn't know.

The summary from this Addie blog entry is that Rosemary is about to launch two conspiracy theories.  One regarding the houses on Reed Street and the other about E J's money.  Neither of which will have basis in historically supported fact.......although there might be a little factual information mixed in to try to add legitimacy.

It's too bad Rosemary can't write about her great, great aunt instead of making up false information about E J.  Unfortunately, Addies accomplishments could be compiled in 8 point font on a tri-fold page and there would be plenty of white space.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Follow the money

I've been thinking about posting this for some time.  Clearly Rosemary Thornton has long ago exposed her true motives for pursuing E J with so much vigor and vinegar.  Her actions include manufacturing history, inventing various characters, omission of key parts of documents, misrepresentation of physical and historical evidence and presentations containing false and unsupported conclusions. 

Several of the people, including me,  that have reviewed the Addie Hoyt Fargo information as presented by Rosemary conclude the motive cannot be anything more than money.  Why else woiuld she spend this much time compromising her integrity?

Think about the kit home books, for example.  The purchasers and readers of these books are a niche group that is not going to make anyone wealthy.  However, if Rosemary can drive more people to her blog by dramatizing Addie Hoyt Fargo she may be able to increase sales of her kit homes books. 

I'm going to step to the side on this discussion to be snarky for a little bit.

Sears opened up all their files on kit homes a while ago and that made the job a lot easier to locate the homes.  I think Rosemary has gotten local people to take most of the pictures and not been traveling as much as she claims.....  Much cheaper and easier to get people to do your work for free........
She still practices that by utilizing the Lake Mills chapter of the Desperate Housewives of Norfolk to get here Addie research done.

According to Amazon, Rosemary wrote a book titled something about 'An Ugly Woman's Guide to Internet Dating'.  I wonder if she notes in that book that some women's character makes them ugly clear to the bone?

Back to original post.

The other driver Rosemary attempted was to include in her blogs key phrases that are high volume internet searches.  More people would come to her blog when they were really looking for information on something else.  Some might actually keep returning to follow the dramatic, but untrue, events surrounding Addie Hoyt Fargo.  The lowest point in this exercise was when Rosemary included Caylee Anthony in her blog.  I called her out on this at the time.  To exploit the situation surrounding this horrible event is inexcusable.

Rosemary has been all over the web spreading the same false information.  She created (or edited) a wikipedia entry on E J, wrote a review on Mary Wilson's book on Amazon and posted to a forum on  All posts include murder, of course.

Rosemary continues to prostitute her great, great aunt (or is it great aunt, it changes) and villify E J.  My goal is to separate the fact from the fiction......the 'fact' has long ago been discarded......and expose her false information as much as possible.  If Rosemary appears publicly on this subject I will attend, if possible, or expose her presentation in some other way.  If Rosemary is on television I will contact the show and the FCC.  And if she writes a book I will determine my legal options to bring her to justice.

As I've stated previously.......If Rosemary wants to write a book it should be fiction and the names, dates and locations changed to protect all the innocent people whose character and integrity she has damaged.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Every Funeral Tradition of the Time Was Violated By This Burial… (Part II)

Refutation of Addie Hoyt Fargo blog 2/13/2012

Different day, same old stuff.....making up conclusions based on thin air and re-stating them as facts.

To second guess the reaction to Addie's death and the following actions without any physical or historical supporting evidence is just plain irresponsible.  There's nothing like Monday morning quarterbacks to decide what "should have been done".

The message in this blog is that unusual circumstances were employed to bury someone that was believed to have a deadly and virulent form of diphtheria.  Very likely, but so what?  The neophyte Dr. Oatway made the diagnosis (historical record) and the decision to bury Addie post haste was made by more than  E J.  Hildebrandt, Oatway and others were involved in making sure the community was not exposed unnecessarily to the disease.   Makes sense to rational people since community leaders are charged with protecting the population.

E J did the best he could under the circumstances (supported by historical record).  Nice coffin, decent hole in the ground, friend and relatives attended and a minister to provide last rights.  Supported by historical record.

No foul play was indicated (forensic record, historical record).

