Saturday, February 11, 2012

No Funeral Director Was Involved in Addie’s Burial (Part II)

Refutation of the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog 2/7/2012

This was interesting.  The assumption is that the coffin was nailed shut.....that's what Rosemary told Bowles, anyway.  The part that is most entertaining is the comment about how "we're assuming" and " because of the size and placement of the nails".  When I was standing at grave side there was minimal organization to the artifacts being removed.  "Placement" is subjective and unsupported by any physical or historical evidence.  Apparently Rosemary is now an expert in the construction of coffins.

There wasn't any closing and locking hardware found with the other artifacts.  However, I will continue to repeat that all the artifacts taken were recovered from a 3 X 3 foot area at one corner of the grave.  The artifacts were found under 34 inches of soil.  That doesn't substantiate the original depth of the grave since it's obvious the materials within the grave were compressed from the original position into a relatively small area and there is strong indication that not all artifactes were found and removed from the grave.  The forensic report states 'breakage and fragmentation of other bones appears most consistent with frost heave' - see the report in a different entry in this blog.  This doesn't necessarily mean the grave was shallow when it was dug .  It does confirm that over the course of 110 years various topographical, meterological, geological and botanical factors came into play and shifted the contents around.  Eventually, the bones were moved up to the point where frost was a factor.

It is irresponsible for someone to state that the original grave depth can be determined accurately.

So, let's assume the coffin lid was nailed shut just for giggles...........since it cannot be confirmed;  and there wasn't a locking mechanism since none was found.   Assume from the obituary that friends and relatives attended the funeral .  At least the funeral attendance has historical reference to support it.  Seems logical to me to nail the lid shut to protect the attendees from running the risk of contracting diphtheria.  Even Bowles admits some coffins were shut wood on wood without a closing mechanism.  The other reason to secure the cover might be because of the lack of a vault to protect the reamins over time.  

Now to the 'animal disturbance'.  It's  pretty obvious from the amount of skeletal remains found that there wasn't any animal disturbance.   Poor Bowles was operating on the false information he received from Rosemary that the grave was 'only 34 inches deep' - an obviously untruthful piece of information.  Knowning that Rosemary told him that was the depth of the grave pretty much invalidates most of his conclusions.  I've seen Rosemary perform this 'slight of hand' before.....kind of a bait and switch interview.  See the video presented to the Lake Mills - Aztalan Historical Society for a really good example of making something out of nothing.

The rest of this is the same old incorrect, unsupported, inaccurate and untruthful information I always find in the Addit Hoyt Fargo blog.
The idea that there wasn't a funeral director involved is ludicrous considering the description of the funeral in the obituary.
The concept of Enoch digging the grave himself in the middle of the night is not only unsupported but has been invented by Rosemary out of thin air......same with the unnamed 'hired man'. 
Enoch was not in charge of the legal considerations of the burial.  It was properaly reported and the lack of a burial permit (the only missing document) that Rosemary is trying to exploit wasn't being enforced as evidenced by the other graves from the same historical period lacking a burial permit.

I gave Bowles the benefit of the doubt figuring he was duped into making statements and drawing conclusion on the false information Rosemary provided.  Now I've changed my mind.  I've called him twice and he doesn't take my calls and he's had nearly a week to get back to me.  I thought a conversation might be of value to clarify and codify his thinking.  There's a world of difference between asking about a grave that is 34 inches deep and asking about the normal depth of a grave in 1901.
Maybe Olsen, the funeral director that took charge of Addie's remains, might have an opinion on the depth of the grave.....who knows....he wasn't interviewed.......maybe I'll give him a call.

I've decided to put a section at the end of each blog entry to summarize the  incorrect, unsupported, inaccurate and untruthful information..........might as well throw in unethical and questionable.  Makes it easier later to see just how many times I read the same false information.   Others are welcome to contribute to this list.  Here we go...............

Assumed the lid was nailed shut - unsubstantiated, no historical support.
Niether Bowles nor anyone else can question the approach of the funeral director or the doctor since this was their call and they made it based on their knowledge and experience.
When Rosemary says 'this and other clues' in relation to the grave she fails to list those clues.  The shallow grave theory is untruthful and inaccurately portrayed.
'Illegal burial' is subjective and not based on factual information, historical record or practice at the time.
'Enoch didn't turn to a funeral director'  - unsupported. Quite the contrary, seems like mourners were grave side for the religious service.  More likley, from the historical account, there was a funeral director involved.
'Enoch didn't have the stamina' - this statement is foundation for later claims.  Enoch didn't dig the grave.  This statement if completely unsupported and is bordering on unethical.
'Falseified the death certificate' - no supporting evidence of any kind.  Also bordering on unethical.
'I'm choking....' may not have been entirely accurate when Addie said it but she was clearly aware she was in respiratory distress.  To exploit this part of the obit is typical for someone desperately trying to make any kind of a case.  Breathing is a two part body function.  Addie may have had enough air in her lungs to speak audibly without being able to take in air.
Not quoting the entire passage of Mary Wilson's book, as I have in a different post, is quite simply....not ethical for any historian.
Too bad Rosemary's relatives were so dull that she has to pick on Enoch........the man that raised Addie's social status, cared for her and gave her everything she ever wanted.
Lastly, Enoch did not murder Addie as Rosemary claims.  There hasn't been any firm evidence that proves there was any foul play in Addie's demise.
Bowles reputation and expertise is compromised by Rosemary selectively providing information and not giving him the complete picture to work from.  While he answered her questions truthfully, based on his learning and experience, he was probably wrong since the information given him was wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Is money that important that a person would completely trash the reputation of one's own ancestor by rewriting history? Will Addie be remembered now for the good she did or for a completely fabricated "scandal?"
    Is money that important that the reputation of another family is continually being smeared and the burden of proof has been on that family because of the malicious lies?
    Is money that important that the reputation of living persons is being brought down because they are being unwittingly sucked in and used in this awful scheme - having been fed misinformation and lies?
    Apparently the answer has proved to be "yes."
    A published writer should know about ethics and truth. In fact any human being should.


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