Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Hawleys: One of the First Families of Jefferson County (Wisconsin)

Response to Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated 2/25/2012

Except for a little bit about the Hawley's this is the same dreck that was in Rosemary's previous blog about the Hoyts.   The Captain seemed to be more of a gentleman farmer having made his money earlier in life as a ship captain.

'Prettiest farmland' is subjective whether it appeared in the LM Leader, or not.   There is a lot of very pretty farmland around Milford.

I'll have to see the LM Leader articles that support Rosemary's claims about Addie's characteristics.

Other than that...............same old drum being beaten about the same old manure.


  1. I doubt that "Captain" Hawley was a sea caption, more likely he gave himseld that title based on his involvement in a militia.

  2. I would have to agree with Captain Hawley's being a honorary "captain". What did he do when he retired from the sea? Walk inland with an oar until someone asked him what it was? There were captains and colonials galore in the 1800's.....A truly salty dog

  3. He could have been a sea captain and how he ended up in Wisconsin might have made for an interesting story - one which would have been much more interesting than the one Rosemary is making up about EJ Fargo and Addie. I can't help but wondcer what it is/will be like for anyone in that family attempting to do online genealogical research as the internet is flooded with hits that lead to the sears blog. As for the sea captain, he no doubt wanted to get to Milford, so he would be on time to be a pawn in the Enoch and Addie saga which RM is fabricating.


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