Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Follow the money

I've been thinking about posting this for some time.  Clearly Rosemary Thornton has long ago exposed her true motives for pursuing E J with so much vigor and vinegar.  Her actions include manufacturing history, inventing various characters, omission of key parts of documents, misrepresentation of physical and historical evidence and presentations containing false and unsupported conclusions. 

Several of the people, including me,  that have reviewed the Addie Hoyt Fargo information as presented by Rosemary conclude the motive cannot be anything more than money.  Why else woiuld she spend this much time compromising her integrity?

Think about the kit home books, for example.  The purchasers and readers of these books are a niche group that is not going to make anyone wealthy.  However, if Rosemary can drive more people to her blog by dramatizing Addie Hoyt Fargo she may be able to increase sales of her kit homes books. 

I'm going to step to the side on this discussion to be snarky for a little bit.

Sears opened up all their files on kit homes a while ago and that made the job a lot easier to locate the homes.  I think Rosemary has gotten local people to take most of the pictures and not been traveling as much as she claims.....  Much cheaper and easier to get people to do your work for free........
She still practices that by utilizing the Lake Mills chapter of the Desperate Housewives of Norfolk to get here Addie research done.

According to Amazon, Rosemary wrote a book titled something about 'An Ugly Woman's Guide to Internet Dating'.  I wonder if she notes in that book that some women's character makes them ugly clear to the bone?

Back to original post.

The other driver Rosemary attempted was to include in her blogs key phrases that are high volume internet searches.  More people would come to her blog when they were really looking for information on something else.  Some might actually keep returning to follow the dramatic, but untrue, events surrounding Addie Hoyt Fargo.  The lowest point in this exercise was when Rosemary included Caylee Anthony in her blog.  I called her out on this at the time.  To exploit the situation surrounding this horrible event is inexcusable.

Rosemary has been all over the web spreading the same false information.  She created (or edited) a wikipedia entry on E J, wrote a review on Mary Wilson's book on Amazon and posted to a forum on  findagrave.com.  All posts include murder, of course.

Rosemary continues to prostitute her great, great aunt (or is it great aunt, it changes) and villify E J.  My goal is to separate the fact from the fiction......the 'fact' has long ago been discarded......and expose her false information as much as possible.  If Rosemary appears publicly on this subject I will attend, if possible, or expose her presentation in some other way.  If Rosemary is on television I will contact the show and the FCC.  And if she writes a book I will determine my legal options to bring her to justice.

As I've stated previously.......If Rosemary wants to write a book it should be fiction and the names, dates and locations changed to protect all the innocent people whose character and integrity she has damaged.

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