Monday, February 27, 2012

Addie Hoyt Fargo - How I know it's' only about money

Over the last 9, or so, months I have been certain that Rosemary's contention that Addie was abused and murdered by E J was initiated by a motive to make money.  Others have also posted comments confirming they see the same motive.  It wasn't hard to figure out.  The sheer enormity of her accusations, twisting of history, invention of characters and events and false claims are abolutely ludicrous.  I could go through the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog cataloging all the errors, missteps and contradictions creating a summary, and will someday, but time doesn't permit me to tackle a task that large right now.   I've read that Rosemary is going back and correctly some of the most egregious tripe.

I'll start this conversation and hope others add in their comments.

According to Rosemary she didn't know she had relatives in Lake Mills until her (insert relative relationship here) died.  Rosemary claims she is 52 years old.  That means that for more than 50 years, more than 30 adult years, she never asked her relative about her past.  Not once in all those years was her ancestry important enough to her to sit down with an aging relative and collect the recollections of the past.  But she did find and preserve the two photo albums......and now Addie is her obsession. 

By the way, it would be interesting to find out where Rosemary's relative spent holidays......alone sounds about right since the interaction with Rosemary doesn't appear to be very often, and I'm certain it was unpleasant. 

The next step was to get to Lake Mills without spending any of her money.  She found a willing ally in the Lake Mills - Aztalan Historical Society.  Not sure what they coughed up to get Rosemary there to speak but it was wasted money.  I hope I'm wrong that any money came from the Society's treasury.

Rosemary knew that it wouldn't be sufficient to talk about the photo albums and show the pictures of Addie and the Fargos.  Since she had practically no knowledge that wasn't already recorded she wouldn't have much to say.  After a few phone calls and some help from a colleague that had some PhotoShop experience Rosemary hatched the spousal abuse angle to sell to the local historical society folks.  And thus it goes.........more than 50 minutes of fiction that was put together from a single over exposed photograph,  a willing helper with PhotoShop and a vivid imagination.  Even Rosemary isn't clamoring about this part of her story very much any longer.......she must recognize how silly the whole thing is.  Unfortunately, the local chapter of the Desperate Housewives of Norfolk ate it up....and are still performing free services to Rosemary.

Next on the list were Tom and Barry.  These two had a marketing interest in anything that might generate more business; the Fargo Mansion Inn has a link to the URL for the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog.  Since they had heard Mary Wilson say a few things it was easy to take those conversations out of context and "guide" her to say what they wanted to hear.  She was at a weaker point in her life, very trusting and may have actually believed some of what she was saying.  Rosemary seized on the passage in Mary's book which she has twisted continuously by leaving out the relevant portions about Addie's demise being a rumor.  That speaks more to Rosemary's (lack of) character and (monetary) intentions.

Since then it's been one piece of poor historical research and reporting after another.  The total body of work is a truck load of rubbish

I was able to catch her in a big time lie when she claimed in conversation with Dr. Peterson that he confirmed that Addie had not died of diphtheria, contrary to the forensic report.  I called Dr. Peterson, as did the reporter from the Lake Mills Leader, and he confirmed the call occurred but denied Rosemary's claim; standing  by the forensic report. 

Rosemary also misrepresented the events at  the cemetery when Addie was disinterred.  While there were a number of people there nobody has come forward to refute her "depth of grave" claims and inconsistencies.

From the beginning Rosemary has incorporated the Addie blog into the kit homes blog.  Driving people to that might increase the sales of her books.  And she flooded the internet anywhere she could with false information and her false accusations - all leading back to her blog site.  She even tried to incorporate popular search engine names and phrases in her blog titles to bring in more people.  Maybe it paid off............I hope not.

I could go on for hours but most of the people who read my blog have already seen and read the information I'm referencing.   I'll continue to expose the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog for what it really is.....a marketing tool for kit homes books..............and I'll act to change anything I find on the internet.  Please keep posting the URLs that refer to Enoch and Addie.


  1. Oh my goodness... I think Enoch was a serial killer!

    Nellie Electa Smith died 30 April 1901 PERMIT#21
    Carrie Joslin died 9 May 1901 NO PERMIT
    Addie Hoyt Fargo died 19 June 1901 NO PERMIT
    Mary L. Sondermann died 21 June 1901 NO PERMIT
    John Smith died 26 June 1901 PERMIT #22


    Since FaceBook and I have had a major falling out, I'm posting this link directly.
    The last comment on this link from last fall says it all - someone who grew up in Lake Mills and didn't know the Fargo mansion had a dark past - until Rosemary appeared on the scene. A