The grave was 34 inches deep before any artifacts were found (measured by the grave digger and sexton).  The ground was uneven...........maybe it was 40 inches from the other side.  Really doesn't matter since it was obvious the grave contents had moved around after interment (observation and corroboration from forensic experts).

Diphtherial may have been contracted in a trip to Portage (obituary, historical record). 

Duration of disease is not known specifically but Addie had been ill for more than two days (obituary).

The death of typhoid in Florida has no bearing on the conduct of the people in Lake Mills.  Neither does the presence of a diptheria antitoxin.  Read the account......Addie was dead by the time the diagnosis was made (historical references). 

It's easy to separate facts and fiction...... simply stop reading the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog and the fiction is eliminated from the conversation.

How Long Does it Take to Dig a Grave?

Refutation of the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated 2/10/2012

This particular entry is a joke.

Rosemary invented the notion that E J and the hired man (another piece of fiction Rosemary invented) dug the grave.  May play well to the Desperate Housewives of Norfolk but no historical evidence exists.  This is pure fiction.

The idea that there was 10-12 inches of dirt over the grave is way beyond fiction.  It's a lie since Rosemary was standing grave side and knows the first artifacts were found at 34 inches.  At least 3 feet of dirt must have been on top of the grave.  See other blog posts that clarify this point.

Mitchell is correct.  It's not a valid depth....that's because he was shown a carefully selected picture that Rosemary could coerce and influence him with.  If he had been there his statementy would be different.  Same tactic was used to claim spousal abuse.......  I don't know why people are not more inquisitive when their expertise is being requested......   Ego maybe?  Rosemary tried this game with Dr. Peterson but he was wise enough to avoid falling for it.  That didn't stop Rosemary from lieing about the results of her conversation with Dr. Peterson.

The blog reader that says that as a concrete person E J knew the grave needed to be deeper.  First of all, he didn't dig the grave......the concept of him being out there with a shovel is just plain ludicrous.
Second, the poor reader actually believes the depth Rosemary claims, which is not truthful.

So the grave was 34 inches deep before any artifacts were found matching Mitchell's minimum requirements.  The grave diggers probably worked from sun up until they were done with the job.  And who says there was only two or that one took a break while the other worked.  Assumption not base on fact.  More Monday morning quarterbacking.

I will reiterate - the grave was easily within depth parameters.  There was not a vault available due to timing.  The funeral was proper with a nice coffin and religious service.  It's the only reasonable conclusion based on the physical evidence and historical references.  Any other conclusion is conjecture for dramatic purposes and unsupported in many ways.  Of course this was the best funeral that could be done at the time under the conditions of a deadly contagious disease.  Rosemary's contention that Addie was 'thrown into the ground' is for dramatic means nothing based on historical record.

There isn't any evidence that the grave was already closed at the funeral...none whatsoever.  Yet Rosemary is twisting the historical information to support her irresponsible handling of factual information.  It's slanted interpretation of the obituary to come up with this.

Note that the links at the bottom go back to the Addie blog... The supporting information for Rosemary's outrageous claims........ are her outrageous conclusions made previously.

Far too much inaccuracy in this Addie post to clean up with a snow shovel.  I am sympathetic to Mitchell and Bowles for being taken advantage of by Rosemary.....they need to be more careful next time. 

Where’s Addie’s House?

Comments about the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated 2/12/2012

I found this blog entry to be curious for one particular reason.  Watch how this story evolves and see if I can predict this accurately.

First there's this newspaper article.  Pretty innocuous in it's own right.  There is probably far more information being withheld by Rosemary that is being shared.....her typical approach.

In a week or so Rosemary will write something that begins with "I wonder...." or some similar phrasing

About a week later or so Rosemary will restate that "I wonder...." question as if it's absolute fact.

After it ferments for a while look for an entry that says something along the lines that she has definite and absolute proof that supports her statement.

Most if not all will be fiction and the Desperate Housewives of Norfolk will be congratulating her on the wonderful research and how the evidence is "tipping off the scales". 

