Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Where is Addie Hoyt Fargo?

Where is Addie Hoyt Fargo today?   It's been four months since Rosemary pulled her remains out of the ground and away from her friends, relatives and caring husband; under false pretenses.  The remains were (supposed to be) cremated and taken to Virginia to be reburied where the ashes didn't belong.  Since then.......What?!?!?!

Maybe I missed a blog entry but I'm pretty sure Rosemary wouldn't miss an opportunity to write, daily, about her experience putting the ashes in the ground.  I'm sure she would be so emotionally exhaused that only the Desperate Housewives of Norfolk would be able to provide solace.

Rosemary got all the mileage she could out of the digging up her distant relative and I guess that was about as far as she could go because she had to turn her attention to, once again, vilifying E J. 

Possibly the glycerin tears are on back order for all the Desperate Housewives to display their feelings. They should check with the local thespian groups.

Like I said, I may have missed those blog entries since there is so much dreck that's been published on the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog it's challenging to sort it out.

Here is Rosemary's pound of flesh......I mean bones.  "Alas poor Addie, I knew her Horatio".....with apologies to Shakespeare.

Cremation is a pretty basic process according to this website:
The body is place in an oven and burned - that would remove just about everything by skeletal structure.  Since all that was left of Addie was skeletal structure this step might not have been needed.

Then the metal is removed  from the remaining parts and the rest is ground up into powder and put in an urn, plastic box or some other container.  Based on the quantity I saw at grave side I doubt there is much weight left - maybe a pound.

However, Addie has one gold tooth and I don't know what might have happened to that.  Maybe Rosemary sold it to defer her expenses.

The summary of the results of Rosemary's work over the last nine months is a missing burial permit.....which might have existed but cannot be found.   Certainly not a unique event for Rock Lake Cemetery for that point in history (supported by historical records).

I am offering to pay for the re-interment of Addie's remains in her original grave in Rock Lake Cemetery thus keeping Rosemary from incurring more expense.  I'm hopeful she will take me up on this offer.


  1. I think I know the next rabbit trail she'll run down... Enoch killed her for that tooth. Enoch! Why didn't you just ask!

  2. I think she is so cold blooded that she had Addie's remains shipped to Norfolk by UPS. Fed up with Rosie's B. S.

  3. As a disabled veteran, I resent Rosemary Thornton hiding behind the first admendment; along with freedom of speech comes responsibility to truth. USN


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