Monday, February 13, 2012

Where’s Addie’s House?

Comments about the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated 2/12/2012

I found this blog entry to be curious for one particular reason.  Watch how this story evolves and see if I can predict this accurately.

First there's this newspaper article.  Pretty innocuous in it's own right.  There is probably far more information being withheld by Rosemary that is being shared.....her typical approach.

In a week or so Rosemary will write something that begins with "I wonder...." or some similar phrasing

About a week later or so Rosemary will restate that "I wonder...." question as if it's absolute fact.

After it ferments for a while look for an entry that says something along the lines that she has definite and absolute proof that supports her statement.

Most if not all will be fiction and the Desperate Housewives of Norfolk will be congratulating her on the wonderful research and how the evidence is "tipping off the scales". 

Villfying E J unfairly the whole's a replay of the same mythology over and over again.


  1. Why, where could it be?? It was just here 110 years ago.

  2. So pleased I found your blog. I started following Rosemary after seeing an article in a genealogy newsletter, but like so many others, became quickly frustrated with her reliance upon opinion and motivation of a book deal to colour her conclusions. I commented several times on her blog, noticing that comments which were supportive of her investigation were published, and later comments, as I began to see the errors, inconsistencies and suppositions masquerading as fact, were not published. When a critical comment I made was not published, I blogged about it myself (

    What I've found very interesting about this entry in your blog is its reference to a blog dated 2/12/2012: I've just checked her site and there is no longer any entry of that date at all. There's "The Fargo Mansion in The News - Then and Now" on the 11th and then "“Every Funeral Tradition of the Time Was Violated By This Burial…” (Part II)" on the 13th. Nothing left on the 12th.


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