Villfying E J unfairly the whole's a replay of the same mythology over and over again.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Every Funeral Tradition of the Time Was Violated By This Burial

Refutation of Addit Hoyt Fargo blog dated 2/9/12

Here we go again on a wild goose chase making accusations and drawing conclusions base on thin air creation of conspiracy theory.  Clearly Rosemary is laying the foundation for additional false allegations as she has done before.  It would be nice to believe that this is the entirety of the conversation with Mitchell but as I noted previously, Rosemary has misrepresented information intentionally to support her wild accusations - see my notes on a Peterson  conversation with Rosemary and Rosemary stating he confirmed Addie didn't die of diphtheria......she wasn't truthful about that conversation and I doubt she is being truthful about the conversation with Mitchell........or least not totally truthful.  It's a credibility problem that she has failed to come to grips with.

I'll take the easy ones first.

Addie's death was a big deal in Lake Mills.  The historical records support that. premise.

Addie was buried in her shoes and without her jewelry because that was what she had on when she died.  It's more logical to expect her to lie down with her shoes on after being up all day and feeling fatigued....probably expecting to get up later after taking a nap.  Mitchell was right....she died with her boots on and the body was carefully put in a coffin and taken to the cemetery where the mourners paid their respects.....the friend and relatives attended that were not afraid of catching a dreaded disease.  And buried in a proper grave considering the circumstances.
See my previous notes on Rosemary misrepresenting the depth of the grave..and the rest of the story.

Then Rosemary proceeds to state that the presence of the shoes proves that Addie was murdered.  Again, a statement that ludicrous is to be expected but that doesn't make it accurate.  If you go through the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog you'll find that Rosemary makes similar statements about everything.  Even in aggregate these claims are sufficient to prove her case.

Mitchell also confirms that Addie was buried in the best casket available.  There is no doubt that the casket was pretty upscale with a viewing window to not endanger the mourners and very nice metal handle brackets.  It's not like Hildebrandt ran a casket warehouse........not in a town the size of Lake Mills and no time to ship one in from Iowa or Milwaukee.

The lack of a vault means's pretty binary. Either there was one available or not...and there wasn't one available.  I'm curious about the details where Mitchell says they had a coffin with a crushed lid.  Wonder where that vault was and how that could have possibly happened.  Addie's coffin had a glass viewing window....think about it.  Maybe I'll call Mitchell and ask him a few questions.....unless he's been coached by Rosemary like I think Bowles was.

Mitchell also confirms the depth of the grave was adequate, even if there is not way to determine the original depth.  He states 3 feet to protect the body from animals.....the first remains were found at 34 inches....last time I studied a yardstick the 34 inch mark at just shy of the 3 foot mark.  The idea that Mitchell was surprised that 34 inches was shallow has to be because Rosemary misrepresented the actual depth...........which she does repeatedly in her blog.  Mitchell's confirmation that 3 feet is plenty puts aside the rest of Rosemary's "wonderment" in this blog entry.

With the amount of Addie's remains that were found there is no chance there was animal invasion.....just plain didn't happen.  I'm sure in a future blog post Rosemary will make this factual information and the Desperate Housewives of Norfolk will be all over it like flies on manure.

I can't speak to the urgency for burial of a diphtheria patient in Iowa or Illinois but these two passages come from the history of a family of doctors in Middleton, Wisconsin.  This was sent to me by another person who thinks Rosemary is incorrect with her conspiracy theories.

In the late 19th century the medical landscape was still grim. Smallpox, tuberculosis, diphtheria,typhoid, meningitis, and measles were rampant and carried a high mortality.

Diphtheria was a big killer of families and was looked upon with horror.  People dying of this disease were buried at dusk with only the minister and the doctor at the grave. All others were outside the cemetery wall.

I'll give you the URL to follow up on this.....because what I write is transparent.....nothing to profit motive.  Lake Mills was not the most sophisticated community and I'm convinced Oatway, Hildebrandt and the rest provided the best services they could with their knowledge base.  It's easy for Mitchell and Bowles to be a 'Monday morning quarterback'....not so easy to be in fray at the time.

