Wednesday, February 29, 2012

“Our Trip to the Black Hills” by Addie Hoyt Fargo (1899)

Comments on Addie Hoyt Fargo  blog dated 2/27/2012

I might have been incorrect in my assumption of Addie's education level.  Looks like Addie may have finished high school. Rosemary has manufactured quite of bit of history and mangled enumerable pieces of factual information.  I'm at the point where I need to see it to believe it.

I do think it's nice that Rosemary printed up the essay that Addie wrote on her trip to the Black Hills.  The points that are of particular note is that she continues to refer to herself as Mrs. Enoch J. Fargo in the byline.  Proud to be the wife of E J, no doubt. 

In this essay, as well as the letters from the trip the Cuba, Addie sounds like a great time was had by all....except for those that were sea sick on the Cuba voyage.  There is not one indication that she is unhappy with her husband or her lot in life.  I recognize that Rosemary hasn't been 'beating the drum' about spousal abuse lately......probably because it was so ridiculous to begin with that it makes her look foolish........  The subsequent letters and essay from Addie refutes those claims that Rosemary leveled

Rosemary continues to claim E J murdered Addie even though she has no evidence to support a crime ever happened.  She continues to manipulate the passage in Mary Wilson's book as if it helps her case....when in reality she shows her desperation to save face.

It's nice that Rosemary has started writing about here if she would stop inserting murder whereever she can and would clean up the rest of the internet  she would, at least, acted in good faith.



    Ah yes, 2 published accounts... a book of ghost stories and another book she is misquoting.

    And about that "incredible paper trail..." Was the brand name Charmin??

  2. What wonderful things Addie would have accomplished if only she hadn't married Enoch! - according to Rosemary. Yup, opportunities were umlimited for single women at that time - the sky was the limit. And anyone who believes that has been living in a cave since birth. (And she's basing it on the adjectives used by the newspapers of the time. Much as Henry James seemed to get paid by the comma, old newspaper writers seemed to be paid by the adjective.


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