Monday, February 13, 2012

How Long Does it Take to Dig a Grave?

Refutation of the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated 2/10/2012

This particular entry is a joke.

Rosemary invented the notion that E J and the hired man (another piece of fiction Rosemary invented) dug the grave.  May play well to the Desperate Housewives of Norfolk but no historical evidence exists.  This is pure fiction.

The idea that there was 10-12 inches of dirt over the grave is way beyond fiction.  It's a lie since Rosemary was standing grave side and knows the first artifacts were found at 34 inches.  At least 3 feet of dirt must have been on top of the grave.  See other blog posts that clarify this point.

Mitchell is correct.  It's not a valid depth....that's because he was shown a carefully selected picture that Rosemary could coerce and influence him with.  If he had been there his statementy would be different.  Same tactic was used to claim spousal abuse.......  I don't know why people are not more inquisitive when their expertise is being requested......   Ego maybe?  Rosemary tried this game with Dr. Peterson but he was wise enough to avoid falling for it.  That didn't stop Rosemary from lieing about the results of her conversation with Dr. Peterson.

The blog reader that says that as a concrete person E J knew the grave needed to be deeper.  First of all, he didn't dig the grave......the concept of him being out there with a shovel is just plain ludicrous.
Second, the poor reader actually believes the depth Rosemary claims, which is not truthful.

So the grave was 34 inches deep before any artifacts were found matching Mitchell's minimum requirements.  The grave diggers probably worked from sun up until they were done with the job.  And who says there was only two or that one took a break while the other worked.  Assumption not base on fact.  More Monday morning quarterbacking.

I will reiterate - the grave was easily within depth parameters.  There was not a vault available due to timing.  The funeral was proper with a nice coffin and religious service.  It's the only reasonable conclusion based on the physical evidence and historical references.  Any other conclusion is conjecture for dramatic purposes and unsupported in many ways.  Of course this was the best funeral that could be done at the time under the conditions of a deadly contagious disease.  Rosemary's contention that Addie was 'thrown into the ground' is for dramatic means nothing based on historical record.

There isn't any evidence that the grave was already closed at the funeral...none whatsoever.  Yet Rosemary is twisting the historical information to support her irresponsible handling of factual information.  It's slanted interpretation of the obituary to come up with this.

Note that the links at the bottom go back to the Addie blog... The supporting information for Rosemary's outrageous claims........ are her outrageous conclusions made previously.

Far too much inaccuracy in this Addie post to clean up with a snow shovel.  I am sympathetic to Mitchell and Bowles for being taken advantage of by Rosemary.....they need to be more careful next time. 

1 comment:

  1. In the winter of 1972 I worked for the City of Lake Mills and was a part of the crew that removed three 80 foot elms from the east side of the north/south road closest to the EJ Fargo family plot. These trees were no more than 20 yards from the burial plot. The root system for a tree this size is usually twice the canopy of the tree. These trees would have pushed around the content of every single grave within a hundred yards of them, and did.
    I don't know how deep they buried people in Ohio or Iowa or anywhere else for that matter, but in Rock Lake Cemetery the rule of thumb was the length of a shovel handle, I learned this from the guys who really knew how to handle the shovel and not from someone who sat on their a-- and collected the money.
    Depth of the grave had not one damn thing to do with critters, that was the coffins job. No amount of dirt will stop a burrowing animal if it has the scent of food. By the time a critter would have gained access it would have been dust to dust.
    Next ol' Rosie will come up with a gopher expert. I would try Bill Murray.


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