Friday, February 3, 2012

Eleven Signposts That Suggest A Suspicious Death (Overview)

This is the URL to this entry in the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog date 11/24/2011, in case you can't get this to open in a browser window.

In this particular entry Rosemary stitches together a handful of historically accurate events together with conspiracy theory and assumptions to present a case that Addie was murdered.
While there is some historically factual information ( probably the last entry that has factual information in the entire blog) the expansion of these to create a fabric of conspiracy doesn't hold together.

Just before the first signpost there is a statement along the lines of:  "facts we've discovered along the way".  Then the blog diverts from the facts..................whenever it needs to in order to make the argument.

 Once again, Rosemary leaves out the relevant parts of Mary Wilson's book that make it clear that this was a rumor that she first heard circa 1981. More on this can be found in other parts of the Enoch J. Fargo blog.

I'll tackle these one or two at a time since I actually have some other life activities that keep me busy.....and going after all 11 at once makes my sides hurt from laughing.

When you read the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog separate out the facts from the theory and assumption and you will find the entirety of the facts is one fairly short paragraph.

The key to understanding the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog entry is to look at the circular logic used to support the key assumptions.  I'll point these out along the way.  Essentially, in one signpost there is a qualified statement and then in a subsequent signpost the statement is treated as factual information.  Interesting but doesn't make it a statement of fact.

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