Way too much is misrepresented in this Addie blog entry for me to summarize all the bad information.. 
Increasingly the laughable 'evidence' that Rosemary generates without historical support suggests she is desperate to make money out of this somehow.  I'm saving my thoughts on that aspect for a separate, future blog.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

No Funeral Director Was Involved in Addie’s Burial (Part II)

Refutation of the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog 2/7/2012

This was interesting.  The assumption is that the coffin was nailed shut.....that's what Rosemary told Bowles, anyway.  The part that is most entertaining is the comment about how "we're assuming" and " because of the size and placement of the nails".  When I was standing at grave side there was minimal organization to the artifacts being removed.  "Placement" is subjective and unsupported by any physical or historical evidence.  Apparently Rosemary is now an expert in the construction of coffins.

There wasn't any closing and locking hardware found with the other artifacts.  However, I will continue to repeat that all the artifacts taken were recovered from a 3 X 3 foot area at one corner of the grave.  The artifacts were found under 34 inches of soil.  That doesn't substantiate the original depth of the grave since it's obvious the materials within the grave were compressed from the original position into a relatively small area and there is strong indication that not all artifactes were found and removed from the grave.  The forensic report states 'breakage and fragmentation of other bones appears most consistent with frost heave' - see the report in a different entry in this blog.  This doesn't necessarily mean the grave was shallow when it was dug .  It does confirm that over the course of 110 years various topographical, meterological, geological and botanical factors came into play and shifted the contents around.  Eventually, the bones were moved up to the point where frost was a factor.

It is irresponsible for someone to state that the original grave depth can be determined accurately.

So, let's assume the coffin lid was nailed shut just for giggles...........since it cannot be confirmed;  and there wasn't a locking mechanism since none was found.   Assume from the obituary that friends and relatives attended the funeral .  At least the funeral attendance has historical reference to support it.  Seems logical to me to nail the lid shut to protect the attendees from running the risk of contracting diphtheria.  Even Bowles admits some coffins were shut wood on wood without a closing mechanism.  The other reason to secure the cover might be because of the lack of a vault to protect the reamins over time.  

Now to the 'animal disturbance'.  It's  pretty obvious from the amount of skeletal remains found that there wasn't any animal disturbance.   Poor Bowles was operating on the false information he received from Rosemary that the grave was 'only 34 inches deep' - an obviously untruthful piece of information.  Knowning that Rosemary told him that was the depth of the grave pretty much invalidates most of his conclusions.  I've seen Rosemary perform this 'slight of hand' before.....kind of a bait and switch interview.  See the video presented to the Lake Mills - Aztalan Historical Society for a really good example of making something out of nothing.

The rest of this is the same old incorrect, unsupported, inaccurate and untruthful information I always find in the Addit Hoyt Fargo blog.
The idea that there wasn't a funeral director involved is ludicrous considering the description of the funeral in the obituary.
The concept of Enoch digging the grave himself in the middle of the night is not only unsupported but has been invented by Rosemary out of thin air......same with the unnamed 'hired man'. 
Enoch was not in charge of the legal considerations of the burial.  It was properaly reported and the lack of a burial permit (the only missing document) that Rosemary is trying to exploit wasn't being enforced as evidenced by the other graves from the same historical period lacking a burial permit.

I gave Bowles the benefit of the doubt figuring he was duped into making statements and drawing conclusion on the false information Rosemary provided.  Now I've changed my mind.  I've called him twice and he doesn't take my calls and he's had nearly a week to get back to me.  I thought a conversation might be of value to clarify and codify his thinking.  There's a world of difference between asking about a grave that is 34 inches deep and asking about the normal depth of a grave in 1901.
Maybe Olsen, the funeral director that took charge of Addie's remains, might have an opinion on the depth of the grave.....who knows....he wasn't interviewed.......maybe I'll give him a call.

I've decided to put a section at the end of each blog entry to summarize the  incorrect, unsupported, inaccurate and untruthful information..........might as well throw in unethical and questionable.  Makes it easier later to see just how many times I read the same false information.   Others are welcome to contribute to this list.  Here we go...............

