Friday, February 24, 2012

Addie's Relatives Died of Disease - Go Figure

In the latest Addie Hoyt Fargo blog entry there is some actual information about Addie's (Rosemary's) relatives.  I thought maybe that would be the trend for a while since there has been little or nothing about Addie's family after hours of combing through the Lake Mills Leader.  But alas, Rosemary couldn't resist creating some tie between the deaths of Addie's relatives and a tie in comment about Addie being murdered. 

Six of Addie's relatives died of disease but it never enters Rosemary's mind that Addie could have died of disease.  The historical accounts and records all indicate Addie died of disease but that isn't sufficient.  Not one shred of physical evidence points to a death other than by disease, but that's not good enough.

Rosemary has painted herself into a corner, of course.  She can't back down without losing credibility and as she continues down the path she is going with Enoch she loses credibility.   A logical and rational person would back off - would have backed off last November - but not Rosemary.  Still needs to make money out of this some how.

Since the whole Rosemary concept is fiction I continue to suggest she should write a novel changing the names, dates and location.  Maybe she can sell that...................but I doubt it.


  1. What Rosemary is not telling her readers is that Addie could have, quite simply, picked up the phone and called her sister. Or got on the train, or written a letter, sent a telegram; but she didn't because she was happy in her marriage. Can't you leave her that?
    Also, if she could have mailed off a couple photo albums, why couldn't she have written a letter?
    If one were to look at all those photographs objectively, one would surmise that EJ gave Addie everything...clothes, horses, carriages, sleighs, a mansion, money to burn, travel, servants, a spec home to build on Reed, jewelery, and most telling, as many cats as she wanted! I believe that these photos were "look what I have", addressed to Wilbur because he didn't want Addie to marry an older man and she proved him wrong.
    If Rosemary was abused by a husband, I have empathy for her; but that in no way excuses what she has done to Enoch and Addie Fargo's legacy! Chuck

  2. With all the above-named options Addie had to contact relatives and friends, and as visible (literally) as she was in the community, the statements that she had to send clues to her relatives isn't even funny. It's badly written fiction. I can imagine a conversation with a trusted employee... "Addie, why don't you call your family??" "No, I'll just put this photo in the center of an album page and send it. They'll understand better than if I talk to them."
    And the rhapsodizing over/dwelling on people who have been dead for over 100 years poor poor little ErnieVernie, those darling little hands, Oh the beautiful Addie, she died so young... is nothing short of sick. Go through any cemetery and read the newspaper on absolutely any day and you'll see people who died young and died tragically.
    Addie's been abused, but not by Enoch. It is by her own descendant. Now let the woman rest in peace, where ever her ashes are stashed. al

  3. Wow, there's a comment on dirt under Ernie's fingernails in the photo . How much did the photo have to be enlarged to see that?? And why?? Better check his ears too.

  4. "She can't back down without losing credibility". That say's it all. Why say the things about someone that she says and have no evidence. A missing record means Enoch commited murder? Come on! I would think someone who deals in historic research would know better than to convict someone with such information that she claims is evidence. Addie was sick for several days and died and was buried like many contagious people where in that period. The method of handling diseased corpses varied. It really is a shame that a wife could be separated from the plot shared by her loved ones and taken so far away and all for nothing. Poor Addie is right.

  5. You can't lose something you never had.

    1. And again, how does that convict Enoch of murder?

  6. She'll keep trying, though she never had any credibility. Anyone who has to enlarge a photo to the point where they can see a persons fingernails is pretty desperate. And to answer your question - it doesn't. a

  7. Just in case anyone might be looking for infomation about Sears houses, try
    I don't believe the other one can be trusted, it doesn't seem to have any factual information on it anymore.

  8. It should be no surprise that she continues to pursue this. It was announced before her arrival in LM that she intended to write a book about Addie. Further, if one reads what she writes, it is clear that they are "chapters" - weak knees, ropes and ladders and all. Since she's already poisoned even a fiction book as the characters would be easily recognizable, she has enough sentences to win the Bulwer-Lytton contest until the Earth is dust in the universe. a

  9. How could she call herself any kind of "historian" when she hadn't even bothered to find out when the telephone came to Lake Mills. (1880) Or mentioned the telegraph, or the train. With all the mistakes she has reported I can't tell if her supporters are gullible and just stupid. waitn' for a train, in Omaha


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