  3. Something that has bothered me for a long time is why Thornton's father, a man who was so obsessive that he kept a scorecard on roach kill, hadn't ever, not once, mentioned to Rosemary about a rumor in the family that her great, great aunt had died mysteriously. She also says that she regrets not asking her grandmother about her ancestry. This, of course, implies that even her grandmother hadn't heard of anything untoward happening to one of her relatives. Her grandmother would surely have mentioned something to her daughter, who would have passed it on to her own, genealogically obsessed daughter. None of this happened because there was no family history of any kind about abuse or murder, Thornton has made all this "history" up out of whole cloth.
    Thornton is trying to elevate herself with her distant, distant relatives and impress everyone with her "exhaustive research" reading the Lake Mills Leader. Rosemary has not been back to the L. D. Fargo Library since last fall, so how is she reading the microfiche copies of the paper? Once again someone is doing her "research".
    Thornton has tried to weave a picture of a distant relative who she nor anyone in her family even knew existed. She even goes so far to state that Addie Fargo was a great dancer; now how in the hell would she know that after 110 years? She, of course, simply made it up, trying to suck her readers into a picture of Addie Fargo that is pure fiction. Do any of you have sympathy for Addie? Go back and read what is supported by facts, by history, and you will find that there is nothing there that would indicate that Addie Fargo was anything other than the wife of EJ Fargo; she doesn't appear in history until Enoch Fargo made her his wife.
    I believe that Rosemary Thornton is doing a great disservice to the Hoyt and Hawley families in trying to picture them as anything other than what they were; honest, hard working farmers. They were one of the many unsung heroes that tamed the frontier and made this country great. What is wrong with that? "Trolling" for the truth. Charlie.

  4. Has anyone wondered why no recognized, published historians have waded in on this whole story? It's because it is pure fiction. The newspapers picked up this story because of the totally off the wall, crazy woman, who digs up a corpse even after being told by a judge and an anthropologist, that she could prove nothing. Who can resist Man Bites Dog? Laughing my a.. off, Ernie.

  5. I feel sad that people want to believe the worst about people. I believe they suffer from negative self-elevation and even when evil has no support in fact, they want to believe. Ask yourself who has gained anything from this internet scam, certainly not Addie Fargo's memory. Rosemary Thornton has desecrated the final resting place of Addie Fargo, a woman unknown to her, so distantly related that no one in her family had so much as uttered her name, a woman that someone else had to research and identify. Trying to sell to people that she is "giving voice" to Addie Fargo when the only "voice" one can hear is Rosemary Thornton's. The Lord gives voice, not Rosemary Thornton. William

  6. This is ego personified. Disgusted in Norfolk, VA

    1. Thank you for your comment. I find Rosemary's ego disgusting, as well. Thank you for agreeing.

  7. A source of the glorification of Addie is the newspaper descriptions. Another, the photos of a smiling woman in nice clothes (except the photo where everyone was looking into the sun.)
    Much is made of the glowing terms in which the newspaper describes her, such as "witty, intelligent, articulate, sophisticated, talented..." Anyone who has done any reading at all - at all - of newspapers of that time knows darn well that that is what they did - went way over the top in descriptions of anyone they wrote about.
    And Addie was the family's "shining star??" So shining that no one seemed to know about her, remember her... none of the senior generations (Addie's descendents) had a photo of her displayed in the home??
    And the shining star meaning the rest of the family was what - dullards?? And why could she be a shining star - because she married someone who was able to provide well for her?? Would she have founded a DAR chapter if she had married a farmer and had the dutyies of a farm wife?
    Al the T

  8. Once again, Addie Fargo was EJ Fargo's wife. He enabled her to be who she was, pure and simple. Henry

  9. I want to thank you for exposing the TRUTH. I have to be honest and admitt that when this story first captured my attention, I was ignorant and buying into all the BS. After reading your posts, I feel so stupid for believing all the hype/lies and not looking at the facts. I am one person you reached and I went from believing "poor Addie" was murdered by her "abusive, monster of a husband" to realizing there is nothing to back any of it up. I thank you for opening my eyes, teaching me a lesson and apologize for being so ignorant and believing something that is obviously based on someone's crazy obsession.

  10. Hello & Thank You for publishing the "other side" to these fabricated theories by a "wanna be . . successful" author. I use that them "authhor" with liberty - no dis respect meant to those who actually are reputable authors. RT has a vivid imagination, and a quest for a purpose - that is clear. The sad thing about this scenario, is how she finds it her personal quest with no regard of respect for the deceased. "Poor Addie" is more appropriately for the recent events of her exhumation from the resting place she once had. Bone fragments, seflishly collected and ushered away for part of a personal collection. This is deplorable behavior, similar to making lampshades of human flesh - in my personal opinion. People of position past or present face great challenges to accomplish their life goals and aspirations. Enoch J. was .. an enterpreneur. He was a man of conviction, and deserves respect for his achievements. Why - so many years after his death, and that of his wives, must this man be the center of controversy? Why can't we just admire him for his contributions, and let him rest in peace?. . along with his deceased family members. Warning to all visionaries & persons of accomplishment . . . BEWARE that someday your achievements may be tainted by those who envy you - even while you are SUPPOSED to be resting in PEACE. Shame on RT - for her selfish disregard and exploitations of her predecessors. Obviously - we are not all "dealt" the same deck. Coming from magnificence - does NOT guarantee that you exhibit the same qualities, traits, and charachteristics of the family members who have come and gone before you. Ignorance does not constitute in any way the forum or basis for any GOOD story. My "hat" is off to Mr. Enoch J. Fargo! I doubt he ever was a dubious man, in fact I believe that he was a man of conviction that was the foundation for his success. I doubt that he beacame a murderer - RT you are WAY OFF BASE! Do your homework, form your opinions, but stop making your quest for profit at the expense of the deceased. May ALL of the generous Fargo Family members REST IN PEACE. RT - Find a new topic. Better luck next time, maybe get some education while you are waiting for your next inspiration. Shame on you Rosemary . . .


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