Assumed the lid was nailed shut - unsubstantiated, no historical support.
Niether Bowles nor anyone else can question the approach of the funeral director or the doctor since this was their call and they made it based on their knowledge and experience.
When Rosemary says 'this and other clues' in relation to the grave she fails to list those clues.  The shallow grave theory is untruthful and inaccurately portrayed.
'Illegal burial' is subjective and not based on factual information, historical record or practice at the time.
'Enoch didn't turn to a funeral director'  - unsupported. Quite the contrary, seems like mourners were grave side for the religious service.  More likley, from the historical account, there was a funeral director involved.
'Enoch didn't have the stamina' - this statement is foundation for later claims.  Enoch didn't dig the grave.  This statement if completely unsupported and is bordering on unethical.
'Falseified the death certificate' - no supporting evidence of any kind.  Also bordering on unethical.
'I'm choking....' may not have been entirely accurate when Addie said it but she was clearly aware she was in respiratory distress.  To exploit this part of the obit is typical for someone desperately trying to make any kind of a case.  Breathing is a two part body function.  Addie may have had enough air in her lungs to speak audibly without being able to take in air.
Not quoting the entire passage of Mary Wilson's book, as I have in a different post, is quite simply....not ethical for any historian.
Too bad Rosemary's relatives were so dull that she has to pick on Enoch........the man that raised Addie's social status, cared for her and gave her everything she ever wanted.
Lastly, Enoch did not murder Addie as Rosemary claims.  There hasn't been any firm evidence that proves there was any foul play in Addie's demise.
Bowles reputation and expertise is compromised by Rosemary selectively providing information and not giving him the complete picture to work from.  While he answered her questions truthfully, based on his learning and experience, he was probably wrong since the information given him was wrong.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Addie Hoyt Fargo Newspaper Resolutions

Following are the newspaper resolutions related to the death of Addie Hoyt Fargo.
The first one is the Woman's Club.  Sounds like Addie was pretty active with this group.  Must have been difficult in between all the spousal abuse Rosemary claims happened.  Of course all that rhetoric is unfounded and false.

DAR recognizes Addie for her contributions in the second resolution.  I still wonder if Addie became a member because of one of E J's relatives.  I know he had a relative that served in the Revolutionary War.  Not sure about Addie's relatives since Rosemary has spent substantially more time on E J than collecting the history of her own family - at least in her blog. 

The last part is from the annual high school Alumni Reunion.  This article gets cut off after a bit but the relevant part is near the bottom.  It states regrets for Elsie and Mattie (two surviving daughters of E J) Fargo's forced absence.  Most probably that would be because they were quarantined in the house......that would be the logical conclusion.....even if it's not the most dramatic.


Addie Hoyt Fargo Complete Obituary

Obitiuary from Newspapers Follows
With some help from a friend I was able to recover the complete obituary for Addie Hoyt Fargo.  Rosemary has carefully used bits and pieces to make her false case that Addie was the victim of foul play.  She doesn't have any evidence to support that notion but continues to wander around the wilderness with "experts" to see if she can drum up any shred of information to support her premise.   Nothing is supported by historical documents or logical thought.  More on this later when I blog about "follow the money".

The obituary, probably written by the editor of the paper, is the account of Addie's death from disease.  Oatway is quoted that the disease may have been contracted on a recent trip to Portage.  I can't imagine what would be in Portage in 1901 that would interest Addie unless it was a women's club of some sort.  Portage was not the major hub of fashion, or much else at this point in history.  More of a shipping port along the Wisconsin River.

The next paragraph or two talks about Addie's relatives and family.  Not a lot about her relatives.  Of interest is the passage "a faithful, affectionate wife, the pride of a devoted husband".  There isn't any reason or evidence to suggest the relationship between the two was different than described in the obituary.

The last two paragraphs describe the funeral which is far different from the dramatic writings in the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog.  Relatives and friends attended to show sympathy and place roses on the casket.  Hardly the dramatic "thown in a shallow grave in the dead of night"; or whatever Rosemary incorrectly writes.  The burial services were conducted by Rev. W. W. Warner.  Sounds like a proper burial to me and any other person that can put together two logical thoughts......unless a person were to have a profit motive - like Rosemary.  More on that subject later.

