Monday, February 6, 2012

“No Funeral Director Was Involved in Addie’s Burial…”

Refutation of the Addie Hoyt Fargo blog dated 2/04/12

Once again Rosemary has gotten reference material from, probably, a very honorable person by misrepresenting the facts surrounding the grave of her distant relative.....and very likely not reporting the conversation contents accurately.

Two notes to mention before going on.......
1. In a pevious blog I stated that Rosemary couldn't care less about the people she negatively affects.  Mr. Bowles' credibility could be at risk if Rosemary had not qualified the conversation correctly.   I've tried to reach out to Mr. Bowles to ask him several follow up questions to no avail.
2. In one of the previous Addie blogs Rosemary states that in a conversation with Dr. Peterson he definitively told her Addie did not die of  diphtheria, contrary to the forensic report.  I spoke with Dr. Peterson and he said the conversation occurred but he never told her that Addie did not die of diphtheria.  He stood by his forensic report.  The reporter from the Lake Mills Leader spoke with Peterson about the same time and received the same response from him.  Again, Rosemary didn't care at all about Peterson's reputation.  But this points to the great lengths Rosemary will go to further her search to make money out of this somehow.  Peterson told me that Rosemary would be happy with only one conclusion - and she didn't get that from the exhumation.

Back to the untruthful and unfounded statements in this blog.  I thought most of  this had been put to rest but apparently the Desperate Housewives of Norfolk aren't done fawning over Rosemary.

Starting at the beginning.  Rosemary simply is not being truthful when she states the grave was 34 inches deep.  There is photographic and video evidence that proves 34 inches is where the power digging stopped and the first artifacts were found.  Again.....hand digging continued from that point.  This is how poor Mr. Bowles got roped in and fortunately Rosemary makes it clear she was searching for information on a grave 34 inches deep.........saving Mr Bowles' reputation.
Mr. Bowles answered accurately to the question he was asked.  The question was inaccurate.  I particularly like the part where Mr. Bowles states "Something isn't right here".  Once again he is correct.  Rosemary gave him bad information and he was sharp enough to question that information.  I'm sure the rest of Bowles statements were laundered by Rosemary for her purposes. 

Another Bowles statement of interest is the depth of a casket from top to bottom.  He refers to this being generally 24 inches.  Whether Rosemary intended or not.....she confirmed the grave likely was 5 feet (shovel depth) deep.  The bottom line is that the grave was deeper than 34 inches.  I appreciate the confirmation.

I stand my earlier is impossible to determine the exact depth of the original grave since most of the contents were compressed into a 3 X 3 foot area in one corner.  While it's tiresome to continue to respond to same false claim about the grave's depth I can keep it up as long as Rosemary keeps telling the same tale.

The embalming question has been asked and answered.  Why this is being revisited is beyond reason.  At the exhumation hearing the lack of embalming was openly discussed by the judge.  Of course Addie wasn't embalmed.  The practice was to get the contagious disease in the grave as soon as possible.  The funeral director wouldn't be comfortable handling the body (and body fluids) any more than necessary.  Since embalming was an option that step was skipped.  Rosemary claims embalming kills many diseases.....but the embalmer is exposed to the disease throughout the complete process and the location would also be at risk of contamination.  Figure it out for pete's sake.

After that Bowles or Rosemary makes some inaccurate statements, probably because the poor man was led into making summary judgements based on the false informatoin given him by Rosemary.  The burial was quick because of disease and not for any other reason.  I'll research this further in the future but I believe there was a funeral attended by friends....  There was a viewing window in the casket to see the deceased without being exposed to disease.  There is probably something easy to find in the Lake Mills Leader describing the funeral.  I can see a big gala if the person was older and died after many years of life but this was a young woman struck down by disease at a relatively early age.

Mr. Bowles errs (unintentionally) when he makes the statement that a funeral director was not involved.  This statement, again, was the result of inaccurate and false information Rosemary gave him.  Expect Rosemary to run with this in future blogs as if some expert with ALL the information and background made statements.  That's how is reputation will be tarnished.  The interesting part is the document with the indication of Hansen and Hildebrandt.  Somehow, someway Rosemay has derived, without any historical record, that only a casket was purchased.  How does that work?  Addie climbs into the coffin and E J kills her, I guess.  There are just way too many holes in this theory to make any sense.  Of course there was a funeral director involved.  There was a sexton and the sexton's job was to verify the burial permit (I believe).  Rosemary continues to provide the evidence that invalidates her theories....keep up the good work. 

The case presented by Rosemary in this blog is way over the top, again. I feel badly for Mr Bowles being sucked into this scam.

Now to the shoes and jewelry.  According to historical record Addie was feeling better during the day before she died and was up and around.  Very likely she laid down after becoming tired and didn't bother to take off her shoes.  That accounts for the shoes.......
The jewelry argument is answered similarly.  Addie was up and around....not getting dressed to go out or for dinner.  She simply didn't put on her jewelry.  When she died she didn't have it on....there was a hurry to get her in a coffin before others in the house were exposed.  Perhaps jewelry was put in the coffin, maybe not.  It's not relevent either  way.

The focus on the jewelry is inconsequential to anything else in the wildy awry tale of Addie, as told by Rosemary. The only reason to keep harping about it must be because Rosemary thinks she should get 'something' for her efforts and the dramatic effect it creates. I would guess it either got buried or discarded.

I can tell you the complete grave was not exhumed.  There could still be artifacts, along with the remaining skeletal parts, in the grave.   Many of the metacarpal and phalange bones were not found as well as vertabrae, upper jaw and a host of other remains.  Any number of artifacts could still be in the ground at that grave site, including the jewelry.

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