Friday, February 3, 2012

Eleven Signposts That Suggest A Suspicious Death #1

Signpost #1 actually contains historically accurate information at the beginning but then devolves into some sort of conspiracy theory rhetoric.
All of the information in the first two paragraphs are based on historical documents.  There was a state law requiring certain protocal when people died and were buried......but not any indication of whether that protocol was enforced......  Lots of legislation doesn't get enforced for many reasons today....I can only imagine that was more likely a century ago before electronic records.
A question that I would raise is whether it was Oatway's job to assign the burial permit number.  I'm not a handwriting expert but the "32" (and some of the other writing at the end) seems to be a different 'hand' than the rest.  In the division of responsibility I guess it could be possible the Robert Fargo was the keeper of the burial permit numbers and Oatway was responsible for the statement of cause.  It seems odd to me that a doctor would have that much vertical responsibility.  If he did it's no wonder it got screwed up.
Addie wasn't the only person without a burial permit in the cemetery.  There were several others in about the same immediate point in time.  I have no reason to second guess the findings at this URL:

This URL is actually pretty entertaining.........and has lots of accuracy.

At the end of signpost #1 Rosemary proceeds to draw conclusions to support her claims of foul play saying the absence of a burial permit is "compelling" evidence.  I think not, since there are others interred without a burial permit or the permit was issues after the burial.  I guess Rosemary's research didn't look at the broader picture.
Oatway didn't "falsify" the death certificate, he wrote what he believed was correct.  Rosemary makes this statement and I guess the idea is the burial number is wrong, or something.  It's an unrelated statement hanging out in space that she uses later to build a conspiracy.  Oatway would have signed anything put in front of him.  He was a doctor, not a bureaucrat, and nobody was holding his feet to the fire .  The time of day when the documents were created is not indicated.  If it was 3:00 AM I could see that mistakes could happen..but it could have been after burial for all that is known today.  Could have been many days after burial (or months) when Oatway decided he should catch up on his paper work........
In item 1c where the funeral director is now complicit in the cover up.  Of course there was a funeral director involved.  He supplied the casket, if nothing else; since no embalming took place. This is such a reach it's laughable.

I've mentioned this before......applying today's standards to more than a century ago is irresponsible.  There isn't any decent historical record on division of responsibilityand yet Rosemary continues to indicate that today's standards apply.  That is wrong.....
The reason we have checks and balances today is because there wasn't any enforcement initially.

See the signposts at:

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