Again, I'm going to point out the coffin had a viewing window for the mourners to see the deceased.  Not one person left historical record that anything was unusual with the death or funeral of Addie.  Quite the contrary, the obituary clearly states all actions and activities were transparent.  The latest ridiculous argument from Rosemary about not having a funeral director involved doesn't make any sense since there was a formal funeral.  I'll expose that blog entry separately when time permits.  


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Addie Hoyt Fargo Cause of Death Confirmed

This article in a local paper tells the story by people who had direct contact with a person that lived in the house at the time Addie Hoyt Fargo died.  The conclusion that Addie died of black diphtheria has more credibility than anything than anything Rosemary has ever written.  I'll be posting more articles that challenge the veracity of the false information Rosemary has been publishing on tbe Addie Hoyt Fargo blog over the next week or so.  

Monday, February 6, 2012

“No Funeral Director Was Involved in Addie’s Burial…”

Refutation of the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated 2/04/12

Once again Rosemary has gotten reference material from, probably, a very honorable person by misrepresenting the facts surrounding the grave of her distant relative.....and very likely not reporting the conversation contents accurately.

Two notes to mention before going on.......
1. In a pevious blog I stated that Rosemary couldn't care less about the people she negatively affects.  Mr. Bowles' credibility could be at risk if Rosemary had not qualified the conversation correctly.   I've tried to reach out to Mr. Bowles to ask him several follow up questions to no avail.
2. In one of the previous Addie blogs Rosemary states that in a conversation with Dr. Peterson he definitively told her Addie did not die of  diphtheria, contrary to the forensic report.  I spoke with Dr. Peterson and he said the conversation occurred but he never told her that Addie did not die of diphtheria.  He stood by his forensic report.  The reporter from the Lake Mills Leader spoke with Peterson about the same time and received the same response from him.  Again, Rosemary didn't care at all about Peterson's reputation.  But this points to the great lengths Rosemary will go to further her search to make money out of this somehow.  Peterson told me that Rosemary would be happy with only one conclusion - and she didn't get that from the exhumation.

Back to the untruthful and unfounded statements in this blog.  I thought most of  this had been put to rest but apparently the Desperate Housewives of Norfolk aren't done fawning over Rosemary.

Starting at the beginning.  Rosemary simply is not being truthful when she states the grave was 34 inches deep.  There is photographic and video evidence that proves 34 inches is where the power digging stopped and the first artifacts were found.  Again.....hand digging continued from that point.  This is how poor Mr. Bowles got roped in and fortunately Rosemary makes it clear she was searching for information on a grave 34 inches deep.........saving Mr Bowles' reputation.
Mr. Bowles answered accurately to the question he was asked.  The question was inaccurate.  I particularly like the part where Mr. Bowles states "Something isn't right here".  Once again he is correct.  Rosemary gave him bad information and he was sharp enough to question that information.  I'm sure the rest of Bowles statements were laundered by Rosemary for her purposes. 

Another Bowles statement of interest is the depth of a casket from top to bottom.  He refers to this being generally 24 inches.  Whether Rosemary intended or not.....she confirmed the grave likely was 5 feet (shovel depth) deep.  The bottom line is that the grave was deeper than 34 inches.  I appreciate the confirmation.

I stand my earlier is impossible to determine the exact depth of the original grave since most of the contents were compressed into a 3 X 3 foot area in one corner.  While it's tiresome to continue to respond to same false claim about the grave's depth I can keep it up as long as Rosemary keeps telling the same tale.

The embalming question has been asked and answered.  Why this is being revisited is beyond reason.  At the exhumation hearing the lack of embalming was openly discussed by the judge.  Of course Addie wasn't embalmed.  The practice was to get the contagious disease in the grave as soon as possible.  The funeral director wouldn't be comfortable handling the body (and body fluids) any more than necessary.  Since embalming was an option that step was skipped.  Rosemary claims embalming kills many diseases.....but the embalmer is exposed to the disease throughout the complete process and the location would also be at risk of contamination.  Figure it out for pete's sake.

