Friday, February 10, 2012

Addie Hoyt Fargo Complete Obituary

Obitiuary from Newspapers Follows
With some help from a friend I was able to recover the complete obituary for Addie Hoyt Fargo.  Rosemary has carefully used bits and pieces to make her false case that Addie was the victim of foul play.  She doesn't have any evidence to support that notion but continues to wander around the wilderness with "experts" to see if she can drum up any shred of information to support her premise.   Nothing is supported by historical documents or logical thought.  More on this later when I blog about "follow the money".

The obituary, probably written by the editor of the paper, is the account of Addie's death from disease.  Oatway is quoted that the disease may have been contracted on a recent trip to Portage.  I can't imagine what would be in Portage in 1901 that would interest Addie unless it was a women's club of some sort.  Portage was not the major hub of fashion, or much else at this point in history.  More of a shipping port along the Wisconsin River.

The next paragraph or two talks about Addie's relatives and family.  Not a lot about her relatives.  Of interest is the passage "a faithful, affectionate wife, the pride of a devoted husband".  There isn't any reason or evidence to suggest the relationship between the two was different than described in the obituary.

The last two paragraphs describe the funeral which is far different from the dramatic writings in the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog.  Relatives and friends attended to show sympathy and place roses on the casket.  Hardly the dramatic "thown in a shallow grave in the dead of night"; or whatever Rosemary incorrectly writes.  The burial services were conducted by Rev. W. W. Warner.  Sounds like a proper burial to me and any other person that can put together two logical thoughts......unless a person were to have a profit motive - like Rosemary.  More on that subject later.

Again, I'm going to point out the coffin had a viewing window for the mourners to see the deceased.  Not one person left historical record that anything was unusual with the death or funeral of Addie.  Quite the contrary, the obituary clearly states all actions and activities were transparent.  The latest ridiculous argument from Rosemary about not having a funeral director involved doesn't make any sense since there was a formal funeral.  I'll expose that blog entry separately when time permits.  


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