After that Bowles or Rosemary makes some inaccurate statements, probably because the poor man was led into making summary judgements based on the false informatoin given him by Rosemary.  The burial was quick because of disease and not for any other reason.  I'll research this further in the future but I believe there was a funeral attended by friends....  There was a viewing window in the casket to see the deceased without being exposed to disease.  There is probably something easy to find in the Lake Mills Leader describing the funeral.  I can see a big gala if the person was older and died after many years of life but this was a young woman struck down by disease at a relatively early age.

Mr. Bowles errs (unintentionally) when he makes the statement that a funeral director was not involved.  This statement, again, was the result of inaccurate and false information Rosemary gave him.  Expect Rosemary to run with this in future blogs as if some expert with ALL the information and background made statements.  That's how is reputation will be tarnished.  The interesting part is the document with the indication of Hansen and Hildebrandt.  Somehow, someway Rosemay has derived, without any historical record, that only a casket was purchased.  How does that work?  Addie climbs into the coffin and E J kills her, I guess.  There are just way too many holes in this theory to make any sense.  Of course there was a funeral director involved.  There was a sexton and the sexton's job was to verify the burial permit (I believe).  Rosemary continues to provide the evidence that invalidates her theories....keep up the good work. 

The case presented by Rosemary in this blog is way over the top, again. I feel badly for Mr Bowles being sucked into this scam.

Now to the shoes and jewelry.  According to historical record Addie was feeling better during the day before she died and was up and around.  Very likely she laid down after becoming tired and didn't bother to take off her shoes.  That accounts for the shoes.......
The jewelry argument is answered similarly.  Addie was up and around....not getting dressed to go out or for dinner.  She simply didn't put on her jewelry.  When she died she didn't have it on....there was a hurry to get her in a coffin before others in the house were exposed.  Perhaps jewelry was put in the coffin, maybe not.  It's not relevent either  way.

The focus on the jewelry is inconsequential to anything else in the wildy awry tale of Addie, as told by Rosemary. The only reason to keep harping about it must be because Rosemary thinks she should get 'something' for her efforts and the dramatic effect it creates. I would guess it either got buried or discarded.

I can tell you the complete grave was not exhumed.  There could still be artifacts, along with the remaining skeletal parts, in the grave.   Many of the metacarpal and phalange bones were not found as well as vertabrae, upper jaw and a host of other remains.  Any number of artifacts could still be in the ground at that grave site, including the jewelry.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Eleven Signposts That Suggest A Suspicious Death #2

In this particular signpost Rosemary uses some fairly strong language to convince the reader that Oatway conspired to cover up Addie's death.  Surprisingly, this is one of the few times logic and accuracy creep into what is normally invalid assertions.  As I stated under signpost #1 there is substantial differences between law and enforcement. 
There isn't any historical record on the distribution of responsibility but it seems unlikely that the doctor would be responsible for the burial permit.  Seems like a disconnect between the two tasks would be more appropriate.
The more people involved in the burial process the less likely there was a cover up....figure it out.  There's the funeral director, the doctor, the grave diggers, Robert Fargo, the cemetery sexton
To state definitively that Oatway lied without any supporting evidence is not only unfair but irresponsbile for a historian...............this statement should be qualified as an assumption and not a statement.
All the rhetoric about fumigation seems unrelated to the other claims in this signpost and doesn't directly support the primary argument.....  Fuigation is listed here for foundation for making outlandishly unsupported statements later.
The more people involved in the burial process the less likely there was a cover up....figure it out. There's the funeral director, the doctor, the grave diggers, Robert Fargo, the cemetery sexton, the fumigators, the hired help, other member of the household and a host of other locals.  The notion that all these people were in on some conspiracy and nobody said anything except Oatway when he was on his death bed (a later claim) simply doesn't make sense.
On a personal note:  It still looks like the "32" burial permit was written by someone else.  If you look at the '2' in the body of the death certificate there is a loop at the top and at least some of the numbers have quite a tail on them.  The '2' in '32' lacks the loop at the top and tail at the end.  Since there was such a strong emphasis and discipline on penmanship in the 19th century many writing styles were close.  Robert Fargo may be the person who actually entered the number on the death certificate.  Worth looking at sometime when I'm in Lake Mills and can find some other comparisons.  This observation is a curiosity and not meant to launch some other conspiratorial investigation.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Eleven Signposts That Suggest A Suspicious Death #1

Signpost #1 actually contains historically accurate information at the beginning but then devolves into some sort of conspiracy theory rhetoric.
All of the information in the first two paragraphs are based on historical documents.  There was a state law requiring certain protocal when people died and were buried......but not any indication of whether that protocol was enforced......  Lots of legislation doesn't get enforced for many reasons today....I can only imagine that was more likely a century ago before electronic records.
A question that I would raise is whether it was Oatway's job to assign the burial permit number.  I'm not a handwriting expert but the "32" (and some of the other writing at the end) seems to be a different 'hand' than the rest.  In the division of responsibility I guess it could be possible the Robert Fargo was the keeper of the burial permit numbers and Oatway was responsible for the statement of cause.  It seems odd to me that a doctor would have that much vertical responsibility.  If he did it's no wonder it got screwed up.
Addie wasn't the only person without a burial permit in the cemetery.  There were several others in about the same immediate point in time.  I have no reason to second guess the findings at this URL:

This URL is actually pretty entertaining.........and has lots of accuracy.

At the end of signpost #1 Rosemary proceeds to draw conclusions to support her claims of foul play saying the absence of a burial permit is "compelling" evidence.  I think not, since there are others interred without a burial permit or the permit was issues after the burial.  I guess Rosemary's research didn't look at the broader picture.
Oatway didn't "falsify" the death certificate, he wrote what he believed was correct.  Rosemary makes this statement and I guess the idea is the burial number is wrong, or something.  It's an unrelated statement hanging out in space that she uses later to build a conspiracy.  Oatway would have signed anything put in front of him.  He was a doctor, not a bureaucrat, and nobody was holding his feet to the fire .  The time of day when the documents were created is not indicated.  If it was 3:00 AM I could see that mistakes could happen..but it could have been after burial for all that is known today.  Could have been many days after burial (or months) when Oatway decided he should catch up on his paper work........
In item 1c where the funeral director is now complicit in the cover up.  Of course there was a funeral director involved.  He supplied the casket, if nothing else; since no embalming took place. This is such a reach it's laughable.

I've mentioned this before......applying today's standards to more than a century ago is irresponsible.  There isn't any decent historical record on division of responsibilityand yet Rosemary continues to indicate that today's standards apply.  That is wrong.....
The reason we have checks and balances today is because there wasn't any enforcement initially.

See the signposts at:

Eleven Signposts That Suggest A Suspicious Death (Overview)

This is the URL to this entry in the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog date 11/24/2011, in case you can't get this to open in a browser window.

In this particular entry Rosemary stitches together a handful of historically accurate events together with conspiracy theory and assumptions to present a case that Addie was murdered.
While there is some historically factual information ( probably the last entry that has factual information in the entire blog) the expansion of these to create a fabric of conspiracy doesn't hold together.

Just before the first signpost there is a statement along the lines of:  "facts we've discovered along the way".  Then the blog diverts from the facts..................whenever it needs to in order to make the argument.

 Once again, Rosemary leaves out the relevant parts of Mary Wilson's book that make it clear that this was a rumor that she first heard circa 1981. More on this can be found in other parts of the Enoch J. Fargo blog.

I'll tackle these one or two at a time since I actually have some other life activities that keep me busy.....and going after all 11 at once makes my sides hurt from laughing.

When you read the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog separate out the facts from the theory and assumption and you will find the entirety of the facts is one fairly short paragraph.

The key to understanding the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog entry is to look at the circular logic used to support the key assumptions.  I'll point these out along the way.  Essentially, in one signpost there is a qualified statement and then in a subsequent signpost the statement is treated as factual information.  Interesting but doesn't make it a statement of fact.